You know how Simon is a jerk? Well I find myself 95% of the time agreeing with him. He says what I think. I am a singer and i know who can sing and who can't i may notice a good singer and stil not like them but i will give them the respect they shoudl receive.
Paula gets on my nerves because she doesn't want to say bad things. She's all fluff unless you really suck and then she says whatever Randy says. When Simon says what she really wanted to say she takes a second to react to him like "Oh don't say that" I can tell she agrees with him.
Randy is right about 70% of the time. He knows pitch and voice but he's a nerd anyway. I bet he was a big dork in school!
Haha...omigod I am talking about American Idol. I never would have a year ago. This is the first time i have watched this show because i knew it would annoy me. It kinds does.
The only one that Simon likes that I wish would just fade away is the red haired kid. He sucks at being Frank Sinatra and sucks at everything else. Wake up America! Hello!
Now Matt Rogers I don't care if he gets voted off because then he can move into my bedroom and just be there when I get home...yummm...haha. I just wanna squeeze him.
I like Amy Asher. She loves being up there and is happy. When she gets a good song look out. Like "Country Night" she was awesome!
Latoya is wonderful also. I ususally hate the "I an in my daddies gospel choir" attitude but she is a good performer and i hope she goes far. I think that even if she doesn't win she will most certainly have a gig when all is said and done.
I h-a-t-e the way Fantasia sings. I an using the word hate about her voice. Her attiude sucks as well. "the curse" speech. Hello? Gullable? Her family isn't going to forgive you or whatever happened between the families because you are on AI it's because they want to be famouse also. They want to say they are related to and AI contestant. Wake up! Can't stand her.
JPL I don’t' like his voice but like Simon says, America loves him so he's gonna stay. He's fun but I don't see him winning. If he does that's sad because a few of them can really sing.
Camille needs to go, she was good at first but not now. She sings like she's about to cry at first. I thought "good technique" when i first saw her but that's how she sings. Eh...
Hawaii girl with the flower sucked last night but like Simon says past performances will keep her there and I agree.
Jennifer used to be good but she's going down hill. I hate when she only looks at the audience and with her head tilted down she give this face like she surprised. That bugs me becasue it doesn't make sense in the song. Bye Jennifer.
Diana she was good, good note she held, but again like Simon says she seems to have been bred to do this but unlike what I usually think she's good, unlike Brittany Spears who was bred also and is hooooooorible.
George Huff, I like his spirit, not so much his voice. He's not Barry White but he could be if he were to try to do that.
Wow...i wrote all that?