Another neighbor issue....


New Member
Ok, this is not the same neighbor I posted about in the "underage drinking post" however, I do want to know if you think it is petty.

My neighbor used to have 2 dogs, they would let them roam. One would even sleep on our porch and they knew it and thought nothing of it because the old homeowners allowed it. For the most part I did not mind until during the summer months I could not leave my door open because my own dogs would be at the door going nuts because of this dog on our porch and I would find the dog poop everywhere in my front yard when our dogs stayed in the back yard. I never said anything and needless to say, the dogs have died since then.

Now my neighbors have 2 new cats. They let them roam outside (I have 2 cats but they are strictly indoor cats). On numerous occasions, those cats are on my back deck driving my dogs and cats nuts. No big deal, I just scare them away. However, I find their cats on our cars all the time. When I go to scare them away, they take they slide down the side of my husbands SUV to ease themselves down scratching the paint in several places. I have also noticed paw prints and scratch marks on my car. We are still making payments on these cars and mine is only a year old!

Do you think it would be petty to call animal control for this? I mean I love animals but I secure mine as to not bother or disrupt others so why should have to pay for a Cadillac Escalade and a Honda CR-V for other peoples animals to scratch them all up?


lower life form
Depending on how friendly your neighbors are, sometime in a casual conversation you might be able to mention the terrible traffic and how horrible it is for folks to let their dogs and cats out to get killed in traffic.

We once had a cat that got loose in spite of our efforts, and she got killed in traffic. We've become lots more diligent about keeping our pets indoors now.

And there's a vast herd of feral cats in my neighborhood, and they're getting thinned down one-by-one as they get run over by the 45 mph traffic on our 30 mph street. Sad, but there's nothing we can do about feral cats.

Calling animal control would be a last resort because they're so busy that they haven't got time to deal with much more than vicious dogs who attack people.


Rocky Mountain High!!
Privacy fences make GREAT neighbors. You can't control what the neighbors do, but you can control what YOU do.

forever jewel

Green Eyed Lady
Hey Sinwagon,

We have a similar situation at my parent's house. They have a 1 and a half year old german shepherd puppy who has a couple next door neighbor dog friends. However, recently she has befriended an older black lab mutt, who lives down the street. This dog, as friendly as he is, will lead our dog, Janie, as stray and my mother once found the mutt, our dog, and her two friends a few miles away in the middle of the street.
Now the only reason we leave our dog loose is because we live a quarter of a mile back in the woods and if it weren't for that mutt, she'd stay put. My mother called the owner of mutt and has had him picked up before. But he came back a few days later and continues to come back daily. I told her to call animal control, but she said they probably will just call the owner to come pick the dog up and we would be back in the same situation.
I feel sorry for the dog because all he wants is some lovin'. Hmmm, such a predicament!!! Not sure what to do. :shrug:

So basically, I feel your pain! :huggy:

river rat

Been debating

Sounds to me like you have been very tolerant of alot.

Good for you, we need more people who understand that animals will do what animals do.

It is the owners who need to be a lil more respectful.

If you have ever visited the tri-county shelter. (where animals go when picked up) It will positively break your heart. :bawl:
Calling animal control is not an option for me.

My own opinion is ....a scratch vehicle is not a big deal. This my opinion, I understand others feel differently.

If this is important to you, you must first talk to your neighbors and explain your feelings. They should then, at the least apologize and offer to fix the scratches. Once they have paid for paint, they will decide whether they really need to let their cats run.

My cats do go out. I feel like they are entitled to enjoy the earth too.
However, the first complaint I get from a neighbor. I will have to re-evalute that statement.


New Member
If you call animal control and you know who the owner of the animal is, they will contact the owner about the pet. The pet is returned to the owner. After they receive numerous calls, they start fining the owner. If the fines go unpaid they take owner to court. You will be subpoenaed. This happened in my neighborhood.


In My Opinion
The neighbor has to die, and the animal be taken to the nearest of kin.

Im sorry that this seems so harsh, but it is how it must happen.

glad I could help.


sinwagon said:
Ok, this is not the same neighbor I posted about in the "underage drinking post" however, I do want to know if you think it is petty.

My neighbor used to have 2 dogs, they would let them roam. One would even sleep on our porch and they knew it and thought nothing of it because the old homeowners allowed it. For the most part I did not mind until during the summer months I could not leave my door open because my own dogs would be at the door going nuts because of this dog on our porch and I would find the dog poop everywhere in my front yard when our dogs stayed in the back yard. I never said anything and needless to say, the dogs have died since then.

Now my neighbors have 2 new cats. They let them roam outside (I have 2 cats but they are strictly indoor cats). On numerous occasions, those cats are on my back deck driving my dogs and cats nuts. No big deal, I just scare them away. However, I find their cats on our cars all the time. When I go to scare them away, they take they slide down the side of my husbands SUV to ease themselves down scratching the paint in several places. I have also noticed paw prints and scratch marks on my car. We are still making payments on these cars and mine is only a year old!

Do you think it would be petty to call animal control for this? I mean I love animals but I secure mine as to not bother or disrupt others so why should have to pay for a Cadillac Escalade and a Honda CR-V for other peoples animals to scratch them all up?
Had a similar situation. The cat scratched up the hood of my truck. Found cat hair all over the vehicle every morning. Animal control gave them a warning. They didn't heed the warning. Pellet gun cured the problem.

river rat

Vince said:
Had a similar situation. The cat scratched up the hood of my truck. Found cat hair all over the vehicle every morning. Animal control gave them a warning. They didn't heed the warning. Pellet gun cured the problem.

Rubber pellets hopefully. But I was gonna suggest firing off a gun. this seems to work but it appears the threadstarter leaves in close proximity to her other neighbors. Fire crackkas or squirt a hose too.


New Member
Vince said:
Had a similar situation. The cat scratched up the hood of my truck. Found cat hair all over the vehicle every morning. Animal control gave them a warning. They didn't heed the warning. Pellet gun cured the problem.

This also happened in my neighborhood. Owner of the pet was fined and the other neighboor was charged with discharging a firearm within so many... feet of a residence. He had to go to court. His fine was substantially more than the pet owners.


I bowl overhand
happyappygirl said:
Privacy fences make GREAT neighbors. You can't control what the neighbors do, but you can control what YOU do.
WHy should they have to spend the money on a fence?? Buy some traps, capture their cats, and turn them into a local shelter.. keep doing it until they get the message.. Why bother having pets if you aren't going to enjoy them, and just let them run around the neighborhood?

AND this is the most humane answer I could come up with, I have many more, but none as sociallly acceptable as this one.


I bowl overhand
Vince said:
Had a similar situation. The cat scratched up the hood of my truck. Found cat hair all over the vehicle every morning. Animal control gave them a warning. They didn't heed the warning. Pellet gun cured the problem.
There ya go..

You can't hear a pellet gun from inside a house!!


New Member
OrneryPest said:
Depending on how friendly your neighbors are, sometime in a casual conversation you might be able to mention the terrible traffic and how horrible it is for folks to let their dogs and cats out to get killed in traffic.

We once had a cat that got loose in spite of our efforts, and she got killed in traffic. We've become lots more diligent about keeping our pets indoors now.

And there's a vast herd of feral cats in my neighborhood, and they're getting thinned down one-by-one as they get run over by the 45 mph traffic on our 30 mph street. Sad, but there's nothing we can do about feral cats.

Calling animal control would be a last resort because they're so busy that they haven't got time to deal with much more than vicious dogs who attack people.

Actually the neighbor a couple doors down from you has been slowly but surely getting our couple of blocks worth of cats fixed so that problem shouldn't be around as long as it could have been, I guess until more cats show up...


New Member
river rat said:
My own opinion is ....a scratch vehicle is not a big deal. This my opinion, I understand others feel differently..
How bout you pay for a new paint job for them?? :bubble:


lower life form
bcp said:
The neighbor has to die, and the animal be taken to the nearest of kin.

Im sorry that this seems so harsh, but it is how it must happen.

glad I could help.

Truly a humane solution indeed! (GAG)


New Member
happyappygirl said:
Privacy fences make GREAT neighbors. You can't control what the neighbors do, but you can control what YOU do.

If I could afford a privacy fence around the entire perimeter of our yard and our driveway and if our home owners association would allow it I would! However, I don't see it as my issue to resolve because people choose not to care properly for their pets. Someone mentioned rat poison to me, but I could never do that. These neighbors are not approachable so talking to them is out of the question.

I guess I will just call animal control and hope the cats get picked up. They don't deserve animals anyway. They had one cat who only had one ear. It looked like something bit it off or maybe it could have even been a birth defect. When we first moved here it lived on our porch and the poor thing nearly died. I brought it in and took care of it, it was in my house for weeks, they never even tried to find it. My other cats did not get along with it so I informed them if they were not going to take care of it, I was going to find it a home. They said "what cat?" like it was not even theres. It was only about 6 months old. Needless to say I found it a nice home and the little boy named it Peanut Butter. lol. The cat had kittens, they kept one and named it Jelly. Just thought that was cute.


New Member
bcp said:
The neighbor has to die, and the animal be taken to the nearest of kin.

Im sorry that this seems so harsh, but it is how it must happen.

glad I could help.

Bad part about that is....the nearest of kin is their parents who live on the other side of them LMAO


lower life form
Commune said:
Actually the neighbor a couple doors down from you has been slowly but surely getting our couple of blocks worth of cats fixed so that problem shouldn't be around as long as it could have been, I guess until more cats show up...

Yes, I know. They've told me. I think it's great!

Otherwise they'd be breeding (probably underneath my garden shed) faster than the traffic could do them in.

Currently, all the noise and ruckus from the workmen building my new garage is probably gonna encourage them to move to a new neighborhood.