Anti-Choice Amendment Restricts Abortion Funding


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Based on all the info I read above the question I have is this: How can you be certain that you weren't the potential father of an aborted fetus. Seems like the odds of that are pretty good.

That's ridiculous and now you've jumped the shark with your argument.


Well-Known Member
That's ridiculous and now you've jumped the shark with your argument.

agreed :yay: (for the MOST can happen though :shrug:)

And, for the my knowledge...MOST churches offer a program allowing people to leave their questions asked, and the church will do something with them (I guess find a foster home...or...I don't know what the hell they do? what do they do with abandoned kids nowadays?). I know there is SOMETHING they do for the kid, like putting them into an "orphanage" I guess, I guess we just aren't calling them that nowadays? What do adoption agencies do with foster kids w/o homes?

Anyway...I thought you could do this with like...other places too? Like, hospitals or something. I may be way off now but I was pretty sure at one time that there were a few places you can take a kid (baby) and leave it, no questions asked, and it will be put up for adoption/foster care
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Go G-Men

New Member
agreed :yay: (for the MOST can happen though :shrug:)

And, for the my knowledge...MOST churches offer a program allowing people to leave their questions asked, and the church will do something with them (I guess find a foster home...or...I don't know what the hell they do? what do they do with abandoned kids nowadays?). I know there is SOMETHING they do for the kid, like putting them into an "orphanage" I guess, I guess we just aren't calling them that nowadays? What do adoption agencies do with foster kids w/o homes?

Anyway...I thought you could do this with like...other places too? Like, hospitals or something. I may be way off now but I was pretty sure at one time that there were a few places you can take a kid (baby) and leave it, no questions asked, and it will be put up for adoption/foster care

You can leave babies at hospitals and churches in most states and not get in trouble but all the church will do is turn the children over to social services. This is still a drain on society and the church was nothing but a stop for the baby...


Well-Known Member
I read your whole post and I here is what I have to say about it. You are exactly the reason I feel so strongly about the Anti-Abortion crowd, because although you elegantly stated your case the underlying point I read was this: I don't care what your situation is or how bad off you will be, you cannot abort this child because "I" don't believe in abortion and I don't care what you believe in.
I read your whole post and here is what I have to say about it: You are exactly the reason I feel so strongly about the Anti-Life crowd, because, although you state your case as though you care, the underlying point I read was this: I don't care whether it is murder or not, the point is abortion is an issue that religious people are on one side of, and I'm anti-religious; therefore, they must be wrong. People must be able to murder children because they are going to have sex, and shouldn't have any consequences for their actions. (BTW, rape/incest accounts for about 1% of abortions - I'll compromise my morals for those, if you'll agree to accept stopping the 94% that are for no good reason other than "choice" to murder)
What I would suggest is for you, because you feel so strongly about it, is to go to the inner city of DC, speak to social services about adopting a baby. The fact is you won't, most won't and these kids grow up in an environment that is perpetual poverty.
You're right, I won't. I won't go to the bank and ask to take care of anyone else's loans, either. They're not my responsibility - they're the responsibility of the parents of the child.
However, many, many nice adoption agencies are more than willing to take on these aborted babies.
Secondly, your opinion is that abortion in the first trimester is murder and there is no medical proof of that. So many people believe it to not be murder because the fetus is not viable.
So, killing humans because they couldn't survive without help is okay? We should kill all babies, all old folk, all dumb people......

Wait, that wouldn't be right. Maybe you're NOT on to something here.

The babies are viable when taken care of, just like one year olds need taken care of. Or, do you support the blatant murder of one year olds, too?


Well-Known Member
I have never seen a church group outside an abotion clinic who held up a sign that says. Please let us adopt your child. No the signs are pictures of fetuses and words like "You are going to hell".. Nice christian attitude.
The parents know the choices before going in, as do the doctors and nurses and secretaries and janitors and......

Go G-Men

New Member
Not really, there are options (12 seconds of searching)

I am not personally Anti-Abortion... I am Anti-telling other people what to do with there lives. I am Anti-scaring the hell out of young ladies when they go into planned parent offices and I am Anti-organized religions who say do what we say regardless of your situation, even if you do not believe in what we believe in.

Me personally, I take care of mine and my own and if a young lady wants to have an abortion and I don't know her or her family situation who am I to tell her any differently.

Go G-Men

New Member
Not really, there are options (12 seconds of searching)

"Truly Seek Him.
We'd like to share right up front that we will not compromise our Judeo-Christian beliefs, teachings and values, but we also won't argue over your right to believe otherwise.

The quote above comes from the link you sent me.. Please see the bold area...

It would seem they will


Well-Known Member
I am not personally Anti-Abortion...
REALLY? You could knock me over with a feather after that shocker! :lol:
I am Anti-telling other people what to do with there lives. I am Anti-scaring the hell out of young ladies when they go into planned parent offices and I am Anti-organized religions who say do what we say regardless of your situation, even if you do not believe in what we believe in.
The question is not religious to me. It's murder, and that's not a religious-only question.

If you're not about telling other people what to do, I'll ask you again, is it okay for a parent to "choose" to kill their one year old, since that baby can't take care of itself? After all, it's just a choice!
Me personally, I take care of mine and my own and if a young lady wants to have an abortion and I don't know her or her family situation who am I to tell her any differently.
I presume you've never had jury duty?


Well-Known Member
"Truly Seek Him.
We'd like to share right up front that we will not compromise our Judeo-Christian beliefs, teachings and values, but we also won't argue over your right to believe otherwise.

The quote above comes from the link you sent me.. Please see the bold area...

It would seem they will
The only thing it seems to me is you make broad and inaccurate presumptions about religious people.


Well-Known Member
The adoption agency you linked on your post states "They complete 300 adoptions a year" That would fall about 999,700 short.
WOW, one adoption agency alone can't fix all of the issues?!? I hope there are more!!
All the waiting families are white... How many are gonna adopt hispanic or black children...
So, you don't just make broad, inaccurate presumptions about religious people, you make racist assumptions about whites.

Again, I put literally a grand total of 12 seconds into searching. Perhaps a little more effort might find another agency or two. But, I already know they exist, I just wanted you to know too.


Based on all the info I read above the question I have is this: How can you be certain that you weren't the potential father of an aborted fetus. Seems like the odds of that are pretty good.

Hmm ....... I only seemed to get pregnant women I dated longer than 2 yrs .... :doh:

or if someone got pregnant that I dated a yr or less, I was never told ........


The adoption agency you linked on your post states "They complete 300 adoptions a year" That would fall about 999,700 short. All the waiting families are white... How many are gonna adopt hispanic or black children...


Hmm well why are we importing babies from Eastern Europe and Asia .........