**American Idol**



Originally posted by Satine
I hope LaToya wins because she has the most talent.

Ok, I agree Latoya probably does have the most talent and versatility of the bunch, but I still don't particularly want her to win, and here's why.....
When I think of what I want out of an "idol", I am not just casting my vote on singing talent alone. The winner also has to have some other appeals...such as asthetics, personality and style. I like LaToya's voice ok, but her style is what I'm not into. Everyone has certain styles of music and singing they like, which is why a less rounded competitor on the show may appeal to them. Style.
As far as the asthetics....some people may sound ok, but looking at them perform is a nightmare. If watching someone sing makes me cringe, I can't even hear their talent....admit it...I know I'm not the only one. Personality....this is what killed Fantasia for me. I want someone with some friggin humility, not someone who thinks they deserve to win. Confidence is a great thing to have, but too much of it will make people hate your egomaniacal butt. The girl has attitude, and it made her voice even more painful to listen to.
Why Diana? She blew me away the first week with her voice. The girl can sing. Say she's fake like Britney or robotic or whatever, to MY ears she sounds great. The girl can wail....
She's got the style...she doesn't always sing these slow stupid love ballads while frozen in front of the mic. She picks upbeat songs and infuses them with her personality...which is adorable. She has the humility, and comes across as a genuinely nice person. She smiles , she laughs, she acts like a real person....in my opinion she acts mature for her age. I didn't realize how young she was until the 2nd or 3rd week of the show, shich made her voice more amazing to me. She's got the asthetics as well....I've never had any cringe-problems with watching her perform, in fact I always look forward to her performance ( along with George). The only reason I prefer her to George ( who has tons of personality) is because of the music style.

So no, it's not just based on talent. Is it fair? Maybe not. If you want fair, give us a show where we don't see what the contestants look like, or act like when they are not singing....and they all have to sing the same song. It can't be fair in this format because we are voting for PEOPLE, not just voices.


Would THIS face lie?
OK, another night of American Idol gone by.....Not being racial in any way, but the poor white kids can start packin....Final four will be George, Fantasia, Jennifer and Latoya....Just my opinion now !!! Right now those 4 are stepping it up and doing a good job.....I sure wish Fantasia would go somewhere else....She irks me to no end....She can sing though, so I can't knock her too bad.....Diana might have a long shot, but she better step it up if she is going to compete with the "fab four" of American Idol....Just my $.02 worth.....:rolleyes:

Nanny Pam

Fantasia is plucking my last nerve. I like Latoya. I agree that Diana has to step it up a bit if she wants to stay. Jennifer makes me cringe. George is a black "Gomer Pyle." I can't believe none of you see that.


Would THIS face lie?
Oh, I see Gomer in George.....I really noticed it when you last posted it....Then it hit me....I couldn't figure out who he reminded me of until then.....Fantasia has to go, but I really think she'll be around for a while.....:frown:


Originally posted by Dupontster
Oh, I see Gomer in George.....I really noticed it when you last posted it....Then it hit me....I couldn't figure out who he reminded me of until then.....Fantasia has to go, but I really think she'll be around for a while.....:frown:

I guess I'm the only one here who likes Fantasia. I think she kicks butt, and last night she was incredible. I never heard that song she sang before, so I can't compare with the original, but if what I heard last night was on an album, I'd buy it.

Honestly, I can't think of anyone who didn't rock the house last night. I thought they were all good. Even John Stevens brought it home.


Southern Beyotch
I know I'm gonna catch crap for this....

In despite of her annoying voice and her attitude, I thought Fantasia did a great job last night. She wasn't too screechy and scratchy sounding last night. My favorite is still George, though.

I only got to see the last half of the show, but from watching the play-back at the end, looks like JP has GOT to go. I also can't stand Diana for some reason. I think she's a good singer, but there's just something about her that annoys me. Jasmine's just okay. She was pretty weak last night. I thought La Toya did an awesome job, but she's just so mainstream...kinda reminds me of Whitney. Anyhow, I'm still crossing my fingers for George.


New Member
My weekly input time.

Latoya love her you know that by now. Mainstream? I see that but it takes a lot to be there. Despite Whitney's crack habit she's still an awesome singer and to be spoken in the same breath is a honor (singing only anything else, see you counselor) and I have been compared to her as well before and that means a lot to me (singing only, I can’t say that enough) The first time I heard Latoya sing I almost feel out of my chair she was so wonderful. They had never shown her before at all so I didn’t know who she was. She has a quiet charisma that others don’t have; John Stevens for example (thank you Simon thank you for finally saying it) has none. She has a whole some personality that is rare in this business. I think that goes back to her band that she has already and her experience there.

Jasmine. She’s got a great personality and she’s cute and all but she’s too pitchy too often for me. She’s consistently flat. She will be leaving us soon. I rather have her than…

Fantasia. I don’t even want to write this. I had recorded the show, because it was free popcorn night at the movie theater, so I reserved the right to fast forward through her song. Not really by choice but the tape is getting old and the sound kept going in and out so I blew her off. Porgy and Bess? Hello! I don’t know what she was thinking but no one should ever sing that stuff unless Mr. Holland makes them. Her attitude sucks and we have enough of this wenches in this industry so bye-bye.

George. He’s fun. He’s the underdog. He wasn’t even supposed to get into the top 12 but since that other guy got arrested he’s in. He’s doing a great job. I do like when he gets up there. Like a kid in a candy store. I remember one song he did and did this spinny thing and I couldn’t help but smile he was having such a good time. Will he win? No, and that’s sad. Will he have a record contract when this is all over? Yes.

John Stevens. Go away. He got the opportunity to finally sing something from his “era” (well his grandparents era, they forced him to listen to it and that’s all he can do because of that) and he did it horribly. If Dean or Frank could see hi now… There is something to be said for looking halfway down at the audience and then sort of back up to the camera, the mic in you right hand, and your left palm up to ceiling the whole time and only walking from point a to point b the whole time though. What is to be said to this? Bye- you suck. I am ashamed for the Rat Pack.

Jennifer. She still kinda scares me. The way she looks at people but that can be corrected but it’s not as bad as it used to be. I honestly can’t remember what she sang at this moment or if it was good but I bet it kinda was. She’s gonna be in the top five but I don’t know about the top three.

Diana. This is tricky. She’s a good performer. Yes. She can sing. Yes. She knows what’s she’s doing. I fear for her that this is what she was bred to do. Have you seen Center stage with the snobby while girl that has done ballet her whole life and is perfect and quits because she can’t take it anymore? It’s like that for me with her. I see and know she’s good. But is that what she should be doing? Maybe. If John Stevens beats her there will be words with me and America that’s for damn sure. I can’t believe he ever made it to the top 12 in the first place. I am just glad that Michael Bolton singing freak didn’t make it. One of the may Paula was in love with.




Originally posted by Satine

Jasmine. She’s got a great personality and she’s cute

She annoys me....she acts 12...cute? nah....have you seen her scary razor sharp teeth? The flower in the hair has got to go...this homeland pride thing she's got is on overkill. Every week I'm left with the feeling that I would love to rip that stupid hair out from behind her ear.
Her performances are boring as are the songs she picks. Voice is only average to me, but that's probably because I don't like the person the voice belongs to:dance:

If Fantasia or Jennifer win I will never watch another season of this show...I will loose my faith in the voting public. The insanity must be stopped.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Fantasia did a great job with “Summertime”. For me it was the best of the night. She definitely captured that song and performed it well. Her attitude sucks, but she has the voice and ability. But considering the age group of those competing and her attitude is really no great surprise, these kids could be any kid on the block (and it shows).

I see the last three being George, Fantasia, and Latoya. From there, who knows? I'm sure all of them will get a chance at that gold ring whether they win or not.


Would THIS face lie?
Said it in an earlier post and I'll say it again.....The 4 blacks are going to be the four finalists....Jasmine, John S. and Diana can't compete with them.....I just hope to hell it isn't Fantasia.....I think George and Latoya would be two good finalists.....Jennifer still has that cocky attitude.....IMO


Be about it
Originally posted by PFgal
Who rolled tonight? I was busy putting together a baby swing and missed Idol. :rolleyes:

Nevermind. Found another forum that discussed it fully. I'm definitely surprised at who ended up in the bottom 3. But...I don't care how talented Jennifer is, I just never really liked her and am not sad to see her go. :shrug:



I hope this is a start of a new trend. Please oh please let Fantasia get the axe next week!!!!!:thewave:

I was surprised at the bottom 3, but I have never cheered like I did tonight when I found out either Fantasia or Jennifer was going home.

Last 3 standing predicitions anyone? I think George, LaToya and Diana. Okay, not really a prediction, just wishful thinking.


Be about it
Originally posted by Betty_Elms

I hope this is a start of a new trend. Please oh please let Fantasia get the axe next week!!!!!:thewave:

I was surprised at the bottom 3, but I have never cheered like I did tonight when I found out either Fantasia or Jennifer was going home.

Last 3 standing predicitions anyone? I think George, LaToya and Diana. Okay, not really a prediction, just wishful thinking.

A big FAT :yeahthat:



Southern Beyotch
I'm in total shock! I can't believe John Stevens is still hanging in there!!! I'm not a big fan of Jennifer, but holy crap! She's a much better singer than John! will ever be. The bottom 3 should've been John, Diana, and Jasmine. John should've been nixed!


I was never a big fan of Jennifer.

Not until the last 3 weeks. She stepped it up a notch or six, and she has been singing incredibly. She deserved to be one of the last 3 standing, IMO.

The Three best singers were in the bottom three last night. And that God-Awful John Stevens not only didn't get kicked off, but he's apparently thriving.

I haven't voted in any of the shows yet, because I don't want to spend any money on this, but I'm seriously considering it in light of the debacle last night.

And why Latoya London - the one who should win this thing altogether - was in the bottom three is a complete mystery to me.

The mind scarcely has the courage to boggle.

At least they're showing the 6 flags commercial with the dancing old guy again. That was the only redeeming quality about last night show, IMO.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
This just goes to show why we have the Electoral College for Presidential elections. With popularity contests you don't always get the best.



But here's an interesting take.

Let's say that John Stevens becomes this year's American Idol. :lmao: It could happen.

You are going to have three angry judges, many angry producers and executives, and many angry viewers.

Viewers who did not vote - because they didn't want to spend money on a phone call to vote for the people that they liked. Maybe the AI powers that be will actually decide to do something that makes sense, like allow online-voting or something.

Me, I'd like to vote. But I'm not willing to spend money on it.

Whereas daddy is flipping the bill for all those millions of teeny-bopper girlies who are pushing John Friggin' Stevens ever closer to a recording contract.

Nanny Pam

Originally posted by ememdee19
I'm in total shock! I can't believe John Stevens is still hanging in there!!! I'm not a big fan of Jennifer, but holy crap! She's a much better singer than John! will ever be. The bottom 3 should've been John, Diana, and Jasmine. John should've been nixed!

But I was very happy to see Jennifer go. Hopefully next week, John will go. Then, Fantasia is next. Wishful thinking.
How in the world did Latoya make it to the bottom 3? She is very good.

Toxic.....I think the 1-866-IDOLS(??) number is a free call.