you cant separate life being created from life evolving, that is where your lack of understanding is clear.
Since when did evolution have anything to do with proving where life came from? Do you even have any idea what you're arguing against?
Ah, the additional irony
I make NO CLAIMS as to how life was initiated.
your postition is biased because you are trying to find a question that fits your answer. you already know the answer you are looking for- god did it.
i say "i dont know" and since we cant observe or make empirical measurments about the creation of life it is a pointless argument.
Evlution on the otherhand has numerous FACTS that we can observe. you even set forth a criteria to prove it, the missing link.
the same cannot be said for creation.
Well, they're not "facts", they're theories, hypothesis, potential "facts". We have observed some things which we claim are proof of evolution, because (like I already know God did it) we already decided that was the answer.
And, while the missing like (which is called that because it's still, uh, MISSING) may provide clues to a common ancestor to humans and apes, it still does not provide the common ancestor before that, and before that. Thus, the whole "theory" concept.
I will agree with you, though. It's a pointless argument to have when both sides cannot be open minded. I'm open minded enough to say if you can show me non-created life on another planet, or show me the process by which wet rock can become life on this planet (and make it happen, and make that one cell evolve into the at least trillions of different life forms already known to exist or have existed), then I
may buy a non-creationist, non-intelligent design of an answer. You have stated you flatly refuse to buy creation as a potential answer. The discussion becomes pointless when both sides are not open minded.