Anyone know this scumbag?


New Member
I have to admit, I was thinking that the maximum amount of thinking you were doing BEFORE posting was no more than 4 seconds. I feel much better now knowing that you work hard to put in a full 10 seconds before you show the world how articulate you are. My apologies.:doh:

Please, wise one, what is your current occupation? And what is thetruth? :notworthy

Well, I'm waiting.



New Member
That's a good ideal in a perfect society, but we don't live in a perfect society, and your ideal doesn't hold water.

If everyone was "innocent until proven guilty" (and it's actually PRESUMED innocent until proven guilty) the cops wouldn't be able to arrest or incarcerate anyone until the completion of a trial. There would be no arrest, no bail hearing, no jailed until trial.. or at the VERY least EVERYONE would be released without bail until trial, and found guilty.

Generally speaking the cops do NOT arrest innocent people. They may make a mistake every now and then, but when the cops are putting cuffs on someone, it's not because they are presuming their prisoner is innocent.

Where were you when the founding fathers needed you? You've cleared this all up for me now. It's time to write a book. You must have attended Georgetown Law or at the very least Prince George's Community College. Thank you.


Where was the mother in all of this? If he was so bad on drugs and all that why didn't she file for custody? I BLAME THE MOTHER!


I bowl overhand
Where were you when the founding fathers needed you? You've cleared this all up for me now. It's time to write a book. You must have attended Georgetown Law or at the very least Prince George's Community College. Thank you.

Well, seeing how you are so much smarter than the rest of us, please point out where we have the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty.. Can you please cut and paste the part of the constitution where it is spelled out? Oh, and please, just for those of us not too bright, BOLD and Italicize the words.. Innocent until Proven Guilty? Or Presumed innocent until proven guilty.. I'll be waiting.


New Member
Where was the mother in all of this? If he was so bad on drugs and all that why didn't she file for custody? I BLAME THE MOTHER!

Why don't you read the thread before posting such ignorance :mad: The mother died in a freak hot air balloon accident. Jerk :smack: I hope you feel better now.


I bowl overhand
Where were you when the founding fathers needed you? You've cleared this all up for me now. It's time to write a book. You must have attended Georgetown Law or at the very least Prince George's Community College. Thank you.

And as you are about to find out, the founding fathers didn't need me.. They didn't include it in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights.. Apparently they also were smarter than you.


New Member
Where were you when the founding fathers needed you? You've cleared this all up for me now. It's time to write a book. You must have attended Georgetown Law or at the very least Prince George's Community College. Thank you.

Bob was searching for thetruth. :lmao:


New Member
And as you are about to find out, the founding fathers didn't need me.. They didn't include it in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights.. Apparently they also were smarter than you.

Don't forget that habeas corpus was suspended back in 2006, part of the Military Commissions Act. :yay:

Thetruth only speaks blind ignorance.


Do Work Son!
I know of his parents, they are good people. I don't feel they are to blame for what thier son did. Especially since he was 24.


New Member
I know his parents as well, and although they are very nice people, they have spent years bailing this kid out of every single thing he has done and has been recorded on the Maryland Judiciary case site. My son went to school with him and when he started HS Ryan was part of the Tech Center Criminal Justice program, so initially, I thought he was a decent kid. He later dropped it, started doing drugs and living a wild life. Maybe if his parents had let him take what was coming to him and not coddled him he may have turned out different? Maybe not. I told my son this afternoon what his former classmate did and he was absolutely floored. He said he could not believe that he could do that to his own child. It's not my job to judge anyone else because I certainly have made my mistakes as a parent, but when my son screwed up, he paid the consequences for his actions and guess what? He learned not to screw up. I do feel for his parents but I feel that not letting a child learn that he/she has to answer for everything they do in life can hurt them more than it helps. I pray for this baby and the family. I know I wouldn't want it to be my child or grandchild in this situation.


Watch it
I know his parents as well, and although they are very nice people, they have spent years bailing this kid out of every single thing he has done and has been recorded on the Maryland Judiciary case site. My son went to school with him and when he started HS Ryan was part of the Tech Center Criminal Justice program, so initially, I thought he was a decent kid. He later dropped it, started doing drugs and living a wild life. Maybe if his parents had let him take what was coming to him and not coddled him he may have turned out different? Maybe not. I told my son this afternoon what his former classmate did and he was absolutely floored. He said he could not believe that he could do that to his own child. It's not my job to judge anyone else because I certainly have made my mistakes as a parent, but when my son screwed up, he paid the consequences for his actions and guess what? He learned not to screw up. I do feel for his parents but I feel that not letting a child learn that he/she has to answer for everything they do in life can hurt them more than it helps. I pray for this baby and the family. I know I wouldn't want it to be my child or grandchild in this situation.

Sounds a little like blame/judgement to me.