**American Idol**


Be about it
Originally posted by Betty_Elms
I didn't see the "idol" in Matt either.....but do you see it in Camille? By comparison, he has much more personality...that's why I was surprised to see him go and her stay.

Good point. She has a great voice, but just can't seem to get comfortable on the stage, which I think will be her downfall. Too bad, really! :shrug:

Nanny Pam

I just can't believe that the red-headed Dean Martin / Frank Sinatra wanna-be is still there & Amy was voted off the show! I don't understand what's wrong with the 'hearing' of the people who voted. OK, I don't like her hair, but the girl can sing!
When the camera kept showing his face, I think it was because everyone was thinking WTF is HE still doing here??
Jennifer, Camille, & Fantasia too ... need to go.:boo:

My vote still goes with Diana.


Be about it
Originally posted by Nanny Pam
I just can't believe that the red-headed Dean Martin / Frank Sinatra wanna-be is still there & Amy was voted off the show! I don't understand what's wrong with the 'hearing' of the people who voted. OK, I don't like her hair, but the girl can sing!
When the camera kept showing his face, I think it was because everyone was thinking WTF is HE still doing here??
Jennifer, Camille, & Fantasia too ... need to go.:boo:

My vote still goes with Diana.

99% agreed. However, I'm wondering about Diana. Not that I think she doesn't have it, and I do think she'll be one of the last ones standing - but Latoya and Jasmine are going to be hard to compete against. Both give consistent good performances. I think Jasmine is plain jane, but people seem to like her.

The thing with Amy getting voted off and Jon still being there all has to do with the popularity contest aspect. It's not all about being a good performer, which is tough. People just don't like Jennifer even though she can sing...I for one, can't take her. I hate the expressions she makes while singing, too!


Originally posted by PFgal
99% agreed. However, I'm wondering about Diana. Not that I think she doesn't have it, and I do think she'll be one of the last ones standing - but Latoya and Jasmine are going to be hard to compete against. Both give consistent good performances. I think Jasmine is plain jane, but people seem to like her.

The thing with Amy getting voted off and Jon still being there all has to do with the popularity contest aspect. It's not all about being a good performer, which is tough. People just don't like Jennifer even though she can sing...I for one, can't take her. I hate the expressions she makes while singing, too!

I liked the pink haired lady...she was goofy. I can't stand that other black chick; the one that had a fro to begin with; but now has it all slicked down. she annoys the crap outta me for some reason.


Would THIS face lie?
Originally posted by Nanny Pam
I just can't believe that the red-headed Dean Martin / Frank Sinatra wanna-be is still there & Amy was voted off the show! I don't understand what's wrong with the 'hearing' of the people who voted. OK, I don't like her hair, but the girl can sing!
When the camera kept showing his face, I think it was because everyone was thinking WTF is HE still doing here??
Jennifer, Camille, & Fantasia too ... need to go.:boo:

My vote still goes with Diana.

I agree 100%.....Jennifer (attituide) Fantasia (Sickning) Camille (Sweet little girl but can't move) I hate to say it but by the way the voting is going (My opinion) it looks like the favorites are Fantasia and George.....Poor red head boy is getting worse every week....Sorry to see Amy go....I think her hair color hurt her...That girl could sing and had some good moves....LaToya is going to be tough to beat too....Jasmine is just a little sweetie and thats getting her votes right now....She is pretty good though.....I can't see John Paul being an American Idol....Just my $.02 worth


With the exceptions of Jennifer and Fantasia, there are aspects I like about all the contestants....but I'm stickin with my decision of Diana all the way. She's got the voice and the personality.


Be about it
Originally posted by nomoney
I can't stand that other black chick; the one that had a fro to begin with; but now has it all slicked down. she annoys the crap outta me for some reason.

That's Jennifer Hudson. She drives me crazy, and I hate her facial expressions when she sings.

John Z

if you will
Gotta go:

John Stephens

Amy should be there at least until those three are gone! :burning:


Originally posted by Betty_Elms
With the exceptions of Jennifer and Fantasia, there are aspects I like about all the contestants....but I'm stickin with my decision of Diana all the way. She's got the voice and the personality.

Jennifer I could take or leave. I like Fantasia - she's got the whole Macy Gray thing happening. She's got the huge Julia Roberts mouth, but once you get past that, I think she's fine. One of the better performers this year, IMO.

John Stevens - I'm amazed that he's still in this competition. I have a feelign that all the Clay-mates are pulling for him and keeping him afloat, trying to make him Clay Aiken II. I don't see it happening. He's too dry, too mellow, too pitchy, too nervous. He's not a bad singer - but I haven't liked any of his music selections, and he just looks way unpolished, and unprofessional. Not an American Idol at all.

Diana is my favorite so far. She ROCKS! Her and Camille.

I like ... what'sisname ... with the three first names.. His performance this week kinda slacked off, but so far they've had "soul week", "motown week" and "country week" - none of which I think are his venue. Maybe if they have a rock n roll week, or a pop-week, he'll pull it together. Don't see him going all the way though. Top 5 maybe.


Would THIS face lie?
Poor ole John Stevens needs to pack his bags....That boy just doesn't have what is needed to be American Idol....Camille needs to get her bags out too because I don't think she'll be around too much longer....JPL will be going soon too....George is going to be around for a while....Maybe a long while....I still don't like Fantasia...She can sing, but I don't see an American Idol there....Diana rocks...Jennifer still has an attiude...Latoya is good and she'll be around for a while too...Jasmine is still a little sweetie and she'll go far...How far, I can't predict.... I don't want it to end like this, but I think the final two will be..........ready.......for......this............George and Fantasia.....They are vote getters....Not my favorites, but vote getters.... :dance:

Nanny Pam

I understand Diana was not feeling well last night, but she was still good. Latoya was good, too.
I think John is history.
And does anyone else notice that George is a black Gomer Pyle!! :roflmao: He has the same smile, mannerisms, hand wave, teeth, etc. I just think when I see him open his mouth, I'm gonna hear him say, "SHAZZAYMMM" :lol:


Southern Beyotch
I thought Diana sucked last night! Elton John is def. not her forte.

My 2 favs are George and Latoya.


Be about it
George has grown on me, but I still don't see him as the American Idol. I do think last night was Diana's worst performance, but I still like her a ton. La Toya is wonderful, I think she'll last a while! Last night was an 'off night' for several people, but I think Jon's fate may have been sealed. He's just not versatile enough. :ohwell:


Diana in the bottom 3 again? Fantasia in the top? WHAT is wrong with people?
Camille had to go, but I felt bad for her....crying and all...must be hard for them all to part when they've been in it that long.


Be about it
I'm happy Camille is gone. It was getting more and more painful to watch her each week. Plus, she looks so sad all the time. :shrug: I knew daggone well it was going to be her, though, especially when they sung BEFORE getting voted off. Most of the people have sung afterwards, but I think with Camille and the 1st girl they knew they'd be too much of a wreck to sing.


Be about it
Originally posted by Betty_Elms
Interesting Article...
"American Idol" gives too much power to the People


Definitely interesting. I skimmed the article, and found a lot of truth in it. American Idol definitely isn't just about talent - popularity plays a big part in it. If you're 'liked' by America, for whatever reason, you're definitely going to stick around for a while - even if you don't have as much talent as some others do. :shrug: It's a shame in a lot of cases.


Originally posted by PFgal
If you're 'liked' by America, for whatever reason, you're definitely going to stick around for a while - even if you don't have as much talent as some others do. :shrug: It's a shame in a lot of cases.

Isn't that kinda the point? To promote those that the people voted for?

Too much power to the people? If you don't want the PEOPLE to decide, then why bother with this charade at all? Let Simon Cowell some other talent scout or promoters or executives pick who they like the best.

That's not the premise of this show.

By it's very nature, this show is going to be harsh, unfair, lobsided, and unpredictable. That's exactly why I like it. It's the unfair naked cruelty of this beast that attracts me.

'Sides, it'll all balance out in the end. This time next year people will say, "Jon Peter who?", but Clay Aiken - the guy who didn't even win last year - will still be raking in the bucks. And I'd bet that even if George Huff doesn't win, he'll probably get at least a record deal out of this - because he kicks ass.

Those who deserve to will fade away and never be heard from again (except on campy "Whatever happened to" specials), and those who deserve to will survive.


New Member
Well i have stuff to say. I agree with that article that Betty posted. I think they should have you vote for the people who should be voted off. That would make more sense because the to vote over and over again for one person.

Let's go through why i like and don't like some of them. Why? because i have nothing better to do.

JPL: I like him because he reminds me of someone i used to crush on. That's about it. He looks scared all the time and doesn't look comfortable singing. He is good in front of a camera but not singing. He's funny. He should try something else. I can see him on a sit com. Maybe he will get plucked out of the competition and do that instead. I would watch. He should have been ousted a long time ago on singing talent alone.

Jon Stevens: I can't believe this joke is still there, and neither can he for that matter. IF he were to make it he would never sing "big band" or "hip hop" or for heavens sake Elton John again. Stick to what you know if you make it Jon. In the immortal words of Simon, "I have nothing to say" --except bye!

Fantasia: Dear Lord in Heaven go away. I watched Wednesday with my sister who never watches the show and doesn't think she's bad. Well she hasn't been tortured week after week by her either. She's dislike her also if she had. There is a pearcing ear numbing effect she has on my ears. Grr argg...

Jasmine: She was flat through almost her whole song last night when the forced her to reprise the song from Tuesday. By the way that was cruel to me to make them both sing but i agree it was probably because Cammille broke down and they saw that coming. My sister thought Jasmine was good but i said no she was flat. It can be hard to hear the flat or sharpness of peoples' voices if you don't know what to look for. She was flat.

Jennifer: The Lion King song was sent back in to the circle of life when she killed and buried it. She's a powerful singer but she about made me hate that song forever when she sang it. It's not an opera song that she made it into. I still think she needs to find her forte because that was not it.

LaToya: I love this girl. She has everything. Heart, vocals, style, and charisma. While others my think that others have what LaToya has, they are blind because Fantasia is doing what she does in church and that has been beaten into her her whole life which ironically, she's the biggest biotch on the show. I hope LaToya wins because she has the most talent.

Diana: Shes routine. I don't know if this a good thing but it worked for Brittany so it might work for her. She can sing yes but she's staged to me. Fake.

George: He's growing on me. He would be good no a childrens program. Something with puppets. He looks unsure about everything and that gets annoying but when he's singing and gets into what he doing he has a great time and i can't help but get goose bumps and smile.

So good bye to Cammille, and it couldn't have come faster, yes it could have Amy Asher can sing and she's gone. As much and i didn't like Leah LaBell that much she desirves to still be in the competition more then Cammille ever did.

Enjoy the show. I know i am...gr....