

Hi, I don't post on here very often but some of you forumites are so informative, I thought I would give this a try. I have been suffering with severe anxiety for the last 6 mos. Have been to two pshychiatrists and didn't like neither one. This is in St.Mary's. One just threw pills at me and I was in the office for only 5 mins and the other one intimidated me so bad I never went back. All the meds that have been prescribed to me have such horriffic side effects , it's worse then the anxiety. I've gotten so I wake up in the morning in a panic of having to face another day. My question is can anyone suggest a good and compassionate physician in St.Mary's that deals with this sort of thing or any meds that you've had very good results with, without the side effects. I would appreciate your input. Thanks in advance for your suggestions
I can't offer any advice as to doctors, but I can say I don't blame anyone with having constant anxiety these days. We are bombarded with world chaos, constant threats of joblessness and layoffs, ever increasing costs for necessities without equal increases in income. Then add in the ever increasing exposures to toxins and diseases. Now throw in the 24/7 constantant stimulation of cell phones, txt'ing, IM'ng, Facebook and forum chats.... hope you find some help coping with all of this...:huggy: You aren't alone.


Agreed. You are not alone. I cope by going to the gym to relieve stress. Each of us copes in our way. Maybe you just haven't found yours. I wish you luck. It isn't easy.


Having Fun!
You are not alone. I'm afraid that I don't know any physicians in St. Mary's. Can your primmary care physician recommend someone?

I have found that exercise really helps, as does having a hobby or something else to focus on that will take the mind off of the cause of the anxiety. Find some supportive friends that you can talk to whenever you need some support. In the meantime, start here Anxiety and Depression Resource Organization since 1984 - Freedom From Fear

More info coming via Private Message :huggy:
I know that are not in St. Mary's but they were wonderful for me.

Dr. Saleh & Associates 410-535-5602
110 Hospital road suite 302
Prince Frederick, MD 20678

They also have a therapist named Susan Young and she is wonderful too. The weekly visits to her helped, as did Dr. Saleh putting me on the right meds.

If you need someone to talk to PM me.



Methodically disorganized
I have been suffering with severe anxiety for the last 6 mos.
I am curious what happened around that time. Did something specific occur to put you in this pattern, or perhaps, was the tension building over time and some 'final straw' induced it?

You are definitely not alone. This is probably one of the most common mental health issues out there. I hope you get the anxiety - as well as its cause - sorted out soon.


24/7 Single Dad
Ride a motorcycle in traffic and all that stuff you're worried about will seem like chicken sh1t
Hi, I don't post on here very often but some of you forumites are so informative, I thought I would give this a try. I have been suffering with severe anxiety for the last 6 mos. Have been to two pshychiatrists and didn't like neither one. This is in St.Mary's. One just threw pills at me and I was in the office for only 5 mins and the other one intimidated me so bad I never went back. All the meds that have been prescribed to me have such horriffic side effects , it's worse then the anxiety. I've gotten so I wake up in the morning in a panic of having to face another day. My question is can anyone suggest a good and compassionate physician in St.Mary's that deals with this sort of thing or any meds that you've had very good results with, without the side effects. I would appreciate your input. Thanks in advance for your suggestions

Had them for a while a bit ago. Effexor helped.


Active Member
If you look the word up in the Dictionary, my picture is probably in it. I did some research, and found that it tends to run in family's, and usually hits between the ages of 25, to 35 years old. My Mother died when I was 15 years old. So I really didn't know her too well. Looking back on her life, I remembered my Mother never leaving the house...she was Agoraphobic, and come to find was HER Mother, and so-on. The first couple of weeks being on medication, is NO FUN, have to give it time to work. All meds have potential Side-Effects, which generally go away after a while. The first few Doctors that I saw, had to either change my meds, or just tweek them a little. Finally after a Trial & error period, they found one that works for me. It changed my life, and for that I am thankful. Be easy on yourself, and take care of yourself. Start taking some vitamins, and excercise as stated in other posts. You may want to have some Blood Work done, to see if there may be an Organic Thyroid, or Diabetes. If you need to talk..PM me. I know what it's like to be afraid to talk to someone, because you feel like some kind of freak..but you aren't. Good luck.


Salt Life
I see Kim Cook at Hollywood Medical for my anxiety/treatment. I've been taking buspar for about a year and a half, and it has definitely helped A LOT! I don't have side effects, and I don't feel like a zombie. It's very mild. Good luck!!


Material Girl
PREMO Member
I can't offer any advice as to doctors, but I can say I don't blame anyone with having constant anxiety these days. We are bombarded with world chaos, constant threats of joblessness and layoffs, ever increasing costs for necessities without equal increases in income. Then add in the ever increasing exposures to toxins and diseases. Now throw in the 24/7 constantant stimulation of cell phones, txt'ing, IM'ng, Facebook and forum chats.... hope you find some help coping with all of this...:huggy: You aren't alone.

:shocking: I thought it was just my afternoon coffee keeping me up at night. :cds:


No. He started me on low dosage and slowly increased. He did say not to stop taking it once I started though. Not all at once anyway. I pretty much did though. Didn't bother me.

If you go to webmed and read the reviews the side effects are very scarey and especially if you try to get off of it. Thanks for the reply thought, I appreciate it.


Dream Stealer
Though medications for anxiety are easy to come by..the far safer and more long lasting treatment is CBT or cognitive behavioral therapy. It has been shown in numerous studies to more effective (and longer lasting as the drug only work when in your system) than drugs..not to mention none of those pesky side effects.

Instead of looking for a doctor or psychiatrist, try looking for a counselor or psychologist. they can help address your anxiety... sometimes assited by low doses of drugs (which you would get from a doc they refer you to) or with none at all. The goal is to change your thinking and coping, rather than just having a crutch. To eliminate the anxiety and it's causes, rather than mask it. CBT is highly effective, and by its definition is as brief as possible. Then you have great coping mechanisms stored up and can esentially help yourself. I know that when I was in school, many of the CBT strategies we did in class (and I practiced with my patients at work) helped me on more than one occasion when I was facing stress and anxiety. Being pregnant and having some scary test results has made me have several panic attacks int he last few months..but I have been able to cope by breaking out some of my old textbooks and doing some of the excersises. Sounds goofy..I know this and the thought of therapy is often a lot more anxiety provoking than just taking a script and being on your merry way...but they are so helpful.

So don't think drugs are the only way out. They are the easy way, but to put yourself on good footing and prepare yourself to actually deal with life ...CBT is for sure the way to go. Several of the therpaists, social workers, and psychologists in the area have websites and they often detail their methods. Good luck.


My Sweetest Boy
Though medications for anxiety are easy to come by..the far safer and more long lasting treatment is CBT or cognitive behavioral therapy. It has been shown in numerous studies to more effective (and longer lasting as the drug only work when in your system) than drugs..not to mention none of those pesky side effects.

Instead of looking for a doctor or psychiatrist, try looking for a counselor or psychologist. they can help address your anxiety... sometimes assited by low doses of drugs (which you would get from a doc they refer you to) or with none at all. The goal is to change your thinking and coping, rather than just having a crutch. To eliminate the anxiety and it's causes, rather than mask it. CBT is highly effective, and by its definition is as brief as possible. Then you have great coping mechanisms stored up and can esentially help yourself. I know that when I was in school, many of the CBT strategies we did in class (and I practiced with my patients at work) helped me on more than one occasion when I was facing stress and anxiety. Being pregnant and having some scary test results has made me have several panic attacks int he last few months..but I have been able to cope by breaking out some of my old textbooks and doing some of the excersises. Sounds goofy..I know this and the thought of therapy is often a lot more anxiety provoking than just taking a script and being on your merry way...but they are so helpful.

So don't think drugs are the only way out. They are the easy way, but to put yourself on good footing and prepare yourself to actually deal with life ...CBT is for sure the way to go. Several of the therpaists, social workers, and psychologists in the area have websites and they often detail their methods. Good luck.


I am the panic disorder queen. Not many people understand if they've never experienced it. It can be crippling.

I have been to many "doctors" over the years..even been on paxil. :faint: The paxil worked but I had no emotion, was so "flat," and it was horrendous to get off of the drug.

I now go to a great therapist who has helped me tremendously.