Anyone watching Meet the Press?


Super Genius
Tom Sawyer said:
Thank God he got himself trounced in 2004.
He didn't get trounced nearly as much as he should have. I wonder if anyone has checked the city water supplies for traces of Kool-Aid :lmao:


NOT Politically Correct!!
AndyMarquisLIVE said:
Response. He said before the storm FEMA had been prepared for the worst and was already in place and that the levees would be breached and so on so on.

Then he LIED about it saying nobody thought the levees would be breached. That is a lie and that is a fact. Do you want video?

Then they told victims of the storm to go to the Convention Center. They were going door to door telling people this.

Now, let's put into perspective, New Orleans was entirely without power. Nagin had no way of getting a message out to people short of radio programming, and not alot of people have battery powered radios down there (which is beyond me).

So then, Bushie decides to fly over New Orleans. Now, why the hell couldn't they drop MREs or anything. They can fly to Indonesia and drop MREs in less than three days. Instead, they just ignore the human suffering and blame the victims for what's going on.

You're real good at pointing out problems and mistakes after the fact, what did you do to help??? Another arm chair quarterback... :coffee:


New Member
mv_princess said:
Why can't we blame the people that live there that didn't leave? because they thought they could handle the storm.

Why isn't you can't blame Nagin, because he TOLD FEMA everything was fine, and didn't want their help or anyone elses. Until DAYS after the storm, when he realized "ooppss, I made a boo boo"

:bs: Nagin was told by the President that FEMA would be at the Convention Center. And since we're in the trusing kind of mood, we should believe everything said since we all believe every word of King George's anyway.


New Member
ylexot said:
He didn't get trounced nearly as much as he should have. I wonder if anyone has checked the city water supplies for traces of Kool-Aid :lmao:

Did somebody say....Kool-Aid!?!?!



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One of the really funny things about New Orleans and the Hurricane is this. A few months before the hurricane the homeland Security agency passed out tons of money. many of the Fire departments and Police Departments all over the country got it. Right here in St. Mary;s County a lot of money came in and was used to purchase new equipment and supplies. Next we read about New Orleans and how they gathered up all those folks at the football stadium and there were no toilets anf no food and no supplies.

What happened to the Homeland Security money New Orleans received.?
At the least knowing what a terrible rut they were in if a storm struck, they could have supplied the shelters. Now it isnt the President's fault they didnt. Nagin and Blanco have to take some of that blame.

I sure would like to see an investigation of where all that money from Homeland security went.


I bowl overhand
Tom Sawyer said:
One of the really funny things about New Orleans and the Hurricane is this. A few months before the hurricane the homeland Security agency passed out tons of money. many of the Fire departments and Police Departments all over the country got it. Right here in St. Mary;s County a lot of money came in and was used to purchase new equipment and supplies. Next we read about New Orleans and how they gathered up all those folks at the football stadium and there were no toilets anf no food and no supplies.

What happened to the Homeland Security money New Orleans received.?
At the least knowing what a terrible rut they were in if a storm struck, they could have supplied the shelters. Now it isnt the President's fault they didnt. Nagin and Blanco have to take some of that blame.

I sure would like to see an investigation of where all that money from Homeland security went.
There was a story in the Times about that.. The laws in New Orelans and LA state they can not accept any federal money "earmarked" for anything.. if the feds want to give them money it has to be spent how the Mayor and Governor decide to best spend it. So, they could spend FEMA money on upgrading the porcelain in the statehouse if they wanted.

The money you are speaking of was supposed to go to upgrading communications equipment and to upgrade emergency equipment.. here in MD it did just that.. in New Orleans it didn't, and nobody really knows what is was spent on. It could have been used to renovate the Mayors mansion as far as we know.


mv = margaritaville
AndyMarquisLIVE said:
:bs: Nagin was told by the President that FEMA would be at the Convention Center. And since we're in the trusing kind of mood, we should believe everything said since we all believe every word of King George's anyway.
please find me the report that says that....


I bowl overhand
As a July 24, 2005 article in the New Orleans Times Picayune put it: 'City, state and federal emergency officials are preparing to give the poorest of New Orleans' poor a historically blunt message: In the event of a major hurricane, you're on your own'. Mayor Nagin himself appeared on the DVD, telling people that they wouldn't be evacuated, or any support provided. The city had the resources to put together a digital package to tell the poor that there were no resources for them.

New Orleans' response to the disaster took account of all its citizens. For those better off, with the means to escape, a new contraflow system to expedite their evacuation worked much better than during Hurricane Ivan. For the trapped, there was that promised nothing at all.

What happened to the desperate of New Orleans was exactly according to plan.

It's a little cheeky for Nagin to invoke God, as he does, against those who provided nothing for the hurricane-devastated poor. After all, that was always his stated intention, and it was with the vernacular of that very God that this intention was given a name: 'Operation Brother's Keeper'.

Now THIS I didn't know.....