Maybe he needed a better publicist than Paul?
Either way, we'll see what the future has to say about Koresh. I didn't get that you were trying to answer that there are other religions, too, so the billions that follow Christianity are meaningless in comparison.
But, it seems we've come to an impasse in our discussion. I can admit that there are potential flaws in religion, while you see no flaw in scientific reasonins, until the scientists find it, then it was just a "clarification" to the previous information. I can admit that not knowing, but taking a stand is faith, you cannot see that science does not know, therefore you see no need for faith in what is told to you. You demonstrate a deep, strong, need for me to reject my faith and see Jesus as just a man, and Christianity as a myth, a fairy tale with no more foundation than Santa Claus or some spaghetti thing. I only ask you to be open to more than one (current) theory, and have no need for you to believe my way. Nor do I ridicule your way.
I'm not sure what your goal here is. You antagonize people of faith by ridiculing what they believe in, but what do you hope to gain by it? Faith, by definition, cannot be proven to you. Like an alcoholic who can't drink alone (for fear they may be considered an alcoholic), you seem to have some need to remove people's faith from them, for people to be like you. Why do you do that?