Are Catholic Beliefs and Practices Biblical?


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Wirelessly posted

Anabaptist said:
I'm of German decent as well. My point is that you cannot judge one by the "sins of the father". I'd the Catholic Church were currently commuting those acts I would completely agree; but they're not and I'm sure Catholics in this forum would agree.

One could bring into question some of the current fruits of Catholic control in Latin America, but those are localized problems. Thus far, I have not seen a Catholic admit that these massacres in the name of religion are true, no less acknowledge that the church was wrong then and have since changed.

And with that I have to step back out of the Catholic discussion. Since I'm not one; I certainly can't speak for them. Like I said though; I'm willing to bet the Catholics here wouldn't defend past atrocities. IDK, we all know what assuming does :lol:


New Member
...As R1 said earlier, Catholics here have spent an inordinate amount of time trying to explain our beliefs...

Yes, my dear libby, and we have been trying to explain to you that the RCC Catechism has introduced "another gospel" and "another Jesus" than what the New Testament records.

IOW: The RCC has indoctrinated you to trust in another gospel and another Jesus that has introduced "spirit guides" personified in the religious icons of "Mary" and the "patron saints". :nono:

For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him. (2 Corinthians 11:4)

But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. (Galatians 1:8-9)

The written words of the Holy Bible contain all the essential truths that brings a person to the Salvation Grace that God offers through the Atoning Blood of Christ and there is no mention that Mary would ever join Him in Heaven as "Queen over all things," "Helper," "Advocate," Benefactress," co-Redemptrix," "Mediatrix," etc.

We know that Jesus is the resurrected Saviour of mankind; There Is Proof of that. Meanwhile, there has never been any Biblical proof that Mary resurrected and was assumed up with Jesus to become the "Queen of Heaven".

No doubt. Your god will show 'em. :yay:



New Member
In what cases would the Pope be infallible?
:killingmeIn what cases would Scriptures be infallible?

Have you ever thought about it? Scripture originated the same way the Pope promulgates a teaching of faith.

I argue your case is far weaker, because you are also assuming modern translations of the original text, the translators must have been infallible.

Yes, we all believe the Scriptures are the word of God. But it was written by men inspired by god, NOT god. So to assume the Scriptures are infallible, the fallible men who wrote the scriptures must have been infallible.

And if you are making your literally, to the letter, interpretations from a translations of the bible, with no regard for any kind of context, then, does that NOT require those fallible men who were the modern translators, translating from ancient dead languages, must also have been infallible?

But the idea the head a church, in the very limited and carefully considered declarations of teachings to the church was found the same way as the scriptures were? NAW, that is Crazy.:rolleyes:

Your perfectly welcome to act on your own interpretations and understandings, that is why we have different denominations. People accept that, you need to accept you no more have a corner on the truth than any other religion or person and must have the Humility to accept that.
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New Member
Yes, my dear libby, and we have been trying to explain to you that the RCC Catechism has introduced "another gospel" and "another Jesus" than what the New Testament records.

IOW: The RCC has indoctrinated you to trust in another gospel and another Jesus that has introduced "spirit guides" personified in the religious icons of "Mary" and the "patron saints". :nono:
:killingmeThen does that NOT mean you are worshiping "another Jesus" and following "another gospel" as well?
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Bird Dog

Bird Dog
PREMO Member
Yes, my dear libby, and we have been trying to explain to you that the RCC Catechism has introduced "another gospel" and "another Jesus" than what the New Testament records.
IOW: The RCC has indoctrinated you to trust in another gospel and another Jesus that has introduced "spirit guides" personified in the religious icons of "Mary" and the "patron saints". :nono:
The written words of the Holy Bible contain all the essential truths that brings a person to the Salvation Grace that God offers through the Atoning Blood of Christ and there is no mention that Mary would ever join Him in Heaven as "Queen over all things," "Helper," "Advocate," Benefactress," co-Redemptrix," "Mediatrix," etc.
We know that Jesus is the resurrected Saviour of mankind; There Is Proof of that. Meanwhile, there has never been any Biblical proof that Mary resurrected and was assumed up with Jesus to become the "Queen of Heaven".



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You don't even have to attend ,the sermon is the same each week.
"Bad Catholics!! "


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New Member
Yes, my dear libby, and we have been trying to explain to you that the RCC Catechism has introduced "another gospel" and "another Jesus" than what the New Testament records.

IOW: The RCC has indoctrinated you to trust in another gospel and another Jesus that has introduced "spirit guides" personified in the religious icons of "Mary" and the "patron saints". :nono:

The written words of the Holy Bible contain all the essential truths that brings a person to the Salvation Grace that God offers through the Atoning Blood of Christ and there is no mention that Mary would ever join Him in Heaven as "Queen over all things," "Helper," "Advocate," Benefactress," co-Redemptrix," "Mediatrix," etc.

We know that Jesus is the resurrected Saviour of mankind; There Is Proof of that. Meanwhile, there has never been any Biblical proof that Mary resurrected and was assumed up with Jesus to become the "Queen of Heaven".


See, Anabaptist? This is why we've thrown in the towel. (well, I've thrown in the towel)


New Member
See, Anabaptist? This is why we've thrown in the towel. (well, I've thrown in the towel)
What do you expect, Starman3000m said it himself, he has his "own Jesus" and his "own Gospel" the rest of worship "another Jesus" and follow "another Gospel".:killingme


New Member
See, Anabaptist? This is why we've thrown in the towel. (well, I've thrown in the towel)

C'mon libby, let's take a look see about what I was referring to:

The following is only a partial example proving that Catholics place trust in other entities (spirit guides - personified religious icons) such as Mary, angels and the patron saints, thus, I rest my case.

From Catholic beliefs:
PRAYER TO OUR LADY, ASSUMED INTO HEAVEN: Immaculate Virgin, Mother of Jesus and our Mother, we believe in your triumphant assumption into heaven where the angels and saints acclaim you as Queen. We join them in praising you and bless the Lord who raised you above all creatures. With them we offer you our devotion and love. We are confident that you watch over our daily efforts and needs, and we take comfort from our faith in the coming resurrection. We look to you, our life, our sweetness, and our hope. After this earthly life, show us Jesus, the blest fruit of your womb, O kind, O loving, O Sweet Virgin Mary. Amen.

Prayers to Mary, the Blessed Mother of God - Mary, Mother Of God - Catholic Online


Dear Friend:

Welcome to We want you to learn about all the Catholic Church's favorite saints. Whether you want to review a Catholic saint list or find a Catholic saint name, find your Catholic patron saint, locate a hard to find Catholic saint medal or Catholic saint statue, you will find it here at Find Catholic prayers and see Catholic art. See for yourself the power of the Catholic Saint. intends to share with you Catholicism's heroes! See who inspires Catholics worldwide everyday. Are you interested in patron Catholic saints? Perhaps a Catholic saints dictionary, or a workbook on catholic saints? Holy cards? Novenas to the saints? Chaplets to the saints? Most importantly, how to become a saint? Interested in All Saints Day? Maybe a St. Joseph statue or prayer for selling a house? Lives of the Saints?

Find out about those Catholic Saints who all the Catholic schools, Catholic universities and Catholic churches are named after. These are your and my

My Favorite Prayers to Pope John Paul II has just been released!
Patron Saints :: Catholic Saints :: Catholic Church Saints:


Prayer to all Guardian Angels
O pure and happy spirits whom the Almighty selected to become the Angels and Guardians of men, I most humbly prostrate myself before thee to thank thee for the charity and zeal with which thou dost execute this commission. Alas, how many pass a long life without ever thanking their invisible friends, to whom they owe a thousand times their preservation!
Angel Prayers


Now, from the Holy Bible: The account of John's experience with the angel in Revelation 22:
And I John saw these things, and heard them. And when I had heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel which shewed me these things.
Then saith he unto me, See thou do it not: for I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren the prophets, and of them which keep the sayings of this book: worship God. (Revelation 22:8-9)

There Is Only One Truth (John 14:6)

No doubt. Your god will show 'em. :yay:

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New Member
In what cases would Scriptures be infallible?

This poster stated that there was rare times that the Pope was infallible, so I simply asked when these times are and what makes them distinct from the times that he is not infallible.

I argue your case is far weaker, because you are also assuming modern translations of the original text, the translators must have been infallible.

Do you assume that I do not look back at the older Greek texts? If one needs to have the originals to know the truth, no one has them. Everything available is copies of copies.

Yes, we all believe the Scriptures are the word of God. But it was written by men inspired by god, NOT god. So to assume the Scriptures are infallible, the fallible men who wrote the scriptures must have been infallible.

Yes. Scripture was given by inspiration of God; therefore, I should believe it.

And if you are making your literally, to the letter, interpretations from a translations of the bible, with no regard for any kind of context,

Context is very important!


New Member
C'mon libby, let's take a look see about what I was referring to:

The following is only a partial example proving that Catholics place trust in other entities (spirit guides - personified religious icons) such as Mary, angels and the patron saints, thus, I rest my case.

From Catholic beliefs:




Now, from the Holy Bible: The account of John's experience with the angel in Revelation 22:

There Is Only One Truth (John 14:6)


You've done this to death, SM. I'm not even going to bother to read it.

Bird Dog

Bird Dog
PREMO Member
Yes, my dear libby, and we have been trying to explain to you that the RCC Catechism has introduced "another gospel" and "another Jesus" than what the New Testament records.
IOW: The RCC has indoctrinated you to trust in another gospel and another Jesus that has introduced "spirit guides" personified in the religious icons of "Mary" and the "patron saints". :nono:
The written words of the Holy Bible contain all the essential truths that brings a person to the Salvation Grace that God offers through the Atoning Blood of Christ and there is no mention that Mary would ever join Him in Heaven as "Queen over all things," "Helper," "Advocate," Benefactress," co-Redemptrix," "Mediatrix," etc.
We know that Jesus is the resurrected Saviour of mankind; There Is Proof of that. Meanwhile, there has never been any Biblical proof that Mary resurrected and was assumed up with Jesus to become the "Queen of Heaven".


The Church of Starman----------------coming to a stripmall near you

Free videos to teach your children how to hate Catholics!!


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Harley Rider
Isn't the Bible written for us (humans)? Why would god put something in there we could not understand?
Because you aren't interested in being a follower of Christ. God will allow you to know about salvation and some other biblical things but there are "secret things of God" that He won't allow you to know until you've become one of His.
hvp05 said:
Similar question: why would god create people he knew would ridicule him and his work? Not only that, but these people are apparently the majority. Good plan. :clap:
So what? It was their choice. God created humans as "very good", Genesis tells us. He gave all of them free choice to follow Him or not. Why blame God for their choices? If I buy your son or daughter a car for their birthday and they get drunk and die in an accident, is it MY fault?
It's convenient that only 'true believers' (by your definition only, of course) can understand the nuances of the Bible; it enable you to make claims about the Bible and upon being challenged say "you just don't understand because you're not a 'true believer'".
Nice try but no cigar. The problem is with you and you don't want to accept it. If a doctor rattled off a bunch of big medical terms to you, you wouldn't understand them because you're not a doctor. It's no different with Christianity. You THINK you know something but you don't and you're upset because of it, even though it was your choice not to listen to those of us who do understand it. :shrug:
UNA said:
I can guarantee one thing, I will never believe in something that I'm not going to understand unless I believe in it...that makes absolutely no sense.
What I was saying is that a complete literal interpretation of the Bible is the ONLY interpretation that makes sense (of course if you do this, you have to contend with all the contradictions in it...). Otherwise, whether you're willing to admit it or not, you're picking and choosing.
God wants us to come to Him with "childlike faith", not blind foolish faith.
He'll take you either way: Learn about Him first and then follow Him OR follow Him and then learn more as you go.

The Bible is not written for us to take everything literally. This is why there are soo many divisions out there. It will surely contradict itself if every verse was taken literally. Look at how Islam screwed up their literal interpretation of the OT...
If you will notice there are a lot of people (yourself included) who say what Catholics believe (and get a lot of it wrong) without even being Catholic. On the other hand, you don't see Catholics stating what you believe. Instead, we ask you. In other words, you do not create an environment conducive to dialogue. Instead, you create an environment that intends to divide and separate (and isn't that the Protestant way).
But I get a free pass since I was a Catholic, right? :yahoo: Jesus created a hostile environment and it got Him killed, so I guess we should ALL just be quiet, right? Jesus said: "They will hate you because of me", so it wasn't meant to be a feel good happy experience all the time.
Radiant1 said:
FYI, Catholics are confident in their faith and you aren't going to convert anyone here. Your time would be best spent discussing things we can agree on (i.e. the person of Jesus Christ, the Son of God with whom we devote our lives) rather than what we don't. I have more respect for the non-Christians, Agnostics and Atheists who participate in this forum than I do persons such as yourself. Sad but very true.
Satan loves that...Never tell anyone that they're wrong in their beliefs. Go against much of what Jesus & Paul taught. Believe whatever you want and it's all ok? Can you say Oprah? JPC?
Do you judge all Germans by the actions of the Third Reich?
That is such a weak argument; Ancient history. Would you drink a glass of water with only a drop of poison in it? :howdy:


Harley Rider
:killingmeIn what cases would Scriptures be infallible?
Have you ever thought about it? Scripture originated the same way the Pope promulgates a teaching of faith.
I argue your case is far weaker, because you are also assuming modern translations of the original text, the translators must have been infallible.
Yes, we all believe the Scriptures are the word of God. But it was written by men inspired by god, NOT god. So to assume the Scriptures are infallible, the fallible men who wrote the scriptures must have been infallible.
And if you are making your literally, to the letter, interpretations from a translations of the bible, with no regard for any kind of context, then, does that NOT require those fallible men who were the modern translators, translating from ancient dead languages, must also have been infallible?
But the idea the head a church, in the very limited and carefully considered declarations of teachings to the church was found the same way as the scriptures were? NAW, that is Crazy.:rolleyes:
Your perfectly welcome to act on your own interpretations and understandings, that is why we have different denominations. People accept that, you need to accept you no more have a corner on the truth than any other religion or person and must have the Humility to accept that.
WOW! Satan loves people like you. No wonder you don't know truth. So, (in your mind), God isn't powerful enough to allow His Word to be properly translated into the many languages? I guess that this Scripture verse is improperly translated too?

16 "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work". (2 Timothy 3)


Methodically disorganized
Because you aren't interested in being a follower of Christ. God will allow you to know about salvation and some other biblical things but there are "secret things of God" that He won't allow you to know until you've become one of His.
You did not put those qualifiers on your previous statement. Did you realize what you typed?
When Christians understand the Bible in it's proper context, there should be no disagreement. Yes, Christians can mis-interpret Scripture but that doesn't mean they can't get a good grasp of most of it. There will always be some passages that none of us will understand, however.
The last sentence is, of course, the one I find intriguing. You said "none of us", which, going by the straight-forward interpretation as well as the contextual (there's one of your favorite words), includes everyone... including you.

Are you now officially backpedaling?

So what? It was their choice. God created humans as "very good", Genesis tells us. He gave all of them free choice to follow Him or not. Why blame God for their choices? If I buy your son or daughter a car for their birthday and they get drunk and die in an accident, is it MY fault?
Depends. Did you create my child and/or the vehicle?

Not to get all into the "free will" thing again, but it should be obvious the "freedom" of it is fallacious. That would be the case if all humans had essentially the same personality, life background, and propensity to be more or less equally inclined towards faith/no faith. Since we are not that way, "free will" isn't all too free.

I know you dislike the analogy of building a house, but it does work here: if I build my home hanging 75% off the edge of a cliff, should I be surprised when it collapses?

Nice try but no cigar. The problem is with you and you don't want to accept it. If a doctor rattled off a bunch of big medical terms to you, you wouldn't understand them because you're not a doctor. It's no different with Christianity.
(Now I'm going to stick my nose into some comments directed at UNA. I hope she doesn't mind.) It is different with Christianity because any medical dictionary will have the same definitions. Similarly, a thousand doctors will define a given term the same way. You'd be hard pressed to find such uniform agreement in Christianity. :lol:

He'll take you either way: Learn about Him first and then follow Him OR follow Him and then learn more as you go.
Uh. How is one supposed to follow him if they don't know/understand who or what they are following?

If I laid a stack of papers in front of you and said, "This is the MOST important contract you will ever sign," would you sign it then read it later?

The Bible is not written for us to take everything literally. This is why there are soo many divisions out there. It will surely contradict itself if every verse was taken literally. Look at how Islam screwed up their literal interpretation of the OT...
Surely you are implying that following fables, such as those in Genesis, is not necessary, lest you end up looking like those Muslims. Right?


New Member
If a doctor rattled off a bunch of big medical terms to you, you wouldn't understand them because you're not a doctor. It's no different with Christianity.

Yet no one becomes a doctor by just reading medical books. They are taught by another(priests, bishops, popes for a Catholic), and they have to perform the procedures.(sacraments) A person gets better at something, i.e. holiness, by participating in the Sacraments instituted by Christ. (for Catholics).
God wants us to come to Him with "childlike faith", not blind foolish faith.
Children have a father and a mother placed in a position of authority over them. The father reflects God the Father, who is the ultimate head of the family. The mother reflects Holy Mother Church, who teaches, disciplines and guides according to the Will of the Father.
God isn't powerful enough to allow His Word to be properly translated into the many languages

He is powerful enough to make all of the scribes, translators and publishers infallible in their copying of the Bible, but not powerful enough to make one man at a time, in very limited circumstances, infallible.
You make no sense at all.


Soul Probe
When people have no answer to the information you provide, they then start throwing out the accusations.

There is no answer to information that is false. Strawmen and red herrings. As for accusation, read the title of this thread and your own first post in it. :rolleyes:

No, we addressed that. Has there been any recanting of these actions? The Bible tells us to repent of sin.

Actually, there has. If you take the time to re-read threads in this forum you will see it. My stance on Martin Luther as an example.

That aside, I won't recant the Church ex-communicating heretics (something an Anabaptist would understand), and I'm not responsible for what state authorities (Kings, Queens, etc) have done in the name of religion.

I'm sure they have done good things, but that's a bold claim.

Considering there is no other organized body that is 2000 years old, it's not so bold of a claim.

If I give my interpretation, you'll say I'm saying your wrong! You want us to agree with you.

We'll say that's your interpretation and we disagree with it. You will be hard put to find a Catholic attempting to thrust our views down your throat. :shrug:

You want to teach and not be taught. The burden of proof is that you do not want dialogue.

You're right, we want to teach so that you have a better understanding of what we believe and not what you were taught we believe. As for learning something from you, it's doubtful not only because you can't say something we haven't already heard but also because you have no authority for us. We don't mind dialogue, but truly we don't owe you re-hashing everything previously stated simply because you're new. Re-read old threads.

We consider them and refute them. Do you want us to simply agree?

You're as free to disagree with us as we are with you. What we expect from you is a simple "I disagree, but ok that's what you believe and why." It really is that simple. We could care less if you agree with us or not. Any attempt at trying to make us agree with the other side (and vice versa) just bogs down into the monkeys throwing crap analogy that I gave you previously. Now, you can continue to act like a monkey throwing crap, but I, for one, won't.

What did we get wrong?

The charge that because people died in the middle ages and renaissance period that the Church is not "true", not to mention the charge of being extra-biblical and a "works-based" salvation.

We are still commanded to not be silent to error.

You're right. You are a blatant heretic and in gross error and have need to repent. :coffee:

I've tried to be respectful though I'm sure I was not completely successful. I have a tendency to get defensive. I've gone as far to say that I think some Catholics have a love-faith relationship with Jesus Christ. The part I fail to understand is why expressing what we believe to be Catholic theological errors labeled as "Catholic bashing?" We are open to have our beliefs brought into question.

Try harder. I'm not sure why you feel the need to get defensive, as nobody (until just now) has made accusations toward your faith. I'm glad to hear that you are open to your beliefs being brought into question. Look for a new thread at some point in the future; then you can get defensive.

Probably not. To be fair, non-Catholics are too numerous to hold them all accountable for the ugly things that Protestants did during the reformation. There was an extremely violent sect of the Anabaptists during that time that destroyed the testimony of them all. The Anabaptist majority that taught nonviolence openly condemned the actions of that sect.

So, you can be fair to non-Catholics but not fair to Catholics. Interesting.

I realize the Catholics as individuals cannot control that their church has not recanted, but it's disheartening that so many are willing to sweep the past under a rug and ignore it.

Nobody has ignored it. You just didn't happen to like the response you got. So what. :shrug:

I'm not holier than thee, thy or thou!

I'm glad to see you admit that. You're admission is more than what we have received from other "non-Catholics" on this forum. :lol:

Well, that's the trouble. My beliefs are that there is theological errors in the Catholic Church; therefore, stating my beliefs would violate these premises. I'm sorry if I have been hard on people. I did not want to come across like that, but I get carried away sometimes when I feel like I'm under attack. I was hoping to have a conversation on these issues where I could see why the Catholics believe how they do and why my reasoning for thinking there theology is in error is wrong. I realize my spirit has been harsh and I'm sorry.

No my friend, your belief is not based on your opinion that the Catholic Church is in error. I should like to think that your belief is in Christ as the Son of God who died and resurrected so that we may have eternal life.

If you find yourself getting carried away, then I suggest you take a step back lest you fall into sin. Btw, you were never under attack. Again, take a look at the title of this thread and your own first post in it.

I've not seen scriptures posted that were saying what the Catholics were saying they said. I've tried to show that it takes assumptions to make some verses teach certain doctrines.

Again, re-read old threads and you'll find all the biblical evidence that we use for our doctrines. Again, you don't have to agree with it, we could care less if you do, but there it is.

I may not have all the truth (I'm still learning), but I have the source of truth.

If you have the source of truth but yet do not have all the truth, then I highly suggest you stop attempting to force others to believe in your version of it.

The historical things can be found in encyclopedias and history books.

You mean like your historical source for the supposed Council of Valencia? :lmao: That falsehood stems from Lorraine Beottner btw, who was a Protestant theologian in the 20th century. It might do you well to actually pay attention to the one entity who has actually lived the history throughout the 2000 years of Christianity.

Let's turn the table here. What is the official Roman Catholic position on the eternal destiny of non-Catholics?

Bottom line, we trust in the mercy of God. It may be more difficult for a non-Christian to obtain heaven, but it's not necessarily out of bounds. We don't usurp the ultimate judgment of God on persons and what lay within their own conscience.

One could bring into question some of the current fruits of Catholic control in Latin America, but those are localized problems. Thus far, I have not seen a Catholic admit that these massacres in the name of religion are true, no less acknowledge that the church was wrong then and have since changed.

Again, re-read old threads.

What do you expect, Starman3000m said it himself, he has his "own Jesus" and his "own Gospel" the rest of worship "another Jesus" and follow "another Gospel".:killingme

I don't think that fact has ever occurred to him. It would be impossible for him to think that HE may have the wrong Jesus and gospel as opposed to the Jesus and gospel that has been preached for 2000 years. :lol:


Soul Probe
C'mon libby, let's take a look see about what I was referring to:

The following is only a partial example proving that Catholics place trust in other entities (spirit guides - personified religious icons) such as Mary, angels and the patron saints, thus, I rest my case.

From Catholic beliefs:




Now, from the Holy Bible: The account of John's experience with the angel in Revelation 22:

There Is Only One Truth (John 14:6)


Let's take a closer look at what is actually said.

First scripture, Revelations 22:8-9:
It is I, John, who heard and saw these things, and when I heard and saw them I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who showed them to me. But he said to me, "Don't! I am a fellow servant of yours and of your brothers the prophets and of those who keep the message of this book. Worship God."

John fully admits that he was worshiping the angel.

Ok. Now let's take a look at your quotes:

PRAYER TO OUR LADY, ASSUMED INTO HEAVEN: Immaculate Virgin, Mother of Jesus and our Mother, we believe in your triumphant assumption into heaven where the angels and saints acclaim you as Queen. We join them in praising you and bless the Lord who raised you above all creatures. With them we offer you our devotion and love. We are confident that you watch over our daily efforts and needs, and we take comfort from our faith in the coming resurrection. We look to you, our life, our sweetness, and our hope. After this earthly life, show us Jesus, the blest fruit of your womb, O kind, O loving, O Sweet Virgin Mary. Amen.

Prayers to Mary, the Blessed Mother of God - Mary, Mother Of God - Catholic Online

"and bless the Lord who raised you above all creatures." "take comfort from our faith in the coming resurrection." "show us Jesus, the blest fruit of your womb..."

Dear Friend:

Welcome to We want you to learn about all the Catholic Church's favorite saints. Whether you want to review a Catholic saint list or find a Catholic saint name, find your Catholic patron saint, locate a hard to find Catholic saint medal or Catholic saint statue, you will find it here at Find Catholic prayers and see Catholic art. See for yourself the power of the Catholic Saint. intends to share with you Catholicism's heroes! See who inspires Catholics worldwide everyday. Are you interested in patron Catholic saints? Perhaps a Catholic saints dictionary, or a workbook on catholic saints? Holy cards? Novenas to the saints? Chaplets to the saints? Most importantly, how to become a saint? Interested in All Saints Day? Maybe a St. Joseph statue or prayer for selling a house? Lives of the Saints?

Find out about those Catholic Saints who all the Catholic schools, Catholic universities and Catholic churches are named after. These are your and my

My Favorite Prayers to Pope John Paul II has just been released!
Patron Saints :: Catholic Saints :: Catholic Church Saints:

Inspiration by the saints. Ok, so what? I might be inspired by you if you chose to devote your life to Christ instead of anti-Catholicism.

Prayer to all Guardian Angels
O pure and happy spirits whom the Almighty selected to become the Angels and Guardians of men, I most humbly prostrate myself before thee to thank thee for the charity and zeal with which thou dost execute this commission. Alas, how many pass a long life without ever thanking their invisible friends, to whom they owe a thousand times their preservation!
Angel Prayers

Thanking angels and saints for their charity and zeal, ok. I might thank you for your charity if you actually showed any.

You seem to think that bowing before something in respect is an act of worship? As YOU KNOW WELL, this has been discussed to death previously with IS. The act of bowing before someone or even something does not constitute an act of worship. I would not think John was worshiping the angel if it were not for the fact that he said that's what he was doing.

You see folks, it doesn't matter if every Catholic would tell you that we do not worship Mary or the Saints. Frankly, if we did it would be something we believe and have no reason to lie about it. But even so, people like Starman continually assert that we do. This is an example of deliberate obtuseness, continual accusations and flat out lies that really deserves no other response but "Get behind me Satan".


Soul Probe
But I get a free pass since I was a Catholic, right? :yahoo: Jesus created a hostile environment and it got Him killed, so I guess we should ALL just be quiet, right? Jesus said: "They will hate you because of me", so it wasn't meant to be a feel good happy experience all the time.

WAS being the key word. No, no free pass for you. Jesus did not create the hostile environment, those who could not believe created the hostile environment. You hate us because of Jesus. Should I thank you for the persecution making us to be more Christ-like?

Satan loves that...Never tell anyone that they're wrong in their beliefs. Go against much of what Jesus & Paul taught. Believe whatever you want and it's all ok? Can you say Oprah? JPC?

What Satan loves more is using scripture to justify his actions and the divisions in the Body of Christ. Should I tell you to keep up his works? I mean hey, I can point fingers at you for your errors, and you can continue to point fingers at me for what you perceive are mine; however, where does that get us? Absolutely nowhere, and wouldn't Satan just love that!

Instead of justifying your piss-poor actions, you may instead want to ask me why I have more respect for the non-Christians, Agnostics and Atheists in this forum. :coffee: