Just to let you all know also, i see that you all think hurricanedan is a fake, well i know him also. He is a Dispatcher for Pax River. Here is proof. This is the Minutes for another meeting in march. Look at the Attendance for March and go down to the end of the List of Attendance.
St. Mary's County Emergency Communications
15 March 2007
CALL TO ORDER – The regularly scheduled meeting of the St. Mary’s County Fire Board Association was called to order this date by President S. Nelson at the ECC at 1900 hours.
ATTENDANCE (Present) –
COMPANY 1 – John Trossbach, Wayne Miedzinski, Gerald Gardiner.
COMPANY 2/22 – Carol Craig, John Montgomery.
COMPANY 3/9 – Wayne Johnson, Joe Cooper.
COMPANY 4 – Francis Raley, Peanut Gatton.
COMPANY 5 – Mike Huseman, Speedy Nelson, Donnie Morgan.
COMPANY 6 – Tommy Crowder, James Gardiner, Lyn Henderson.
COMPANY 7 – Dennis Brady.
ECC – Joseph Cooper
SHERIFF’S DEPT. – Sgt. Cusic.
PAX RIVER Dispatch- Dan Johnson
MINUTES – The Minutes of the 15 February 2007 meeting were approved by all as corrected and distributed, on Motion made by J. Cooper and 2nd by T. Crowder.
TREASURER’S REPORT – J. Cooper reported previous balance was $2048.81. He has received $175.00 for the 2007 Dues from the seven Fire Departments. He discussed the plaque obtained from Chesapeake Trophies and presented (on behalf of the Fire Board Association) to the family of Harry Koehler (Co-6, County Rescue Chief, and Liaison to Fire Board from the Rescue Association) at his funeral. He asked Chesapeake Trophy’s Timmy Ridgell for a Bill and was told No Bill. Consider it a donation. Therefore the balance on hand this date is $2223.81. A letter of thanks will be sent to Chesapeake Trophy.
SHERIFF’S DEPT. – T. Crowder asked about the recent PI incident and their being cancelled by the Sheriff’s Dept. Sgt. Cusic did not know of the problem. A. Bell said Sheriff Cameron is supposed to get back to him on a date and time to discuss the situation.
LIAISON – J. Cooper reported the Rescue Association was told that St. Mary’s Hospital is now designated as a Stroke Center, for the next 5 years.
PROBLEMS – S. Copado said an amplifier in Mechanicsville VFD was burned up and should be repaired or replaced and the unit back in service by this time.
M. Huseman asked Shirley about the older problem of the burned out Power Strip at Co-5? She will check on this and report back to Co-5.
CALVERT PATCH – D. Zylak said if any problems occur when going to Calvert County, give him the particulars so he can look into it. He said Calvert County claims they need additional funds to improve or update their system to accommodate us, etc. D. Brady said more Portable Radio’s will also correct the problem as well, and maybe better.
DNR BULLDOZER – D. Zylak was asked by DNR that when the Bulldozer is needed, DNR needs to be contacted before it’s use. They want to be notified each time it is used.
ROAD NAME CHANGES – F. Raley asked about notifications not being made to the Fire Departments when a Road Name is changed or added. D. Zylak said the LY&G Management for Sub-divisions and Road Name Changes, was asked about this and is being further looked into by him.
CAD – A. Bell said that T. Mattingly Jr. said he has a fix on the CAD problem.
DEVELOPMENTS – W. Johnson said Flower Drive should be run as commercial, but the other day it was not, and he has a few others in the same situation. S. Copado will get with Wayne about these and get them corrected.
ESC – S. Nelson thanked those that supported the presentation for the Sprinklers with the County Commissioners, this past Tuesday. It was a good presentation and well received by the Commissioners. The Demonstration was held at Company 1.
CAREER TECH – S. Nelson thanked everyone that attended the recent Career Tech Day presentation at the Tech Center. He said a Banquet is forthcoming for those involved in the program.
MAPS – The RIT Aerial View Maps was discussed and they are coming through to the Station too slow as the apparatus is already out the door before it can be obtained. S. Copado already knows of this, and she will look into it further. A. Bell said that B. Cease said this can be split for the Fire or Rescue Departments or both as desired.
COUNTY FIRE CHIEF – A. Bell discussed his written report on the Fire Chief’s meeting of 13 March 2007. He said B. Cease (IT) presented a demonstration of the NFIRS Reporting
System that is available through the CAD system. This was done via a Conference Call with HTE. The next Chief’s meeting is scheduled for 17 April 2007 at the ECC at 1830 hours.
ENGINE-62 – A. Bell said the Chief’s reviewed a request from Co-6 that Engine 62 be reclassified as a Squad. After discussion, it was determined that E-62 did not qualify as a Squad. M. Huseman suggested the dispatch be of the closest Rescue Unit and Squad, so not to skip the closest Rescue Tool to the scene. This will not affect those incidents where a Squad is the closest. T. Mattingly Jr. was made aware of this situation and has worked with the CAD system to make this option work, and he has tested it in a test environment, and it did worked properly. The following motion was made by W. Johnson and 2nd by J. Trossbach:
MOTION – To accept and approve the above discussed proposal that when an extra Squad is called for, a Squad and a Rescue Engine will be dispatched. Motion was approved by all.
RIT SOG – C. Craig has submitted a RIT SOG (#2-18 dated 12 March 2007). This is being reviewed by the Chief’s along with the current RIT Standard and will be discussed at their next Chief’s meeting.
PAGERS – M. Huseman said that since the Paging System testing and changes were made, his area is experiencing poor reception in some areas. Other Chief’s had the same comment and they were all instructed to e-mail any problems to D. Zylak so he can address the issues.
INCIDENT COMMAND – S. Nelson said the Incident Command Class is still available and apparently no one has requested it yet. It was agreed we will contact K. Fairfax for a date to conduct the class for us.
HAZMAT – S. Nelson discussed the County Hazmat Team and said they need more members. If interested, please contact T. Mattingly Jr.
CAD DEMO – A. Bell further discussed the CAD Demo and said B. Cease wants the Program changed to keep up with the LOSAP, etc. W. Johnson said we should keep the present System (Fire House Program) because it takes too long to train people to do it now, then have to retrain them again with a new Program. B. Cease wants to transfer the information from the one Program to the other.
COMPANY 22 – C. Craig asked for Co-22 to be dispatched if Hughesville is dispatched on the same call in St. Mary’s. Now that is not done. T. Mattingly Jr. will take care of this.
NEW BUSINESS – C. Craig discussed house (five digit) numbers that are not being displayed properly, and/or are too small to read from the road. Some of the Road Name Signs also need to be monitored and put back up when they are knocked down. The County normally puts the road signs back up. A. Bell said we need to get the word out to the public about their House Numbers. We could put something in the Enterprise directed at the home owner.
SMVFA – S. Copado reminded everyone the SMVFA Fire Prevention Books are due in no later than the 26 March 2007 SMVFA meeting in Ridge.
ESC – P. Gatton discussed new changes and desires on the Low Interest Loan money now available to the Departments. Think about this and let him know your thoughts and desires on the Program.
GOOD OF ASSN. – Company 6, T. Crowder thanked everyone on behalf of Co-6 and the family of Harry Koehler, for the turnout at his funeral.
ADJOURNMENT – The meeting was adjourned after no further business to discuss at 1944 hours, on motion by A. Bell, 2nd by F. Raley and approved by all.
NEXT MEETING – The next meeting is scheduled for 19 April 2007 at the ECC at 1900 hours.
Submitted by,
Joseph A. Cooper
Secretary, ECC