Another 98.3 DJ going down in a blaze of glory


vraiblonde said:
Yeah, just what I need - another job :lol:

Actually you wouldn't need another job. You could cleverly incorporate local radio it into this job:

Check this #### out:

You make the forums 'audioized'... that is, you set it up so that fourmites with microphones can log in and audio-chat with each other.

Then all you have to do is broadcast it, and charge exorbitant rates to advertizers.

Ba-da-bing. Local entertainment from all our favorite stars.

It could work.

The only problem is that the morning drive... when you'd get the most listeners - all the fourmites are off the chat, and driving to work. So all we could hear during our drive in would be the stragglers, slackers, unemployed malcontents and other assorted unwashed heathens.

But I'd still pay good money to listen to that on the AM drive.


Lem Putt
Toxick said:
The only problem is that the morning drive... when you'd get the most listeners - all the fourmites are off the chat, and driving to work. So all we could hear during our drive in would be the stragglers, slackers, unemployed malcontents and other assorted unwashed heathens.
Insert cheesy jingle here "JPC in the morning!"


Active Member
This just sucks, I really liked Moose. I will be removing SOMAR from my presets this musical disc jockey game they are playing is getting old. They don't even seem to give any of them a chance before they are canning them. I encourage anyone else who is disgruntled by this to voice it to the station and also to where it hurts most, the local advertisers of the station (Ralph's Dodge come to mind :lmao: ). I for one plan on doing it though I suspect it will fall on deaf ears, then again maybe they will take another look if enough people come forward.


New Member
Maybe we should all paint up our car windows and drive around town with:

"Save Moose, Boycott 98.3"

Maybe then we would get some attention?


mv = margaritaville
BarbinMD said:
Maybe we should all paint up our car windows and drive around town with:

"Save Moose, Boycott 98.3"

Maybe then we would get some attention?
Since the owners live in Florida, it's probably not going to do you any good


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Toxick said:
The only problem is that the morning drive... when you'd get the most listeners - all the fourmites are off the chat, and driving to work. So all we could hear during our drive in would be the stragglers, slackers, unemployed malcontents and other assorted unwashed heathens.

But I'd still pay good money to listen to that on the AM drive.
Straggler(?) here (nightshiftguy) :howdy:


New Member
cwoehrer said:
Moose mentioned this morning that he was being fired. I wish him well, he's my neighbor and I hope he lands quickly on his feet.
Who are 98.3 going to bring in now to be fired, Ron and Fez? Opie and Anthony?

Question - since when do people know they are being fired ahead of time? And then allowed on the air to inform the listeners? :shrug:


Active Member
Shreddie said:
Question - since when do people know they are being fired ahead of time? And then allowed on the air to inform the listeners? :shrug:
I've heard stories from other DJs about getting fired and being allowed to work out the rest of the week, etc. I am however surprised he was able to inform his listeners and still be on today.


Resident PIA
Toxick said:
Switch to 97.7 :dude: :larry:
is also owned by SOMAR. My suggesiton is people boycott SOMAR because the owner is a jerk.

Radio Stations Licensed to SOMAR COMMUNICATIONS, INC.

Station Format City State Frequency Daytime
Power Listen
WKIK California MD FM 102.9
WKIK La Plata MD AM 1560
WPTX Lexington Park MD AM 1690
WYRX Lexington Park MD FM 97.7
WSMD Mechanicsville MD FM 98.3


BernieP said:
is also owned by SOMAR. My suggesiton is people boycott SOMAR because the owner is a jerk.

I would boycott them, if they didn't rock so hard. :larry: :larry: :larry:

So I only listen in the morning. I don't want to punish Mojo cause the owner's a crank-faced snotweasel.

But I tell you what - If Moj' disappears, I'll stand in a picket line outside their headquarters.
So is Moose gone? I listened for about 10 miles yesterday and never heard a peep out of a DJ. Listened for about 5 miles this morning, same thing. I assume this means he is gone. If so, I will be removing 98.3 from my radio presets. I like 97.7 better (and YES, I know they are the same company) but I listened to 98.3 because I like Moose better than Mojo.


New Member
Maybe SOMAR is having financial troubles? Here is a copy of a UCC Financing Statement that was filed in 9/06. It doesn't state how much the lien is but they have pledged every single piece of property in that radio station for it (including staples, pens, pencils, etc.)

I can only upload the inventory listing because the file size is too large. You can view the whole document for free on the Assessments and Taxation website for the State of Maryland.


  • 2006 UCC Stmt.pdf
    125.4 KB · Views: 180


New Member
No DJ's on Star 98.3?

First Mike mysteriously disappeared from the air, then Moose announced he was fired, now there don't seen to be any morning DJs at all now on Star 98.3. I really miss the converation on my way in to work every morning. The station's website is down...if you go to it there's a note to the effect that it's "unavailable at this time" or something like that. I miss Moose..he was entertaining and pleasant and I liked the music he picked. Also miss the "Stupid Criminals Report." Does anyone know what's going on with our local station? I refuse to switch to the country one, but I need the local weather, traffic and news!


My 401K is now a 201K
mv_princess said:
Since the owners live in Florida, it's probably not going to do you any good

Oh, I think it would get back to them; but since they seem so ruthless I doubt it would matter. There is something definitely wrong with the management IMHO.

From this thread, Here is the ad they ran after T-Bone & Heather -

"If you want the job, here is the ad:
Morning Show & More - Suburban market of Washington, D.C. (Southern MD) searching for talent to replace 10yr team. This is no “cookie cutter” radio show. Format is classic hits (Yes, we do know "Jack", and he has no talent). Market is suburban with same owner/market for 18 years and never selling out its 5-station cluster. We are the last of the Radio Mohicans. You will have artistic freedom within bounds, do production, remotes, live spots and live a secure, professional radio life. Ideally, we would prefer a male/female team that has been stifled by corporate programming and is yearning to do it with “talent.” Paid vacation, medical, holidays and other fringe benefits. Rush T&R to: SOMAR Communications, Inc., 28095 Three Notch Rd. Suite 2-B, Mechanicsville, MD 20659, or to 12809 Water Point Blvd., Windermere, FL 34786 or e-mail SOMARCOM@AOL.COM"

They must want more than they are willing to pay for? :confused:


I bowl overhand
SLIM said:
Yea, your right! I haven't listened to 98.3 since T-Bone and Heather left. I guess we're stuck with 'Awesome' Frank if you can handle country music :lmao: I myself prefer 94.7 when Shelby :larry: is on from 9-2 but I can't always pick it up down here.
If nobody new, or no older listeners, ever tuned in, I'd be firing the DJ too.. I can't imagine a radio station owner wants less listeners than he had 2 or 3 years ago, or the same amount of listeners month after month. If you can't draw in new business, no reason to have you around.

I honestly don't know what other local station everyone is listening to, but since our local staions report week old news, and traffic updates aren't a concern.. I found XM a LOT more entertaining, and they always play the music I like on the stations I listen to.

IF 98.3 actually reported the news, instead of reading it out of the Post like I do.. and actually updated regularly during the day, weather, news, traffice etc.. I MIGHT listen to local radio, but right now they give me NO reason to chose them over XM.


Active Member
itsbob said:
If nobody new, or no older listeners, ever tuned in, I'd be firing the DJ too.. I can't imagine a radio station owner wants less listeners than he had 2 or 3 years ago, or the same amount of listeners month after month. If you can't draw in new business, no reason to have you around.

I honestly don't know what other local station everyone is listening to, but since our local staions report week old news, and traffic updates aren't a concern.. I found XM a LOT more entertaining, and they always play the music I like on the stations I listen to.

IF 98.3 actually reported the news, instead of reading it out of the Post like I do.. and actually updated regularly during the day, weather, news, traffice etc.. I MIGHT listen to local radio, but right now they give me NO reason to chose them over XM.
OK, I could agree with you on this point however, you can not realistically assume that your new on-air talent can completely turn the station around and garner more listeners etc. within a couple of months. I don't recall exactly when Moose started, but I do know there is no way you could expect listenership to jump that fast. Like they would know anyhow, what are the chances that 98.3 has ever been on the radar in the ratings book :shrug:


New Member
Go younger or more current

First, they have to play music that people want to listen to. They have country (102.9), they now have rock and roll (97.7), now why not get a contemporary platform like 95.5 or 107.3, that plays top 40 music from the current month? They need a station down here that reaches the younger demographic.


From the Chamber of Commerce website...this is the contact info for SOMAR. Maybe if her e-mail box gets flooded, she may give an answer as to why they can't or won't keep a decent DJ.

Southern Maryland Radio Network
Contact(s): Ms. Amy Young

Address: 28095 Three Notch Rd.
Mechanicsville, MD 20659
Phone: (301) 870-5550
Alternate: (301) 752-5017
Fax: (301) 884-0280
Description: Radio: 98.3 StarFM; WYRX 97.7 the Rocket; 102.9 WKIK.