Anyone know this scumbag?


New Member
No prior knowledge - just experience enough to know that the police aren't always right, are they? Defending basic rights, not one person, is what I'm about. The idea that you're not guilty until proven so means something to me - one of the idea's that I've fought to defend this country. Can you say the same?

Probably not since you've been peppering this board with 4th grade insults from the comfort of your mother's basement in Waldorf when most honest/enlightened people are out earning a living. Sad part of this also is the fact that you white trash vigilantes are same uneducated, narrow-minded, bigots that don't understand your own history and aren't smart enough to get excluded from jury duty. God help us.

Enlighten us wise one, what is the meaning of "innocent until proven guilty" and where does it apply?

Us uneducated bastages would like to know.

you white trash vigilantes are same uneducated, narrow-minded, bigots

Yep, we're the bigots. :killingme


New Member
No prior knowledge - just experience enough to know that the police aren't always right, are they? Defending basic rights, not one person, is what I'm about. The idea that you're not guilty until proven so means something to me - one of the idea's that I've fought to defend this country. Can you say the same?

Probably not since you've been peppering this board with 4th grade insults from the comfort of your mother's basement in Waldorf when most honest/enlightened people are out earning a living. Sad part of this also is the fact that you white trash vigilantes are same uneducated, narrow-minded, bigots that don't understand your own history and aren't smart enough to get excluded from jury duty. God help us.


You're labeling all of us without proof .... isn't that "one of the idea's that I've fought to defend this country"? (which by the way, is terrible grammar)


New Member
Sockgirl: A Mental Picture

The police are not the only ones involved here. EXPERT doctors are too.

Oh and hey jackass...a majority of us are in the working class.

Hah! You're averaging 20 posts a day (everyday!) to this forum for over 4 yrs. and you expect me to believe you work for a living? :smack:

sockgirl - Tell me if I'm close when I think of you:

I'm picturing a combo-platter of Rosie O'Donnell and Butter Bean with your keyboard barely working because of all of the rancid ice cream drippings and fried chicken grease.


Well-Known Member
Hah! You're averaging 20 posts a day (everyday!) to this forum for over 4 yrs. and you expect me to believe you work for a living? :smack:

sockgirl - Tell me if I'm close when I think of you:

I'm picturing a combo-platter of Rosie O'Donnell and Butter Bean with your keyboard barely working because of all of the rancid ice cream drippings and fried chicken grease.

God damn you're good. :yay:


New Member
Hah! You're averaging 20 posts a day (everyday!) to this forum for over 4 yrs. and you expect me to believe you work for a living? :smack:

sockgirl - Tell me if I'm close when I think of you:

I'm picturing a combo-platter of Rosie O'Donnell and Butter Bean with your keyboard barely working because of all of the rancid ice cream drippings and fried chicken grease.

20 posts a day doesn't take time at all.

this post took less then 10 seconds ....


New Member
The Digger wants to know

Hah! You're averaging 20 posts a day (everyday!) to this forum for over 4 yrs. and you expect me to believe you work for a living? :smack:

sockgirl - Tell me if I'm close when I think of you:

I'm picturing a combo-platter of Rosie O'Donnell and Butter Bean with your keyboard barely working because of all of the rancid ice cream drippings and fried chicken grease.

.....where do you work? What's your job in the working class?


New Member
Open mouth; insert foot.

20 posts a day doesn't take time at all.

this post took less then 10 seconds ....

I have to admit, I was thinking that the maximum amount of thinking you were doing BEFORE posting was no more than 4 seconds. I feel much better now knowing that you work hard to put in a full 10 seconds before you show the world how articulate you are. My apologies.:doh:


I bowl overhand
The idea that you're not guilty until proven so means something to me - ?

That's a good ideal in a perfect society, but we don't live in a perfect society, and your ideal doesn't hold water.

If everyone was "innocent until proven guilty" (and it's actually PRESUMED innocent until proven guilty) the cops wouldn't be able to arrest or incarcerate anyone until the completion of a trial. There would be no arrest, no bail hearing, no jailed until trial.. or at the VERY least EVERYONE would be released without bail until trial, and found guilty.

Generally speaking the cops do NOT arrest innocent people. They may make a mistake every now and then, but when the cops are putting cuffs on someone, it's not because they are presuming their prisoner is innocent.


New Member
I have to admit, I was thinking that the maximum amount of thinking you were doing BEFORE posting was no more than 4 seconds. I feel much better now knowing that you work hard to put in a full 10 seconds before you show the world how articulate you are. My apologies.:doh:

I really don't need much time to think of simple facts. If you do, that's fine.


Posted on May 21, 2008

LEONARDTOWN, Md. (May 21, 2008) -- A Hollywood, Md. man is in jail based on charges stemming from an incident last week that landed a 2 month-old child in a hospital in critical condition. Ryan Thomas Woodford, age 24, was arrested yesterday by St. Mary's County Bureau of Criminal Investigations (BCI) detectives and Washington Metropolitan Police in Washington DC on a warrant obtained by BCI detectives for 1st degree child abuse and 2nd degree assault.

Police say the arrest was the result of a May 15 incident which occurred at Woodford's home where a 2 month-old child in Woodford's care and custody received fractured bones and a head injury.

As of Tuesday, the child was listed in critical condition at Children's Hospital.

Woodford was incarcerated in the Washington DC Jail waiting extradition back to St. Mary's County.

Hollywood Man Arrested For Child Abuse; 2 Month-Old in Critical Condition - Southern Maryland Headline News

his mother is the principal at Piney Point Elementary School...


New Member
The Digger was speaking to thetruth.

The Digger is waiting for thetruth to show him the beacon of truth and justice since thetruth has all the answers. :notworthy

:clap: I'm glad to see that you are also celebrating "speak like Yoda" day.