Anyone know this scumbag?


New Member
You're right. It does sound like blame/judgement on my part though that wasn't the intention. I was just trying to make the point that we all have to be responsible for our actions and cleaning up for our kids all their lives, doesn't make less teaches them that they can do what they want without consequence. I apologize for sounding judgmental.


Back in the saddle
Please go look at any 2 month old baby and believe that. :rolleyes:

OH Socki you should see my 2 month old. She could really fend off someone if they were to start beating her. You having 3 of your own should know that a two month old is VERY strong. :sarcasm:


Well-Known Member
I wish I could tell everything I know about this situation. It would put a quick end to the speculation by the nay sayers as to the innocence or guilt of this man. I am sickened by this, and when the rest hear all of the details and the extent of what has happened, well....if people thought they were brutal before, stand by.


New Member
I wish I could tell everything I know about this situation. It would put a quick end to the speculation by the nay sayers as to the innocence or guilt of this man. I am sickened by this, and when the rest hear all of the details and the extent of what has happened, well....if people thought they were brutal before, stand by.

Yup, I understand that there is a sexual abuse aspect of this case that has yet to be made public - truly sickening.

These allegations are still no justification for the blood lust from this peanut gallery in the shallow end of the gene pool.
Yup, I understand that there is a sexual abuse aspect of this case that has yet to be made public - truly sickening.

These allegations are still no justification for the blood lust from this peanut gallery in the shallow end of the gene pool.

Welcome to the club nut bag with your new MPD Richard Cranium... :lol:


I know his parents as well, and although they are very nice people, they have spent years bailing this kid out of every single thing he has done and has been recorded on the Maryland Judiciary case site. My son went to school with him and when he started HS Ryan was part of the Tech Center Criminal Justice program, so initially, I thought he was a decent kid. He later dropped it, started doing drugs and living a wild life. Maybe if his parents had let him take what was coming to him and not coddled him he may have turned out different? Maybe not. I told my son this afternoon what his former classmate did and he was absolutely floored. He said he could not believe that he could do that to his own child. It's not my job to judge anyone else because I certainly have made my mistakes as a parent, but when my son screwed up, he paid the consequences for his actions and guess what? He learned not to screw up. I do feel for his parents but I feel that not letting a child learn that he/she has to answer for everything they do in life can hurt them more than it helps. I pray for this baby and the family. I know I wouldn't want it to be my child or grandchild in this situation.

And this is the woman who is principal at my son's elementary school? And she had the audacity to send me a nasty note home about my 5 year old being TRUANT when he was home sick with the flu? They should fire her. If she can't raise her own kid right, how the heck is she supposed to be a role model for children?


Well-Known Member
And this is the woman who is principal at my son's elementary school? And she had the audacity to send me a nasty note home about my 5 year old being TRUANT when he was home sick with the flu? They should fire her. If she can't raise her own kid right, how the heck is she supposed to be a role model for children?

Oh hush. He was 24. He was an adult.


Well-Known Member
And this is the woman who is principal at my son's elementary school? And she had the audacity to send me a nasty note home about my 5 year old being TRUANT when he was home sick with the flu? They should fire her. If she can't raise her own kid right, how the heck is she supposed to be a role model for children?

I've heard how wonderful she is by a few people that I know. I don't blame her that her son is a piece of crap. Sometimes, even the best parents end up with piece of crap kids. True, she coddled her son but it doesn't look like she was a poor parent. :yay:


Yup, I understand that there is a sexual abuse aspect of this case that has yet to be made public - truly sickening.

These allegations are still no justification for the blood lust from this peanut gallery in the shallow end of the gene pool.

If what you say is true, you ain't seen nothin' yet.


Do Work Son!
And this is the woman who is principal at my son's elementary school? And she had the audacity to send me a nasty note home about my 5 year old being TRUANT when he was home sick with the flu? They should fire her. If she can't raise her own kid right, how the heck is she supposed to be a role model for children?

ummm.... maybe she's try to help prevent your son from turning out like her son? you know... a littel preventative action?

And just like other have said, just because her son didn't turn out so good doesn't mean she's abad person.


Football addict
And this is the woman who is principal at my son's elementary school? And she had the audacity to send me a nasty note home about my 5 year old being TRUANT when he was home sick with the flu? They should fire her. If she can't raise her own kid right, how the heck is she supposed to be a role model for children?
It's not always the parents fault.

The best chickens lay bad eggs from time to time.


I bowl overhand
Where were you when the founding fathers needed you? You've cleared this all up for me now. It's time to write a book. You must have attended Georgetown Law or at the very least Prince George's Community College. Thank you.

DAMN, only took me what, 3 posts to win that one?!!


Well-Known Member
Yup, I understand that there is a sexual abuse aspect of this case that has yet to be made public - truly sickening.

This is simply not true. When the facts of this investigation are revealed, they are horrific enough so there is no need to say something that is false.