AOC Says Something Ignorant


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AOC says she had ‘awakening’ about her indigenous heritage at Standing Rock in 2016

“When I was at Standing Rock surrounded by Native people, Lakota Sioux, Cherokee, all people coming together, and I looked around, it really just clicked that this is us, and the grace that they extended to say, ‘No, you are a relative,’ was really formative for me,” she recalled.

“And while we may not be — and come from — the same exact lineage, there is a commonality to that ancestry,” the congresswoman added.

“And it’s important for us to recognize that we were raised, and we were told growing up, that we were extinct, that Taíno don’t exist, and it’s really important for Puerto Ricans to understand that that narrative is being challenged right now.”

AOC — a darling of the left since she ousted moderate Democratic Rep. Joe Crowley in the 2018 Democratic primary for the 14th Congressional District — emphasized the staying power of the Taíno people.

“Our creation story still exists, our words still exist, our mythology still exists, you may even engage in Taíno practices now,” she said, referencing plant-based medicine.

AOC cited the Taíno word hurakán — meaning “God of the storm” — as an example of a culture creation that “impacted the entire English- and Spanish-speaking world” by creating the word hurricane.

She should wake up to the Spanish Colonialism


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AOC slams Gaetz ‘bad haircut, cheap suit, here on papa’s money’ after he invokes suicide of Jamie Raskin’s son

The Florida Republican representative said Maryland Democrat lawmaker Mr Raskin was in a dark place and “unable” to do his job because of his son’s suicide.

Speaking on Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene’s podcast, Mr Gaetz said: “The country shouldn’t have to go through all that with him.”

He continued by saying the trauma of losing a child had clouded Mr Raskin’s judgement.

“What I worry about with Raskin, in all seriousness — when people encounter trauma, they often associate a lot of the other things around that trauma with it, even if they don’t naturally or even rationally associate,” Mr Gaetz said.

Democrat New York Rep Ocasio-Cortez sprung to the defence of the Maryland congressman on Twitter, posting: “Rep Raskin is a greater statesman, Congressman, human being than most of us. History will remember him.”


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AOC hypes her effort to block SCOTUS security bill after Brett Kavanaugh threat

House Democrats, who say they want to expand the bill to include enhanced security for Supreme Court clerks and other employees, rejected the unanimous consent request, sending McCarthy into a rage on the House floor.

“How many times do they have to be threatened?” he asked, referring to the justices. “How many people have to be arrested with a gun outside their home?”

The outburst took place hours after a California man was arrested with a cache of weapons outside Kavanaugh’s Maryland home after he called 911 on himself and told an operator he was having suicidal thoughts and wanted to kill the justice, according to court documents.

“What would have happened had he not called 911?” McCarthy asked his Democratic colleagues Wednesday night. “He didn’t just have a gun. He had zip ties. But somehow you want to leave. This bill could be on the president’s desk right now.”

The Senate passed the legislation by unanimous consent May 9 after a draft Supreme Court opinion leaked that indicated the justices were close to overturning Roe v. Wade, triggering nationwide protests.


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The Modern Marat

In AOC we can observe an early Marat. Not yet confident enough to openly and explicitly call for the mass killing of her enemies, but very obviously on that trajectory. Only the most tone-deaf will have failed to pick up on the dreadful undercurrents of her speech. Only the wilfully blind can have failed to see the logical consequences of what she advocates, i.e., Nazis and white supremacists must be eliminated, and all whites are white supremacists. This narrative is a whisker away from something truly appalling. Marat would be proud. Proud of the strategy, if not the message.

There are of course many differences to be noted. Unlike Pym and Paine and Marat, who were all considered extremely eloquent and fantastically learned, AOC is dull-witted and prone to malapropism. When her party handlers plucked her from obscurity, it seems they weren’t making the selection based on her ability in debate or her adroitness of thought.

Such are our times. Where once America produced titans like Patrick Henry, men with an iron will and a monstrous intellect to support it, now we have an ahistroical child playing with matches at the tinder dry foundations of an edifice she despises. A precarious situation.

The Tree of Liberty is currently a tiny withered Bonsai. Where are the counter voices? Where are Pyms and Paines of our age, ready to leap up in the defence of free speech and political representation? I say, give me a Patrick Henry, or give me death!


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Ocasio-Cortez: We Need to Pack the Court Because There's No Checks and Balances

No. Some, like AOC, might genuinely not know—but for most—they do. They just don't care. In fact, to carry out the far-left agenda that AOC and her ilk want—checks and balances must go. Our constitutional federal republic must go. Only in a system akin to Venezuela with its endless executive decrees could the progressive left ever come remotely close to what they really want to enact here.


Well-Known Member
Pack the court with lifetime appointments and before too long there would be as many Justices on the court as there are AOC's in the Congress.


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Ocasio-Cortez: Supreme Court Justices Who ‘Lied’ About Roe v. Wade Should Be Impeached

Ocasio-Cortez said, “We had two conservative senators in the United States Senate, Senator Manchin and Collins, come out with a very explosive allegation that these, several Supreme Court justices misled them in, during their confirmation hearings and in the lean lean-up to their confirmation. This is a crisis of legitimacy. We have a Supreme Court justice whose wife participated on January 6 and who used his seat to vote against providing documents that potentially led to evidence of such to investigators in Congress. This is a crisis of legitimacy, and president Biden must address that.

Anchor Chuck Todd said, “It’s interesting you say that. I want to put up the Joe Manchin quote in particular. His reaction — because he used the word, he said, they testified under oath. He made sure that was in his release. It sounds like you believe, okay, he might as well be saying, they lied to him, that he feels like they lied to him.

Ocasio-Cortez said, “They lied.”

Todd continued, “You think the House Judiciary Committee should begin the process of an investigation there?”

Ocasio-Cortez said, “If we allow Supreme Court nominees to lie under oath and secure lifetime appointments to the highest court of the land and then issue, without basis, if you read these opinions, issue without basis, rulings that seem to undermine the human civil rights of the majority of Americans, we must see that through. There must be consequences for such a deeply destabilizing action and hostile takeover of our democratic institutions. To allow that to stand is to allow that to happen, and what makes it particularly dangerous is that it sends a blaring signal to all future nominees that they can now lie to duly elected members of the United States Senate in order to secure Supreme Court confirmations, and seats on the Supreme Court.”

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Hey AOC, do you mean someone like Ketanji Brown Jackson that said she didn't know what a woman was?


PREMO Member
How inevitable was this? Senators Susan Collins (R-D) and Joe Manchin (D-Mostly) are enraged at Supreme Court Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch, claiming that both misled them as to where they stood on Roe v. Wade. And because of these alleged “lies,” wunderkind Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-Double Martini) is howling for their impeachment. Of course! It’s straightforward from here: impeach Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, and Thomas for good measure; get a few spineless Republicans to vote with the Dems and put a few Leftist ideologues on the Court; and vote 6-3 to reinstate the federal prohibition on states outlawing abortion. In today’s hyper-politicized political environment, with the Justice Department branding outraged parents terrorists and the Department of Homeland Security abortively (!) planning to stamp out “disinformation,” this scenario is not as farfetched as it should be.

Collins asserted that the Dobbs v. Jackson decision overturning Roe v. Wade was “inconsistent with what Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh said in their testimony and their meetings with me, where they both were insistent on the importance of supporting long-standing precedents that the country has relied upon.” This is likely to be a simplistic and reductionist characterization of what Kavanaugh and Gorsuch actually said to her, as it doesn’t take a legal eagle to realize that respect for precedent is one thing, but some decisions are wrong and must be set aside no matter how old they are. If long-standing precedents are to be kept in place in any and all circumstances, then the Dred Scott decision striking down anti-slavery laws would have been unassailable, as well as the pro-segregation Plessy v. Ferguson, which was in place for 58 years, longer than Roe v. Wade.

As heedless as Collins was to all that, Manchin prattled on in a similar vein, saying that he was “deeply disappointed” in Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, and adding: “I trusted Justice Gorsuch and Justice Kavanaugh when they testified under oath that they also believed Roe v. Wade was settled legal precedent and I am alarmed they chose to reject the stability the ruling has provided for two generations of Americans.” A stability based on 63 million murdered children may not be the best foundation for a healthy, well-ordered society, but on that, Manchin was silent.



Well-Known Member
There is no such thing as "settled" legal precedent.
Any time enough politicians decide that a certain law needs changing it can be done with a simple vote.
The SCOTUS is alleged not to be made up of politicians , but they can also change precedent with a vote. They did so.


PREMO Member

AOC Melts Down Over Supreme Court Doing Its Job: ‘Do Away With The Whole Thing’

Ocasio-Cortez continued her unhinged meltdown by responding to a tweet from the leftist Brennan Center, which noted that the Supreme Court agreed to hear Moore v. Harper, a case about the power that state courts have over federal elections in their state.

“We are witnessing a judicial coup in process,” Ocasio-Cortez claimed. “If the President and Congress do not restrain the Court now, the Court is signaling they will come for the Presidential election next. All our leaders – regardless of party – must recognize this Constitutional crisis for what it is.”

“At this point we should be well beyond partisanship. Members of Congress have sworn an oath to the Constitution,” she continued. “It is our duty to check the Court’s gross overreach of power in violating people’s inalienable rights and seizing for itself the powers of Congress and the President.”


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Megyn Kelly slams AOC as a ‘moron’ and a ‘Kardashian in Congress’ over SCOTUS comments

Megyn Kelly blasted Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) as a “moron” and a “Kardashian in Congress” after the progressive lawmaker called for impeaching Supreme Court justices over their decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

During an appearance on Eric Bolling’s Monday night program on the right-leaning cable channel Newsmax, Kelly unloaded on the congresswoman from the Bronx and Queens during a discussion of the aftermath of Friday’s dramatic abortion ruling.

Kelly was asked to opine on the Sunday comments by Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) when she demanded that Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh be impeached for allegedly lying under oath during their Senate confirmation hearings.


Beloved Misanthrope
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AOC Protests By Getting Her Nails Done

So, what was AOC’s contribution to this civil disobedience movement going to be?

Was she going to lead marches across the nation to protest the overturning of Roe V. Wade?

Was she going to lead a strike that would cause a government shut down until the ruling that overturned Roe V. Wade was reversed?

Perhaps she would resort to an indefinite hunger strike until the ruling that overturned Roe V. Wade was nullified?

As Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher once said, "No! No! No!"

AOC was instead going to “redo her nails.” You read that right: “redo her nails” to display her commitment to the resistance.

She went on to say the following:

“I want to talk about personal acts of reclamation because sometimes people will say there’s nothing I can do…I feel so powerless… And there is no act too small that you can engage in,” the Representative reminded her followers.
Today, I have a personal errand: I need to redo my nails. And I’ve decided that I am going to use my new manicure as almost like a personal act of reclamation for me and my story,”