Yes i know him. He is Joseph Cooper. He is a Secretary and Dispatcher. Also here is some things i would like you all to look like. This is a past ECC Meeting. Of some things you might all want to look at.
CALL TO ORDER – Meeting was called to order this date by President Speedy Nelson at 1925 hours at the ECC in Leonardtown Maryland.
ATTENDANCE – (present)
Company 1…………..Wayne Miedzinski,
Company 2…………..Carol Craig, John Montgomery.
Company 3…………..Joe Cooper, Wayne Johnson.
Company 4…………..Francis Raley, Bruce Raley, Peanut Gatton.
Company 5…………..Mike Huseman, Speedy Nelson.
Company 6…………..Lyn Henderson, Steve Long.
Company 7……………Absent.
Asst. County Fire Chief…..Freddie Burris.
ECC………………………Shirley Copado.
Rescue Association………Missy Raley.
MINUTES – Motion made by W. Johnson 2nd by F. Burris to approve the Minutes of the 19 April 2007 meeting as typed and distributed. Motion was approved by all
TREASURER’S REPORT – J. Cooper reported previous balance was $2223.81. He has paid no Bills, received no new monies, therefore, as of this date the balance on hand is still $2223.81.
ECC – S. Copado presented and discussed the FY07 Radio Requests dated 12 February 2007. Speedy asked why our new requests were not addressed. Shirley said Bob Kelly was to do that but he is not here any longer, and it was not done. She said it will not happen this year, and we will have to put it back in next year if we still want the same requests. Speedy will get with Bob Taylor and Dave Zylak and discuss this matter. Shirley said when a portable is ordered, a charger has to be ordered too, or you will only receive the portable (and no charger). Speedy asked when the radio requests are made, who gets them and who sees them? It is submitted and then sent to Shirley who will put it in the Budget.
Tri-County Inter-operability meeting was recently attended, and discussed by S. Copado. Procedures have been set up and will be sent to the Chiefs for their review and comments. M. Huseman discussed the talk with Charles County (Tony Rose) and the turning ON of the required relay, or not. They agreed, it works good when it is turned ON.
RESCUE ASSN. – Missy said they cancelled the scheduled drill as they could not get enough victims for the drill.
VOL TASK FORCE – Speedy said the Vol. Task Force is still in the talking mode.
HOUSE NUMBERS –S. Nelson said the ESC is addressing the money needed for the advertising in the local papers of the need to properly post House Numbers.
CAREER TECH – S. Nelson said the Banquet is this scheduled for this Sunday at the Tech Center.
CO FIRE CHIEF – A meeting should be coming up soon on Inter County Channels. The changing of the TAC channels will be addressed by the Chiefs at a later date.
STANDARDS – Speedy Nelson discussed the hose connectors on our dry hydrants in the county as not conforming with our county standards? This will be checked into further to be sure.
OLD BUSINESS – Speedy Nelson said the effort to put our (Fire Board County) Standards On-Line is still in the works.
NEW BUSINESS – C. Craig discussed new commercial building code and the sprinklers requirement for business. She discussed a case of an Amish businessman being told he has to have sprinklers installed in their newly proposed commercial building.
CO-3 – Bay District VFD will hold their Annual Golf Tournament on 9 July 2007. Contact Joe Cooper for details (301-863-5362).
NEXT MEETING – There will be no meeting in June. The next meeting will be held on 19 July 2007 at the ECC at 1900 hours.
ADJOURNMENT – With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 1955 hours on motion by F. Raley, 2nd by M. Huseman, and approved by all.
Submitted by,
Joseph A. Cooper
Secretary, ECC