AOC Says Something Ignorant


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AOC's call for higher taxes on New York's 'top 5%' would hit households earning more than $250K, analysis shows

  • Ocasio-Cortez joined a call last month to raise taxes on New York's top 5%
  • New analysis finds that would include couple's making more than $250,000

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's recent call to raise taxes on New York's highest-earning 5 percent would hit households making $250,000 or more, according to a new analysis.

The firebrand Democrat signed on to a statement issued last month by the New York City Democratic Socialists, calling on the city and state to 'fund resources for all New Yorkers' by raising taxes on the top 5 percent.

In an analysis on Monday for the Wall Street Journal, Tim Hoefer, the CEO of conservative think tank Empire Center for Public Policy, accused the congresswoman of attempting to redefine the term 'rich'.

'Considering the left’s prior focus on “the 1 percent,” this is a major development,' he wrote.

Hoefer wrote that while the top 1 percent of New Yorkers make nearly $1 million in adjusted gross income, the 5 percent threshold is a little above $250,000 for a household, or a married couple making about $127,000 each.

Hoefer argued the $127,000 threshold would include many government workers, teachers and school administrators, and first responders.


PREMO Member

AOC demands Biden 'takes responsibility and reverses' border wall construction - as president U-turns AGAIN and starts deporting thousands of Venezuelans to combat migrant surge

  • AOC demanded Biden 'reverse course' after DHS announced plans for new wall
  • Separately, administration announced deportation of Venezuelans will resume
  • Venezuelans fleeing failing socialist state are now the largest group of migrants

Following a large surge in the number of migrants illegally crossing into the US from Mexico, the Biden administration said this week it would waive 26 federal laws to build additional sections of border wall in Starr County, Texas.

In a statement on Thursday night, the New York congresswoman slammed the move, saying: 'The Biden administration was not obligated to expand border wall construction — and it was certainly not obligated to waive several environmental laws to expedite construction.'

'A wall does nothing to stop people fleeing poverty and violence from coming to the United States...Walls only serve to push migrants into more remote areas, increasing their chances of death. It is a cruel policy,' she added.

Ocasio-Cortez went on to blame US sanctions on Venezuela for the current surge in migration, saying the country must 're-examine policy towards Latin America.'

Meanwhile, the US will resume deporting Venezuelan migrants, the largest single group encountered at the southern border last month, back to their economically troubled socialist country.



Beloved Misanthrope
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PREMO Member

AOC says 'anti-Semitic' Christian fundamentalism in the US is partially to blame for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

"It's not just Islamic, it's not just Jewish, it is also Christian," said Ocasio-Cortez. "In the United States of America, Christian fundamentalism and nationalism — which has also been extremely anti-Semitic — has also aligned itself with some of the most right-wing and authoritarian and inflammatory powers in the region."

She pointed to the decision by former President Donald Trump to relocate the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, a controversial move that previous presidents had declined to make, given that the holy city is contested between Israelis and Palestinians.

"It's not a coincidence that when Trump was in power, he moved the embassy to Jerusalem," said Ocasio-Cortez. "There is a ton of fundamentalist literature around revelations in the Bible that leads people to project — incorrectly, by the way."

While that decision was hailed by Israelis, 2017 polling by the American Jewish Committee suggested that most American Jews weren't in favor of it. Just 16% said they favored immediately moving the embassy, while another 36% supported it contingent upon further peace talks between Israel and Palestine.

But evangelical Christians, a large constituency within the Republican Party, were strongly supportive of the move. At a rally in August of 2020, Trump even remarked that the move was "for the evangelicals."

"You know, it's amazing with that — the evangelicals are more excited by that than Jewish people," Trump said at the time.

Christian Zionism is rooted in biblical prophesies, with some evangelicals believing that the return of Jews to the Holy Land will bring the second coming of Jesus Christ — essentially conflating the modern state of Israel established in 1948 with the biblical land of Israel. Some evangelicals have even made trips to the new embassy site, viewing it as part of the fulfillment of that prophecy.

"The country that is Israel today is not the Israel of the Bible," said Ocasio-Cortez. "The country that is Israel today was established in this century."


PREMO Member

Ocasio-Cortez got into the collective punishment argument regarding the supposed siege conditions in Gaza. Still, Philip brought up the untenable position of keeping Hamas as a political and military force in the wake of these attacks.

The point is that AOC dips, dives, and dodges, making half-baked arguments for Israel to hold back, which will only benefit the terrorists. The core of this issue isn’t complicated, which is an excuse the far left tosses around to shield their pro-Hamas commentaries. Israel was attacked. Over 1,200 men, women, and children were murdered, and they have the right to respond to wipe out this terrorist group from their borders. The larger Israeli-Palestinian issue is for another time. For now, this is a military operation, which should begin soon.



PREMO Member

AOC Sharing Her Thoughts on Byron Donalds Running for Speaker Shows She Might Be Crushing

In case you missed some of the odder beliefs she holds, my colleague Brandon Morse covered that the other day with this AOC’s Views on Israel Aren’t Just Inexcusable, They’re Extremely Dangerous, and if this situation in the Middle East were not so dire, her comments could be taken as comedy.

From that post...

If AOC liking the idea of terrorist attacks against Israel seems hyperbolic then allow me to direct you to a few of her past statements.
In 2019, she said that Palestinians should riot against Israel because Israel oppresses them.
“I believe that injustice is a threat to the safety of all people, because once you have a group that is marginalized and marginalized and marginalized — once someone doesn't have access to clean water, they have no choice but to riot, right?"
Hamas doesn't riot. When they become angry, they murder, and they're angry all the time. It's odd that AOC refers to these actions as mere "rioting."
In that same year, AOC co-sponsored the open anti-Semite and fellow "Squad" member Ilhan Omar's resolution defending boycotts of Israel through the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel. They voted against a resolution condemning BDS the previous week.
In 2021, the House overwhelmingly voted to fund the life-saving Israeli Iron Dome, the system responsible for destroying rockets from Hamas before they can touch down on innocent civilians in Israel. Not only did AOC originally vote "no" on the funding, she later changed her vote to "present" and then was seen crying over the fact that the funding was passed.
Her reasoning?
“It created a real sense of panic and horror among those in our community who otherwise engage thoughtfully in these discussions, and fueled the discussion to devolve to a point where it became clear that this vote would risk a severe devolution of the good faith community fabric that allows us to responsibly join in a struggle for human rights and dignity everywhere - from Palestine to The Bronx and Queens,” she said.
It's a system that stops rockets from hitting innocent Israeli civilians, but AOC seems to believe there needs to be a discussion about this.
This is gross.



PREMO Member

AOC DEMANDS DEFUNDING For Texas Busing Illegal Immigrants To NYC After Confronted On Migrant Crisis!​
