Ok good to know. Thankfully I don't have any nude selfies or porn or anything illegal on my computer lol - I have quite a boring computer. There are however quite a few nude critter pictures that may arouse my computer helper's nearby dog or cat
Nude critters?? OMG
LOL Well good luck with your issue. Sounds like you are getting a few good tips and I hope they can help. It really hard for someone to advise you on what to do without actually getting their hands on your computer.
I use to try to explain to people what to do to resolve issues. But if I try to get someone to do something and I am not 100% certain that they did "exactly" what I told them to do then there is doubt cast on what the next step might be.
So trying to suggest solutions to issues via text communications simply became somewhat of a time waster for both parties involved. That was why I spent countless hours trying to figure out how to just remotely help people and found the TeamViewer solution I told you about.
LOL It was funny when I would take over someone's computer. I would tell them, just keep your hands off your mouse and let me have it and sit there and watch. Generally I would have them in voice chat or of they did not have voice chat capability then we would be talking on the phone. But it was strange for them to have their mouse pointer icon taken over by someone else and then to see someone else typing on their computer.
But when all was said and done I was able to help them through their issue and they were grateful. Was still a hoot though.
But in your situation I am not so sure it would work simply because you basically have no admin rights. Because TeamViewer requires an install, I am not sure you have the "ADMIN" rights to approve it's installation. Plus, It sounds like some of the things you need to do may very well not necessarily be doable within windows, and are more within the command prompt portion.
Anyway good luck and I hope you can nail it. It's just not the sort of thing I think I could really troubleshoot without physically getting my hands on the PC.
If all else fails go to Microsoft. I have had to do it before as I have run up to 12 computers at a time here. MS will take over your computer, very much the same way that I have talked about and fix your problem for you. But I do believe their may be a charge depending on the age of your version of windows.
Good Luck and keep those critters safe!!!