AOC Says Something Ignorant


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AOC: Capitalism ‘Not A Redeemable System’

“Well, I think at the end of the day, it is about who has control over the very core assets of production and society. If it ultimately comes down to a billionaire or the Koch brothers or the Koch family having control over the vast majority or large plurality of our oil assets in the United States, if it’s a handful of very wealthy families having control over– you know, private families having control over means of production, that is essentially the capitalist system that we live in. It is a small group that is of privatized control over what we eat and how we fuel our society,” Ocasio-Cortez said.

“Now, where we can transition to and there are certain ideas where we’re talking about — for example, [Sen.] Elizabeth Warren [D-MA] has discussed workers being elected to the governing boards of companies. And also, we’re here in the Bronx. I represent a community that has the largest concentration of worker cooperatives in — you know, one of the largest concentrations in the world.”

“Now, these are alternative ways of doing business. Free markets are not the same thing as capitalism. And you can have markets where businesses and ways of producing, trading, selling goods are really controlled and not just controlled but giving more power to workers. People get a fair shake. Union jobs, unionized workplaces, all of these are different steps and levels that we’re talking about in a more just economy,” she said.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member

AOC: Capitalism ‘Not A Redeemable System’

“Well, I think at the end of the day, it is about who has control over the very core assets of production and society. If it ultimately comes down to a billionaire or the Koch brothers or the Koch family having control over the vast majority or large plurality of our oil assets in the United States, if it’s a handful of very wealthy families having control over– you know, private families having control over means of production, that is essentially the capitalist system that we live in. It is a small group that is of privatized control over what we eat and how we fuel our society,” Ocasio-Cortez said.

“Now, where we can transition to and there are certain ideas where we’re talking about — for example, [Sen.] Elizabeth Warren [D-MA] has discussed workers being elected to the governing boards of companies. And also, we’re here in the Bronx. I represent a community that has the largest concentration of worker cooperatives in — you know, one of the largest concentrations in the world.”

“Now, these are alternative ways of doing business. Free markets are not the same thing as capitalism. And you can have markets where businesses and ways of producing, trading, selling goods are really controlled and not just controlled but giving more power to workers. People get a fair shake. Union jobs, unionized workplaces, all of these are different steps and levels that we’re talking about in a more just economy,” she said.
Great idea there, let’s have Red the janitor elected to the board, everybody likes him.


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AOC Asks Social Media For Resources About Housing. Users Respond With Econ Textbooks.

Earlier this week, Ocasio-Cortez — a former bartender who now makes $174,000 as a member of the House of Representatives — griped that capitalism is “not a redeemable system.”

“I believe that in a broad sense because when we toss out these big words, capitalism, socialism, they get sensationalized,” AOC said during an interview with Yahoo Finance. “And people translate them into meaning things that perhaps they don’t mean. So to me, capitalism at its core, what we’re talking about when we talk about that, is the absolute pursuit of profit at all human, environmental, and social cost. That is what we’re really discussing.”


PREMO Member

‘Shameless Mask Hypocrites’: Ted Cruz Fires Back After AOC Hits Him Where It Hurts – His Dancing Skills

Emily Zanotti of Fox News quickly noted that Ocasio-Cortez might want to be careful about laying down such challenges, tweeting, “I actually sort of think @tedcruz could. And I’d be careful what I wished for here.”

Quite a few people wondered whether Ocasio-Cortez’s apparently unprovoked jab meant that the New York Congresswoman just wanted to score a date with Cruz.

“OMG why are you so obsessed with Ted Cruz, do you want to date him or something????” The Daily Wire’s Cabot Phillips asked.

Another photo, posted by Cisneros following one of the San Antonio campaign events Ocasio-Cortez attended, appeared to back up Cruz’s assessment of the situation. While neither Cisneros nor Ocasio-Cortez were wearing masks, everyone visible in the audience — and even the camera-man behind the two women on the stage — is masked up for the occasion.


PREMO Member

AOC blames crime surge on child tax credit ending, calls Congress ‘s–t show’

New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez whined about her job and blamed the expiration of the expanded child tax credit for fueling crime in a new interview where she claimed that parents are stealing baby formula to feed their kids.

The firebrand socialist ignored the fact that a thriving, nationwide black market in stolen baby formula was documented more than five years ago and that the item was being pilfered from city stores long before the tax credit expired, with cops calling it a favorite of the alleged “Man of Steal” shoplifter Isaac Rodriguez, who racked up at least 46 arrests last year.

Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), representing the Bronx and Queens, also complained about her $174,000-a-year gig as a federal lawmaker, calling Congress a “s–t show” that she claims has her thinking about walking away from politics “all the time.”



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"What is surprising to me is how it never stops being scandalizing," Ocasio-Cortez said. "Some folks perhaps get used to it, or desensitized to the many different things that may be broken, but there is so much reliance on this idea that there are adults in the room, and, in some respect, there are. But sometimes to be in a room with some of the most powerful people in the country and see the ways that they make decisions—sometimes they’re just susceptible to groupthink, susceptible to self-delusion."

She also suggested that the U.S. may no longer have a democracy in the years to come, prompting the interviewer to press her on the matter.

"I think there's a very real risk that we will not. What we risk is having a government that perhaps postures as a democracy, and may try to pretend that it is, but isn't," Ocasio-Cortez said, adding that she believes the country is at risk of returning to Jim Crow.

The Democrat claimed that the child tax credit expiring at the end of 2021 may have led to the crime spike in a number of U.S. cities.

"We don't want to say some of the things that are obvious, like, 'Gee, the child-tax credit just ran out, on December 31st, and now people are stealing baby formula.' We don't want to have that discussion," she said. "We want to say these people are criminals or we want to talk about 'people who are violent,' instead of 'environments of violence,' and what we’re doing to either contribute to that or dismantle that."

I guess AOC has never heard of WIC ....

Criminals stealing baby formula are reselling it on Facebook Market Place


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Earlier this week, Ocasio-Cortez — a former bartender who now makes $174,000 as a member of the House of Representatives — griped that capitalism is “not a redeemable system.”

“I believe that in a broad sense because when we toss out these big words, capitalism, socialism, they get sensationalized,” AOC said during an interview with Yahoo Finance. “And people translate them into meaning things that perhaps they don’t mean. So to me, capitalism at its core, what we’re talking about when we talk about that, is the absolute pursuit of profit at all human, environmental, and social cost. That is what we’re really discussing.”
So what she is really saying here that Granny Nancy hasn't given her any stock tips yet.


PREMO Member

AOC Responds To Tucker Carlson’s Mockery Of Her

“The funniest of all was hearing Sandy Cortez describe herself as a ‘woman of color.’ She often does. No one ever dares to challenge that description, but every honest person knows it is hilariously absurd,” Carlson said. “There is no place on earth, outside of American colleges and newsrooms, where Sandy Cortez would be recognized as a quote, ‘woman of color.’ Because she’s not. She’s a rich, entitled white lady. She’s the pampered, obnoxious ski bunny in the matching snow suit who tells you to pull up your mask while you’re standing in the lift line at Jackson Hole. They’re all the same. It doesn’t matter what shade they are.”

Ocasio-Cortez responded on Twitter, writing: “This is the type of stuff you say when your name starts with a P and ends with dejo,” referring to the derogatory Spanish term “pendejo.”

“Remember when the right wing had a meltdown when I suggested they exhibit obsessive impulses around young women?” she continued. “Well now Tucker Carlson is wishing for… this on national TV. You’re a creep bro. If you’re this easy w/ sexual harassment on air, how are you treating your staff?”


so AOC's cultured response is to call Tucker and ass hole


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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez suggestion to rename Queens post office angers LGBTQ leaders

Ocasio-Cortez (D-Queens, Bronx) is soliciting suggestions for the Jeanne and Jules Manford Post Office Building in Jackson Heights, a representative for the congresswoman’s office told Community Board 3 in Queens last week.

Jeanne Manford is considered to have been the first parent to march with their child in an LGBTQ parade a half century ago. She went on to found PFLAG, the country’s first LGBTQ group designed to build solidarity between parents and LGBTQ children, with support from her husband, Jules.

A name change would “erase our history,” fumed former City Councilman Daniel Dromm (D-Queens), who worked with AOC’s predecessor Joseph Crowley to name the post office for the Manfords five years ago.

“Is it that she doesn’t know our history? Did they not check to see who the post office is named after right now? Does she not know who Jeanne Manford was?” Dromm said to the Daily News on Sunday.


PREMO Member

AOC's attempt to explain away crime is really an attack on parents

Her claims are absurd, unsupported by facts, and insulting to parents.

Her argument suggests parents are behind rising crime rates, including low-income parents who were the biggest beneficiaries of the expired checks, with no evidence to support her claim. Being a parent, and especially one with low income, is hard enough without a politician unfairly blaming you for rising crime.

Moreover, she implies that crime only started rising in January after monthly checks "ran out," ignoring the historic increases in 2020 and 2021 caused by progressive policies. As The Wall Street Journal’s Kimberley A. Strassel summarized last November, "Crime is soaring nationally, after progressives spent years pushing to water down bail rules, forgo prosecutions, release prisoners and even defund the police."


PREMO Member

Even AOC Understands A No-Fly Zone Over Ukraine Could Mean World War III

Regardless of what that would mean for the entire world, a recent poll indicated that “74% of Americans — including solid majorities of Republicans and Democrats — said the United States and its allies in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization should impose a no-fly zone in Ukraine,” according to Reuters.

Yet, another recent poll found that 75% of Americans want to do everything to support Ukraine, without risking war with Russia.

The contradiction between the polls indicates that members of Congress like AOC should be explaining to their constituents what exactly a no-fly zone would entail.

Perhaps some Americans do want war with Russia, in which case a U.S.-backed no-fly zone would get us there.

But, as AOC said, if you’re against war with Russia, then you probably should be against a no-fly zone.


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AOC says Democrats will be 'in trouble' if party members 'sit back' and Biden doesn't 'govern decisively'

Ocasio-Cortez contended that the narrative of Democrats' majorities being in peril due largely to independent voters is a red herring in an election when she said voters — especially younger Americans — will need to motivated to come out for the party in order for them to have a chance at staying in power. But, she said, many of these voters don't feel as though they've fully been a part of the national conversation.

"We need to acknowledge that this isn't just about middle of the road, an increasingly narrow band of independent voters," Ocasio-Cortez told the magazine. "This is really about the collapse of support among young people, among the Democratic base, who are feeling that they worked overtime to get this president elected and aren't necessarily being seen."

The congresswoman has been highly critical of the party for its handling of Biden's Build Back Better agenda, which was a proposed multitrillion-dollar set of policies that would have funded a broad set of social-spending initiatives, including free two-year community college and clean-energy tax credits.

While the House passed its version of the larger social-spending bill — independent of the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill that was signed into law last year — the Build Back Better Act crumbled after Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia scuttled the bill late last year in the evenly divided upper chamber.


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AOC Throws Joe Biden in Front of a Train as the Finger Pointing Begins

Are you starting to see the pattern yet? Everyone and everything is at fault for the Democrat Party’s current woes…except AOC and her progressive pals. It doesn’t matter that polling consistently shows Americans have an aversion to far-left governance and care about things like stopping illegal immigration, lowering the cost of living, and protecting parental rights. AOC’s solution is always going to be more cowbell.

Of course, her advice is delusional. The problem for Democrats is not that they have lost far-left kooks as a reliable voting bloc. It’s that progressive radicalism has isolated normal Americans and caused them much pain and suffering. Biden has governed far more like AOC than any moderate Democrat in the House, and the results have been catastrophic.

AOC suggests it’s “not just about middle of the road,” but yeah, it pretty much is about that. You can’t win elections by just leaning into an increasingly radical base. When Donald Trump won in 2016, for example, he won because he expanded the GOP to include more moderate, blue-collar workers (many of which would have been pro-union Democrats in past elections). The progressive suggestion that going even more insane on policy and spending will somehow build a winning coalition is lunacy, backed by no data whatsoever. It’s like claiming that the way to put out a fire is to dump more gasoline on it.

I’m not sure if AOC is too vapid to recognize that or if she’s just playing her role, but in the end, what this boils down to is creating excuses for the approaching midterm bloodbath. No faction within the Democrat Party wants to take the fall for what is going to transpire. The progressives want to be able to claim that more far-left claptrap would have turned things around. Meanwhile, the moderates are going to claim the exact opposite (and they will actually be correct). Past that, once Democrats no longer have their majorites to keep members in line, the intraparty fighting is going to explode.


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Biden's bad polls due to 'young people who have not really been served'​

"I think we have to ask ourselves: What, realistically, are we accomplishing as a team and as a collective between our families? And I think that the president has an extraordinary amount of options at his disposal that he has not yet exercised, and his ability to do that is going to be critical," Ocasio-Cortez said.

"I will say right now, folks may think that these are kind of independent voters that are contributing to his polling and whatnot."


Ocasio-Cortez told FOX Business that Biden's stalled follow-through on student debt relief is driving down his poll numbers with voters.


"It's actually young people who have not really been served," Ocasio-Cortez said. "And their priorities were in BBB, which Sen. [Joe] Manchin has essentially stalled. And yet, you know, student loan debt and significant forgiveness of student loans, what the president can do to serve them."

Asked whether student debt forgiveness would be something she wants applied to members of Congress as well as the general public, she said she was in favor of "universal" policies on most issues.

"Well, I generally believe in universal quality policies. So universal health care, and I believe that universal policies in general is the way to go," she said.

Yeah Universal .....

1. Tax the Rich - make them pay their fair share
2. unless it is a Congress Critter w/ 175,000 a year job - then college loan forgiveness