Anti-Choice Amendment Restricts Abortion Funding

Larry Gude

Strung Out

You argument in this case is old... Your saying that Sen. Vitters proposed this bill solely to save the tax payers money... I contend that was not his purpose at all..

...great; I invite YOU to make the argument and you'd rather say mine is 'old'.

Are you a mind reader? Do you have an interest in mind control? Would you refuse a helping hand from someone because of their faith while accepting it from someone else because their 'purpose' is different?

Would it be OK to argue against spending public money on abortions if he was a pagan? Or an atheist? Or a different religion?


professional daydreamer
It is unfortunate but true... I propose we start small like teaching these youngsters manners and respect for each other and their elders and maybe we can evolve back to being responsible for our actions.

That won't happen. Too many unwanted kids that parents don't want to deal with, and a nanny state that says we're abusing our kids if we spank them. Parents hands are tied, even if they do want to raise their kids right.


New Member
It is unfortunate but true... I propose we start small like teaching these youngsters manners and respect for each other and their elders and maybe we can evolve back to being responsible for our actions.

Teach ethics and morals and responsibility.

:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

Shirley you jest. :pete:You know that's unacceptable. We can't do that.

Teaching safe sex or no sex habits in middle and high school, well that's unacceptable as well.


professional daydreamer
Maybe, then, women would use their head and maybe, then, guys would think with the head that's attached to their shoulders. Right now, people think they can have sex and if something happens, oh well, I'll have an abortion.

That doesn't answer my question. You can't answer it, so you're skirting around it.


No Use for Donk Twits
. I never hear that offer from the churches or right wingers who speak for the churches... They don't want to be accountable they just want everyone to live by there gods rule..

Guess that must mean the atheist church you're speaking about.

While your issue with this is that your tax money is being spent on these abortion I assure that this is a religious issue for the majority of conservatives.

Didn't see the morality in this sentence either, saw religion.

No. My point was that he sponsored this bill solely to force his beliefs and religion on the rest of us. That is just my opinion not a fact.

Every bill sponsored and passed is forcing someone's beliefs (moral or religious, I guess) on someone. MOM is forcing his beliefs on all of us. We may disagree, but as long as he gets elected, that's his option. I believe the Senator truly believes in the bill he sponsored, whatever the reason. But like Queen Nicotina, I cannot divine his thoughts, nor believe it could be a legislative attempt to overturn 'settled' law.


New Member is; the wealthiest nation in the world, the one that has no real border and will let pretty much anyone in, from anywhere for any reason, has no room, among all the things we pizz money away on, for raising and educating unwanted kids, no more orphanages, so, we kill them because it's a better use of our money to spend it all overseas, on welfare recipients, on illegal immigrants and on bridges to nowhere.

THAT is the issue.

Go G-Men

New Member
Guess that must mean the atheist church you're speaking about.

Every bill sponsored and passed is forcing someone's beliefs (moral or religious, I guess) on someone. MOM is forcing his beliefs on all of us. We may disagree, but as long as he gets elected, that's his option. I believe the Senator truly believes in the bill he sponsored, whatever the reason. But like Queen Nicotina, I cannot divine his thoughts, nor believe it could be a legislative attempt to overturn 'settled' law.

Tell me one church that has stepped up and volunteered to adopt these children rather than let it be aborted. Not a church that supports adoption but one that has actually done it?

You get no argument from me on that... To me this is strictly a religious issue.

This is true but I don't have too agree and if I think it is counter to separation of church and state than I will say it like I believe it...
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professional daydreamer
...all this is then, Vitter proposing limits?

Yes, but that doesn't mean I have to agree. :shrug:

As cruel as it sounds, I'd rather see my tax dollars pay for a one time abortion, than feed, clothe and house that child (which is already unwanted) for 18 years.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Would you...

Yes, but that doesn't mean I have to agree. :shrug:

As cruel as it sounds, I'd rather see my tax dollars pay for a one time abortion, than feed, clothe and house that child (which is already unwanted) for 18 years.

...object to orphanages that raise the child into a productive member of society who will pay back 100 fold in tax dollars over his life what it cost to get him to 18? There's over one million abortions per year in this country; there's our unskilled labor right there. So, instead of paying social services to illegals, we spend it on getting this unwanted kids into a position of being wanted and being productive citizens.


professional daydreamer
...object to orphanages that raise the child into a productive member of society who will pay back 100 fold in tax dollars over his life what it cost to get him to 18? There's over one million abortions per year in this country; there's our unskilled labor right there. So, instead of paying social services to illegals, we spend it on getting this unwanted kids into a position of being wanted and being productive citizens.

No. That's not going to fix the problem. It'll only encourage unwanted pregnancy.

If there are a million abortions a year, then there would be a million unwanted children in the orphanages each year. It's just geography. Our tax dollars will still pay for the prenatal care, medical, food, housing, education after the child is born, for 18 years.
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I don't know what your beef is with religion, but I believe it's clouding your thinking. It's not a religious issue, it's a moral issue. Even atheists have ETHICS, maybe guided by different thought processes or origins, but still valid and their ETHICS are in agreement with the general society.

That out of the way, adoptions of foreign children are wayyyyy up. But why? In this country, liberal thinking has it one can't adopt a child not of one's race. Absurd thought, but that's fine it that's what they want to believe. There are plenty of children in the world that could use a loving home.

I just don't believe abortion should be a form of birth control. And unfortunately, there's a belief that abortion should be paid by taxpayers on demand for folks who don't hold the same values as the majority of society.



What happens if the condom breaks or your the un-lucky .4 percent when the pill and condom don't work... You are just sh!t out...

You don't cover one mistake by murdering your unborn child .... you suck it up

You pay child support for 18 yrs .......... and be as much of a father / dad as you can be ........

I got 2 too prove it ...... :faint:

the best thing is to ASSUME, any act of sexual intercourse can and will result in a child being conceived and think long and hard before sticking you dick there .......



Teach ethics and morals and responsibility.

:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

Shirley you jest. :pete:You know that's unacceptable. We can't do that.

Teaching safe sex or no sex habits in middle and high school, well that's unacceptable as well.

Don't call me Shirley ...... :lmao:



b*tch rocket
Tell me one church that has stepped up and volunteered to adopt these children rather than let it be aborted. Not a church that supports adoption but one that has actually done it?

Why would a "church" adopt a child? Where is it going to be raised? The church basement? You're just being silly.

There are MANY church organizations that offer support for unwed mothers. I've seen signs all over Southern MD. They help pay for prenatal care and assist in adoption. All of this at no cost to the mother.

You can google and find a ton of organizations all over the country that provide these type of services.

Go G-Men

New Member
...great; I invite YOU to make the argument and you'd rather say mine is 'old'.

Are you a mind reader? Do you have an interest in mind control? Would you refuse a helping hand from someone because of their faith while accepting it from someone else because their 'purpose' is different?

Would it be OK to argue against spending public money on abortions if he was a pagan? Or an atheist? Or a different religion?


6 question... 6 Answers..


professional daydreamer
Why would a "church" adopt a child? Where is it going to be raised? The church basement? You're just being silly.

Well, I kinda' get where he's coming from. It's church organizations that hold the anti abortion rally's and are really pushing anti abortion. Larry suggested orphange's instead of abortion. Why couldn't the church organizations fund them? They're the one's that are concerned about it.