American Idol


Dupontster said:
As I stated earlier....I'm gonna miss them there legs....Maybe LaKisha will hike that dress up next week and show her shanks... :lmao:
Here ya go Pete....A few memories...

I nominate this as the


My Sweetest Boy
Pete said:
Is it our anniversary? :confused:

From the Calvert Marine Museum website

Thursday, April 12
10 – 11 a.m.
Little Minnows: “Otters at Play”
Is there more than one kind of otter? Come learn about these wonderfully playful animals. Some otters like to spend all their lives at sea while others roam along the riverbanks and like to slide in the snow. Learn how to tell the difference between a river otter and a sea otter, what they eat, and their favorite pastimes. Space is limited. Pre-registration suggested. Call 410-326-2042, ext. 41.

Monday, April 23
Otter Day! All Day!
Our North American River Otters, Bubbles and Squeak, are without a doubt our most popular exhibit. This day we celebrate them and all things otter. Come enjoy otter crafts. See the CMM mascot, Mr. Otter.

For the April 23 celebration, Kwillia is organizing the transportation and bag lunches. PM her for information and to get your name on the list. :yay:

canuk woman

That's it I'm boycotting FOX......after I see the Simpsons movie.


Kain99 said:
I boycotted FOX when Sanjaya got voted off! :lmao:

ObMeToo:Me too.

No - wait... I boycotted FOX UNTIL Sanjaya got voted off.

Also, I never realized that Jordin was such a moose until last night. I don't mean she's a fatass - I mean overall big. Tall and powerful.

I knew that she was a lot bigger than Seacrest - but I just chalked that up to him being a little #####. But last night we saw her standing next to and interacting with other people, and she was just a larger person than all of them.

canuk woman

Kain99 said:
I boycotted FOX when Sanjaya got voted off! :lmao:

I have a reason this time not just because Blake lost but I just realized that there really is a conspiracy going on. Season 1 the final two Kelly Clarkson and Justin Guarini. Kelly wins and her debut album does well, Justin is in second and his debut doesn't do well. Fast forward to season 4 Bo Bice and Carrie Underwear is in the final two. Carrie wins her debut does well and Bo Bice's album doesn't. Is it just me or does FOX have something against guys singing???. Oh and I almost forgot last season another battle of the sexes in the final two and Taylor Hicks wins and his album sales are well but just not well enough and they make sure the girl gets the good sales anyway.