Angelina Jolie has double mastectomy


Well-Known Member
Everything else about her is fake, may as well update the boobies to join the fake lips etc. I can't stand her. She did me in when she married Billy Bob Thorton and wore his blood around her neck. That's creepy. Then she stole Brad. :nono: She's a home wrecker. She adopted her kids to add to her "celebrity" status. When she made comments about not liking her own kids she gave birth to when they were infants cemented the deal. Whack job. Whack em off. Attention Whore.


Happy Camper
I want to join the party, but can't think of anything bad to say. :tantrum Can I just visit you all in Hell? It isn't like Hotel California, right? :eyebrow: I'm sure I would not want to stay there forever. I'll bring food/drinks!!!
This is pretty scary. I have made one of the nicest comments in this whole tread.

What is wrong with me????? :cds:

You sure did... It just goes to show you don't hate her because she is beautiful and you are secure in your beaut.... um handsomeness...:huggy:

That is until you stand next to Warnutz... everybody always feels less pretty standing next to hunky-shimmer-britches...:ohwell:


Finishing last
Hell with her money, all they did was re-stuff the pillowcases. Probably softer than they ever were. Use hypoallergenic fiberfill!


You sure did... It just goes to show you don't hate her because she is beautiful and you are secure in your beaut.... um handsomeness...:huggy:

That is until you stand next to Warnutz... everybody always feels less pretty standing next to hunky-shimmer-britches...:ohwell:

:love:Thank you.............

For the record, I would throw dirt on warnutz so he was not as pretty. :coffee:


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Just for the record, I could give a hoot about the size and shape of the refurbished hooters.

I was only wondering aloud about how long it will be before she subjects us to the mastectomy pictures. You know the "I am still beautiful without my hooters" pix.

She seems to be the attention whoring type, I wouldn't put it past her.


Well-Known Member
IMHO and i can be wrong. I don't really think this is a publicity type stunt announcement.
I do not overly like her or her husband. God knows with or without Obamacare or insurance she has the money to be able to afford this test and the procedure where as a lot of women in this country don't. I am not a great big fan of her or her husband, but i really feel the genetic thing with breast cancer is true and awareness to the the situation is beneficial to all women. That is all. From someone who has seen to many women die from breast cancer. Putting on my flame proof suit now, since this seems to be an Angelina bashing thread, instead of the fact that breast cancer can strike anyone at anytime rich, or famous or not.


Happy Camper
IMHO and i can be wrong. I don't really think this is a publicity type stunt announcement.
I do not overly like her or her husband. God knows with or without Obamacare or insurance she has the money to be able to afford this test and the procedure where as a lot of women in this country don't. I am not a great big fan of her or her husband, but i really feel the genetic thing with breast cancer is true and awareness to the the situation is beneficial to all women. That is all. From someone who has seen to many women die from breast cancer. Putting on my flame proof suit now, since this seems to be an Angelina bashing thread, instead of the fact that breast cancer can strike anyone at anytime rich, or famous or not.

See, I agree with you! I don't care a whit about Brad and Angelina. And, I think everyone else here would agree that for anyone that had a family history like hers it would be a smart, and hard, thing to do. What everyone here is commenting about, is the fact that she is putting it out there for publicity, rather than as a public service/awareness message. At least, that's my take on it.


Well-Known Member
See, I agree with you! I don't care a whit about Brad and Angelina. And, I think everyone else here would agree that for anyone that had a family history like hers it would be a smart, and hard, thing to do. What everyone here is commenting about, is the fact that she is putting it out there for publicity, rather than as a public service/awareness message. At least, that's my take on it.
Belvak, again, IMHO, i am not sure she is doing it for publicity. I will readily admit though i can be wrong. I can understand her personal feelings for not throwing it out there before she had it done.


mama to two
Belvak, again, IMHO, i am not sure she is doing it for publicity. I will readily admit though i can be wrong. I can understand her personal feelings for not throwing it out there before she had it done.

I think it is hard for a woman to give up her breasts because it is something that makes us feel feminine and sexy, and furthermore nurtures life. I am not a big fan of hers, but I think it takes guts to do what she did. I am sure everyday Jane's have done this, but just didn't get the publicity. One never knows their future, so her steps were very brave and drastic. She may have never had cancer, or maybe will still get it. Who knows. It is a really stunning story; no pun intended. For the record, my husband thinks Jennifer is far more beautiful than Angelina.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
So women are just objects there for your visual enjoyment, not actual human beings who have lives? :smack:

That's pretty much her job description, I've yet to hear anyone say they wanted to have a long deep conversation on philosophy with her.