AOC Says Something Ignorant


Beloved Misanthrope
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Meet the Puff? NBC's Kristen Welker Gently Asks AOC If It's Fair to Call Biden 'Genocide Joe'

On Sunday's Meet the Press, host Kristen Welker interviewed radical-left Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and at the end, gently questioned whether it's fair for her colleague Rashida Tlaib and other leftist friends of hers to accuse Biden of supporting genocide.

That's deeply weird. In early December, Welker pressed Ron DeSantis six times to denounce Trump for referring to radical leftists and Marxists as "vermin.". And who can forget Welker fighting with Donald Trump, attempting misinformation by insisting the Democrat Party doesn't support abortion being legal without limits? This was pussy-footing.

AOC claimed "In our polling, we are seeing large amounts of Americans concerned specifically with that word. So, I don't think that it is something to completely toss someone out of our public discourse for using. But I think what we are seeing here is that the Netanyahu government has lost public support and that we have a responsibility to protect the human rights and the humanity of Gazans and hostages alike in the area."

Most of Welker's interview was about how Biden needed the "progressive" vote and whether the Biden campaign had reached out to AOC for help. The congresswoman talked around it -- so Team Biden has not requested her aid on the campaign trail.


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AOC drops the F-Bomb


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AOC launches into wild rant at anti-Israel protesters and calls them 'f***ed up' after they confront her at NYC movie theater and demand she calls Gaza military campaign 'genocide'

A visibly frustrated Ocasio-Cortez - who has longed backed far left-causes and protests - yells in response: 'You're lying!'

An angry Ocasio-Cortez ranted back at the protesters.

'I already said that it was. And y'all are just gonna pretend that it wasn't. Over and over again. It's f***ed up man. And you're not helping these people. You're not helping them,' she says.

'Why won't you say it in front of everybody, why us?' one responds.

The protesters continue: 'If you can't say it, just say it. Literally. We're just talking to you like normal people. Just say it's a genocide. Just say it. Over 30,000 people are dead AOC, you can't just say it for once? Just say the word, that's it. That's all we want you to say.'

Roberts tries to dissuade the protesters from continuing to follow her as they left the theater.

At one point, Ocasio-Cortez fumes the protestors are going to take what she says 'out of context' and have it go viral.


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AOC’s District Called ‘Third World’ Amid Migrant Flea Markets, Prostitutes

The congresswoman responded to the video in a statement, accusing Republicans of filming migrants in their “worst moments.”

“What we are seeing here is the result of anti-immigrant policies that deny immigrants proper work permits and vending licenses, and drive them into the shadows of undignified conditions,” Ocasio-Cortez told Fox News.

“This is just one way of many that anti-immigrant policies hurt all of us. Paths to citizenship and work documentation can solve this problem – but Republicans would rather block those so they can film people in their worst moments for views,” she said.


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Kevin O'Learly GOES OFF On AOC For Allowing Her NYC District To Become A Third World DISASTER!​
