Another Presidential Poll

Whoare you votin' for

  • John McCain

    Votes: 51 63.0%
  • Barack Hussain Obama

    Votes: 12 14.8%
  • I'm writing in someone else

    Votes: 9 11.1%
  • I'm not voting

    Votes: 9 11.1%

  • Total voters


Highlander's MPD
It's getting closer. A guy I work with says Obama has it hands down. I disagree. Who are you voting for?


Active Member
I am probably not even voting. WTF is even the point of me dragging my two kids to the voting booth (I already know my husband works and probably will not even be able to vote himself) when I cannot decide the lesser of the two evils and because we STILL have the stupid electoral college MD will be going to Obama regardless of my vote.


I bowl overhand
I am probably not even voting. WTF is even the point of me dragging my two kids to the voting booth (I already know my husband works and probably will not even be able to vote himself) when I cannot decide the lesser of the two evils and because we STILL have the stupid electoral college MD will be going to Obama regardless of my vote.

Well, that's true if EVERYONE feels the same way you do, and the welfare recipients outnumber the taxpayers and workers.. Liberals will win EVERY time.


Obama destroyed America
WTOP analysts have them within 3% of each other. McCain has my chad.

I'd commit suicide before I vote for an America hating, tax raising, do nothing liberal terrorist, closet muslim. :patriot:


Football addict
Well, that's true if EVERYONE feels the same way you do, and the welfare recipients outnumber the taxpayers and workers.. Liberals will win EVERY time.

I loathe people that say, "my vote really doesn't count". Of course it doesn't with that attitude.

That sort of apathy only detours other voters of like minds and thus you attain the same demented outcome.


Well-Known Member
You left out the person who has a chance to make it worse for John McCain and get Barry in like Clinton did - Bob Barr.


Active Member
Well, that's true if EVERYONE feels the same way you do, and the welfare recipients outnumber the taxpayers and workers.. Liberals will win EVERY time.

I am sorry. With the Electoral College BS in place my vote does not count. And yes that makes me very apathetic towards politics. Bad example I know but if I did not have kids I would probably go and vote anyway like I did in 2004. I stood in line 7 months pregnant for two hours not knowing who I was going to vote for until I was actually in the booth. I ended up voting for Bush, thought about maybe regretting that decision, then realizing it did not matter as SC would have gone to Bush no matter who I voted for because of the stupid EC.
So until presidental elections are done by popular vote you will continue to have apathy at the polls.


Football addict
I am sorry. With the Electoral College BS in place my vote does not count. And yes that makes me very apathetic towards politics. Bad example I know but if I did not have kids I would probably go and vote anyway like I did in 2004. I stood in line 7 months pregnant for two hours not knowing who I was going to vote for until I was actually in the booth. I ended up voting for Bush, thought about maybe regretting that decision, then realizing it did not matter as SC would have gone to Bush no matter who I voted for because of the stupid EC.
So until presidental elections are done by popular vote you will continue to have apathy at the polls.
South Carolina would not have gone to Bush or anyone because of the Electoral College.

If presidential elections were done by popular vote you would still have high apathy at the polls.


I am probably not even voting. WTF is even the point of me dragging my two kids to the voting booth (I already know my husband works and probably will not even be able to vote himself) when I cannot decide the lesser of the two evils and because we STILL have the stupid electoral college MD will be going to Obama regardless of my vote.



New Member
Always vote. Many men and woman died to give us the right to vote. Many are fighting for our country. Voting honors each soul lost.


24/7 Single Dad
Always vote. Many men and woman died to give us the right to vote. Many are fighting for our country. Voting honors each soul lost.

Who knows, the liberals my believe that their candidate is so wonderful, they won't hop in their hybrid to got vote for the hybrid.


Main Streeter
I am probably not even voting. WTF is even the point of me dragging my two kids to the voting booth (I already know my husband works and probably will not even be able to vote himself) when I cannot decide the lesser of the two evils and because we STILL have the stupid electoral college MD will be going to Obama regardless of my vote.
It's unAmerican not to vote. This country asks so little of us, voting, jury duty, etc.


Highlander's MPD
Always vote. Many men and woman died to give us the right to vote. Many are fighting for our country. Voting honors each soul lost.

OK, to make it a little easier for you liberal lefties, they've split the voting days this year. You actually have one extra day to think about who you are going to vote for.

If you are voting for McCain, voting is on Tuesday, November 4th.
If you are voting for Obama, voting is on Wednesday, November 5th.

Remember, you saw it in print on the internet, right here on SOMD forums, so it must be true. No thinking required, just the way you guys like it.
Last edited:


Obama destroyed America
Always vote. Many men and woman died to give us the right to vote. Many are fighting for our country. Voting honors each soul lost.

It's unAmerican not to vote. This country asks so little of us, voting, jury duty, etc.
:yeahthat: I told my Romanian assistant I have a CB radio on my motorcycle and he told me in his country, it is illegal for citizens to have any device that can transmit. :faint:


Active Member
Always vote. Many men and woman died to give us the right to vote. Many are fighting for our country. Voting honors each soul lost.

Honestly, I probably will end up voting because, and only because of this.
I just despise the way the voting is done with primaries electing two polar opposite candidates that no matter who I vote for I will 'lose' something in the end. Then with the electoral college individual votes mean very little.
With Obama I feel like we will just be moving further towards matter how hard you work you deserve no more than someone who chooses not to work at all. With McCain we will continue to deny certain groups of people their rights whether it be to decisions about their body or which adult they can and cannot marry.
I just feel darned if I do and darned if I don't...the conflicted life of a moderate.