

Loyalty, Friendship, Love
If the first wedding happened in the Catholic Church, it's harder. If both spouses are Catholic, it's harder.

If you go out and get married to the new spouse in a civil ceremony and then go to the Catholic Church and "repent," telling them you want to be forgiven and have your new marriage blessed by the Church for the sake of any children (real or potential) it'll be easier.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
My bf wants to get his first marriage annulled. I'm Catholic, but he doesn't follow any particular religion.
If he wasn't married in the Catholic Church the first time, ESPECIALLY if it was a civil-only ceremony, it should be pretty easy, in fact, I don't think annulment is even required. If he doesn't follow a particular religion, why should he care if it's annulled?


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Because if we get married, I want it in a Catholic church...Its all about me :diva:
Ask the priest, but unless bf was married in the Catholic Church before, it doesn't matter and even if he was it may not matter. An annulment costs money. Save it and put it in your kids' college fund.


My Sweetest Boy
If the first wedding happened in the Catholic Church, it's harder. If both spouses are Catholic, it's harder.

If you go out and get married to the new spouse in a civil ceremony and then go to the Catholic Church and "repent," telling them you want to be forgiven and have your new marriage blessed by the Church for the sake of any children (real or potential) it'll be easier.

I've posted this before. IMO, the whole thing is a bunch of crap. It's an ecclesiastical annulment. I had to give the okay so my ex could get one and get married (to someone else) in the church. We were already divorced (and we were married in a civil ceremony at a courthouse). I told the priest that called me that I didn't quite see how they could say we'd never been married as far as the church is concerned when we had a child and what did that do to the child? He didn't have much of an answer.

And it didn't cost a dime.


Salt Life
I told the priest that called me that I didn't quite see how they could say we'd never been married as far as the church is concerned when we had a child and what did that do to the child? He didn't have much of an answer.
Doesn't make sense, does it? :lol:

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
I've posted this before. IMO, the whole thing is a bunch of crap. It's an ecclesiastical annulment. I had to give the okay so my ex could get one and get married (to someone else) in the church. We were already divorced (and we were married in a civil ceremony at a courthouse). I told the priest that called me that I didn't quite see how they could say we'd never been married as far as the church is concerned when we had a child and what did that do to the child? He didn't have much of an answer.

And it didn't cost a dime.

The ex didn't pay? I know someone that was charged $1000 and that was 12 years ago. There is no set fee just whatever they feel like ripping you off for.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Pretty sure the Catholics have no jurisdiction, then :confused: As far as I know they can only annul Catholic marriages. And they aren't really supposed to do that :shrug:
:yeahthat: You can't get it annuled, because as far as the Catholic Church is concerned it wasn't a sacrement, so didn't really count in the first place.