Angelina Jolie has double mastectomy


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
She can afford the best plastic surgeons,, so I'm sure reconstructive surgery will have her looking as she always has.

I wonder if she is considering a hysterectomy as well with such a high risk of ovarian cancer. That would be the one I'd worry about as its not as noticeable and many aren't diagnosed until they are terminal.

I kind of suspect "bigger and better things" will appear, it may have played a part in the decision to get the surgery. If she just had the surgery she's just another shallow Hollywood bimbo, but now she's a brave woman, recovering from a tragedy.


Well-Known Member
I kind of suspect "bigger and better things" will appear, it may have played a part in the decision to get the surgery. If she just had the surgery she's just another shallow Hollywood bimbo, but now she's a brave woman, recovering from a tragedy.

Stay tuned for further developments, huh? Question: If Angie does get "corrective surgery," is she going to go back to her pre-surgery glory, or go bigger? Either way.....MmmHmmHmmHmmHmm.....


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I kind of suspect "bigger and better things" will appear, it may have played a part in the decision to get the surgery. If she just had the surgery she's just another shallow Hollywood bimbo, but now she's a brave woman, recovering from a tragedy.

What tragedy?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Brad Pitt's parents seem so nice and normal. I wonder if they freaking hate Angelina-psycho?


Active Member
Look for cutting your boobs off to become all the rage with girlies.

I had 2 (of a total of 2) sisters that had breast cancer. Maybe I should go under the knife....The fact that I would would end up with teen-age girl perky titties is purely an unwanted side effect of a completely medical procedure....