AOC Says Something Ignorant


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

Fair Enough, but your anecdotal experience does not make a national narrative

Anecdotal evidence is often better than scientific analysis, especially in this day and age. What I see with my own eyes and hear with my own ears, vs. what they tell me I'm seeing and hearing. And when that evidence is overwhelming, and any evidence to the contrary is not demonstrable, I know which I choose to believe.

Dumbing it down:

These people can say things all day long, but unless they demonstrate it in their lives it's just so much bullshit and blather.
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PREMO Member
Ignorant Tween AOC Comments on Critical Race Theory, But a New Poll Destroys Her Take

Her comments then got even dumber when she claimed that the debate centers on how schools teach American history:

“We should say why don’t you want our schools to teach anti-racism? Why don’t Republicans want their kids to know the tradition of anti-racism in the United States?” she said, growing increasingly frustrated. “Why are they attacking the core roots of history in this country that strays anything beyond what we already know? … Why don’t Republicans want us to learn how to not be racist? Why don’t Republicans want kids to know how to not be racist?”
McWhorter dispensed with this argument. Not wanting “anti-racist” ideas in the classroom is not about how we teach history:

Noble people are arguing all over the place that if you say you don’t want these anti-racist academy philosophies in a classroom that your child is in, what you’re saying is that you want American history to be taught the way it was in 1925—with a waving flag, slavery not mentioned, and everything is just fine and hunky-dory. That is utter hot smoking bull***t.
Yet, there is this whole debate going on now where the Left ignores what is going on in these classrooms. They won’t admit that all of these news reports spell something.

A Rasmussen poll earlier this month found that 78% of voters say that it’s at least somewhat important to teach the traditional values of Western civilization. Nearly three-quarters of likely minority voters agree.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
AOC Says How She Accidentally Glued Her Face To Her Coffee Table Is A Clear Failure Of Capitalism



PREMO Member
Think about the a Congress Person with a degree in Economics is

  1. Lying about Capitalism
  2. Really is ****ing clueless and / or so ate up with Anti-Capitalism Ideology she really does not understand


PREMO Member
Ocasio-Cortez Misunderstands Inflation

The socialist congresswoman said last week that if we had “an overall inflationary issue, we would see prices going up in relatively equal amounts across the board no matter what the good is.” She notes that we have instead seen “very sector specific” price increases, “which means that these are due to supply chain issues.”

This is wrong. Uneven price increases are consistent with overall inflation both theoretically and as a matter of historical fact (as in the 1970s). On the most charitable interpretation of Ocasio-Cortez’s remark that I have been able to make, she seems to have in mind the reasonable idea that an excessively loose monetary policy will eventually cause prices to rise in roughly equal proportions. But she also seems to be assuming, falsely, that we can’t have that kind of inflation at the same time that we have supply-chain weaknesses that cause some specific prices to rise especially fast.

The extent to which each of these phenomena is happening is something economists are currently debating. It would certainly be easier to resolve the debate if the presence of one of them implied the absence of the other. The world does not arrange itself so neatly.

This is someone with a Business / Economics Degree ?

Is she clueless or just an ideologue

black dog

Free America
AOC Says How She Accidentally Glued Her Face To Her Coffee Table Is A Clear Failure Of Capitalism

That bitch is so dumb when someone pulls her hair shes not smart enough to push backwards...


PREMO Member
‘#NegotiationsSoWhite’: AOC, Cori Bush Denounce Bipartisan Infrastructure Group For Being Caucasian

She also slammed the bipartisan group — which includes Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ), Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT), Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Sen. Joe Manchin (R-WV), and eighteen other legislators — for their shared Caucasian ethnicity.

“The diversity of this ‘bipartisan coalition’ pretty perfectly conveys which communities get centered and which get left behind when leaders prioritize bipartisan dealmaking over inclusive lawmaking (which prioritizes delivering the most impact possible for the most people),” tweeted the thirty-one-year-old lawmaker.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
The squad should complain to the Congressional Caucasian Caucus(C cubed). I bet they'd fix this crap right quick.


PREMO Member
Tlaib, AOC Want Treasury to Deny Tax-Exempt Status to Groups Aiding Israel’s ‘Illegal Settlement Enterprise’

As is characteristic of the Left, this appeal is long on propagandistic plays on the emotions and short on facts. The falsehoods and distortions begin with the letter’s reference to “Israel’s illegal settlement enterprise.” The underlying assumption here is that Israel is illegally building homes for Israelis on land that doesn’t belong to Israel, but is “occupied.” Hordes of Leftists in America and elsewhere take this for granted as axiomatically true, but it isn’t. As The Palestinian Delusion explains, Israel did indeed take control of the “occupied” territory in question after the Six-Day War of 1967, during which the Muslim Arab states neighboring Israel launched an unprovoked attack upon it; Israel followed the practice of winners of defensive wars throughout world history in taking territory from the defeated aggressors to ensure there would be no repetition of the aggression.

Nor was the “occupied” territory previously part of a state of Palestine. There was no Palestinian state, then or ever. From 1948 to 1967, the West Bank was occupied by Jordan and Gaza by Egypt, yet nary a word was heard in those days about “occupation,” despite the fact that neither Jordan nor Egypt had any claim on the occupied territory. In fact, there is only one nation in the world that has any legal claim to that territory, and that nation is none other than Israel. The last nation before Israel to own the territory involved was the Ottoman Empire. As that empire was dissolving, it ceded these lands to the League of Nations, the precursor to the United Nations, which granted them to Britain for the express purpose of encouraging Jewish settlement for a Jewish national home. That national home is Israel; consequently, the land that Tlaib, Ocasio-Cortez, and the rest claim is “occupied” and now covered with “illegal settlements,” belongs—by the international law about which they make so much—to Israel, and Israel alone.


Well-Known Member
In-group bias by race, White in-group bias by political alignment and by gender



Stance on “majority-minority” demographic shift, aka “Is the ethnic displacement of Whites a good thing?”
White Leftoids believe that a “majority-minority” population (aka majority non-White aka Whites being ethnically displaced) is a good thing.


“Does pro-Whiteness strengthen or weaken the country?”
White Leftoids are overtly anti-White.

In-group bias by race and political alignment

Non-White Leftoids have higher levels of in-group bias (racism) than non-White Conservatives. The cause of this is twofold:

1. Leftism to non-Whites means more gibs from Whitey and more pampering from the state. Therefore, Leftism is the most pro-brown political stance that brown people can take. (This is the primary cause for this trend).

2. “Conservatism” (or its modern Liberal-Trotskyite bastard form) convinces non-Whites to abandon in-group preference in favor of “pulling themselves up by their bootstraps.” Thus, the least ethnocentric non-Whites are attracted to the (so-called) “right-wing.”

Channeling your inner Tranny?


Well-Known Member
isn't it becoming clear that " AOC says something idiotic" is redundant?

She hasn't even opened the box of racist familial terms, yet......such as "nephew", "cousin", "in-laws", "step father" etc...


PREMO Member
AOC Claims ‘Misogyny’ And ‘Racism’ Motivated Capitol Riot, Says She Feared Being Raped Because ‘White Supremacy And Patriarchy Are Very Linked’

Ocasio-Cortez was not in the U.S. Capitol building proper during the riot, though she was in the Rayburn House Office Building on the Capitol campus, separated from the Capitol building by a road on the surface and a subway underground. Capitol Police told Ocasio-Cortez and her staff to remain in their offices during the incident. A Republican colleague, Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) later said that she was “two doors down” from Ocasio-Cortez and that “insurrectionists never stormed our hallway.”

After Ocasio-Cortez was confronted for “exaggerating” her experience, the New York Post noted, she fired back, insisting that she was near enough to the action to warrant fear.


Well-Known Member
AOC Claims ‘Misogyny’ And ‘Racism’ Motivated Capitol Riot, Says She Feared Being Raped Because ‘White Supremacy And Patriarchy Are Very Linked’

Ocasio-Cortez was not in the U.S. Capitol building proper during the riot, though she was in the Rayburn House Office Building on the Capitol campus, separated from the Capitol building by a road on the surface and a subway underground. Capitol Police told Ocasio-Cortez and her staff to remain in their offices during the incident. A Republican colleague, Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) later said that she was “two doors down” from Ocasio-Cortez and that “insurrectionists never stormed our hallway.”

After Ocasio-Cortez was confronted for “exaggerating” her experience, the New York Post noted, she fired back, insisting that she was near enough to the action to warrant fear.

LMAO----------- AOC feared being raped.

Only if she wore a catcher's mask, those horse teeth could rip a man to shreds.


Well-Known Member
AOC Claims ‘Misogyny’ And ‘Racism’ Motivated Capitol Riot, Says She Feared Being Raped Because ‘White Supremacy And Patriarchy Are Very Linked’

Ocasio-Cortez was not in the U.S. Capitol building proper during the riot, though she was in the Rayburn House Office Building on the Capitol campus, separated from the Capitol building by a road on the surface and a subway underground. Capitol Police told Ocasio-Cortez and her staff to remain in their offices during the incident. A Republican colleague, Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) later said that she was “two doors down” from Ocasio-Cortez and that “insurrectionists never stormed our hallway.”

After Ocasio-Cortez was confronted for “exaggerating” her experience, the New York Post noted, she fired back, insisting that she was near enough to the action to warrant fear.
Ewww, honey, not even with Hunter B’s dick.