Are Catholic Beliefs and Practices Biblical?


Methodically disorganized
I've said that a number of times. You don't want to follow Him, then don't expect to understand His Word.
I am not sure if you are confused or deflecting, but that does not fit with your "none of us" statement.

The things that Christians can't understand, aren't necessary for us to live our lives.
That may be, but the question remains: why would god put it in the Bible if we could not possibly understand it? That would seem to be dangerous, because if there is not a correct interpretation people will create an interpretation (as so many denominations have done with the rest of the book).

It absolutely does not "depend" on anything. The point is clear: God gave everyone life and many destroyed it by their choices.
Peoples' background and personalities do not affect their views of faith and god. Sure. Keep on believing that.

God reveals Himself enough for a person to trust in Him and, if they don't like Him, they CAN change their mind and go back to the deceiver...See? Free will!
You literally said, "Ta-da," there, didn't you? :lol:

"We have to pass it so we can see what's in it"...
And that was an asinine statement, wasn't it? But, apparently, it's okay when applying it to god as long as people believe in the god you want them to.
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New Member
Wirelessly posted

ItalianScallion said:
:killingmeIs that "your own Satan" or would it be my "another Satan"?:killingme The rest of us think just "Satan" is likely more enamored with you, but I guess that is the "another Satan", perhaps "your own Satan" has his own perspective?
There's only one.
So you weren't comparing Christianity to the medical profession? You weren't saying that people like you and I lack a complete understanding of either yet we trust in both? Oh...well what were you saying then?
I used a simple example to explain why you don't understand the things of God. That's all. What you said about looking something up goes for the Bible also.
UNA said:
So if you know, you must have some sort of rule set; otherwise if you cannot show a predictable pattern it's random i.e. you're picking and choosing.
Yes; there are a few rules for proper biblical understanding; the main one is called: context. Everything in question has to agree with the other verses.
Then there's knowing who it's written to, which determines if it's for all time or just for a particular people & time. There are civil laws, ceremonial laws and moral laws in the Bible. The first 2 can and do change but the last one never changes. I did give you some examples in other threads. I hope you remembered them...

Wait a second; so you're saying one can look things up WRT to the Bible in another source and there are rules one can reference in order to determine whether a passage is literal or allegorical? So you're saying that I can read and understand the Bible? I thought you said I couldn't, that only true believers could do that. I thought I - as a non-Christian - couldn't fully understand the Bible...:confused:

So now that you've contradicted yourself; is one of your contradictory statement actually allegorical? :lol:


New Member
Wow. Miss one day and look what happens. :lol:

Perhaps that is because you do not take what Catholics say about their own faith at face value and instead continue on with your preconceived notions. If you will notice there are a lot of people (yourself included) who say what Catholics believe (and get a lot of it wrong) without even being Catholic. On the other hand, you don't see Catholics stating what you believe.

FYI, Catholics are confident in their faith and you aren't going to convert anyone here. .

Maybe thats because we read your church documents, and you dont take the time to do like wise?

As to converting any here, you maybe correct, but outside of here, I find RC's grossly ignorant of what the RC church teaches and what Gods word says.

Then I read coments that say the RC church never kept anyone from reading the Bible. Sort makes you wonder if its just repeating the party line. I mean if you did your homework like you say, than you have to know better. Wanna talk about the inquisition, or that never happened either?

I'd love to know how a Christain can be a RC when scripture says he who loves me keeps my commands and Roman Catholics say, no thanks, just the ones we feel like.

Many will say Lord Lord didnt we...... Didnt we host gambling, to intice men to sin on church proberty via covetness and greed? I wonder which draws the bigger crowd mass or bingo?

Bird Dog

Bird Dog
PREMO Member
Maybe thats because we read your church documents, and you dont take the time to do like wise?

I'd love to know how a Christain can be a RC when scripture says he who loves me keeps my commands and Roman Catholics say, no thanks, just the ones we feel like.

Many will say Lord Lord didnt we...... Didnt we host gambling, to intice men to sin on church proberty via covetness and greed? I wonder which draws the bigger crowd mass or bingo?

I see you have come out of the gutter again. Did you find a new Jesus?

Or are you just bashing the Catholic Church from your old gutter.


Harley Rider
:killingmeYou're twisting and construing everything.:rolleyes:
Dude, you're killing me with all those :killingme :killingme

Nice dodge as usual Mongo. I simply want to hear from you if you believe the Bible is the only source of all spiritual truth. You have tap danced all around that and I believe I know why. Here's your chance to tell us all where you stand on that. I won't put words in your mouth...
Mongo53 said:
How many Catholics spend time showing and telling that your interpretation of the Bible are too narrow and miss the central truths?
Who missed what? :faint:
Mongo53 said:
Actually, I defended the bible, but in a way that challenges your interpretations, the only thing that is sad is how narrow minded and in denial of the truth that you are. Inspired by God? Duh? You really need someone to spell that out to you?
Actually you didn't defend it. You say it's the word of God but then made clear inferrences that it wasn't trustworthy in any language other than the originals. So do you (without all your antics here) believe the Bible is the only source for all spiritual truth or not?


New Member
Maybe thats because we read your church documents, and you dont take the time to do like wise?

As to converting any here, you maybe correct, but outside of here, I find RC's grossly ignorant of what the RC church teaches and what Gods word says.

Then I read coments that say the RC church never kept anyone from reading the Bible. Sort makes you wonder if its just repeating the party line. I mean if you did your homework like you say, than you have to know better. Wanna talk about the inquisition, or that never happened either?

I'd love to know how a Christain can be a RC when scripture says he who loves me keeps my commands and Roman Catholics say, no thanks, just the ones we feel like.

Many will say Lord Lord didnt we...... Didnt we host gambling, to intice men to sin on church proberty via covetness and greed? I wonder which draws the bigger crowd mass or bingo?
:killingmeThis is like dealing with the "the loose change", "911 truth" crowd, they believe what they want to believe, nature of the evidence be darned.

Have you've really read the church documents? or have you bitten off hook line and sinker for some propaganda that gives you an emotional high of righteous indignation?

Bible Quizzes
The Protestant account of pre-Reformation Catholicism has been largely a falsification of history and all the good the Church did has been misconstrued, misjudged, misrepresented as Dr. Maitland and other students of history admit after their study of the documentary sources.

:killingmeNow Catholics are Heritics because they host bingo in the church basement.:killingme


Harley Rider
I am not sure if you are confused or deflecting, but that does not fit with your "none of us" statement. That may be, but the question remains: why would god put it in the Bible if we could not possibly understand it? That would seem to be dangerous, because if there is not a correct interpretation people will create an interpretation (as so many denominations have done with the rest of the book).
Every Christian understands some of the Bible. Some, more than others, but no one understands it all. God does not want anyone to get too prideful so He makes it so that no one can understand it all. Plus, He is spiritual and infinite and we are human and finite so we cannot fully understand Him anyhow, yet. I used to wonder why he didn't make the Bible smaller and much clearer but I guess it all goes back to this one verse:

10 "When he (Jesus) was alone, the Twelve and the others around him asked him about the parables. He told them, “The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outside everything is said in parables so that they may be ever seeing but never perceiving, and ever hearing but never understanding; otherwise they might turn and be forgiven!” (Mark 4)

Remember too that the unbelievers are ONLY blinded because they want to be. It's not that God wants them to be blind and unforgiven.
hvp05 said:
Peoples' background and personalities do not affect their views of faith and god. Sure. Keep on believing that.
It surely does BUT God is bigger than a person's background & personality. He is not restricted by anyone's past. Hitler, Bin Laden, Sadaam, etc., could have all been saved if they responded to God's calling...
hvp05 said:
You literally said, "Ta-da," there, didn't you? :lol:
Ta-Da!! :yahoo: :roflmao:
hvp05 said:
And that was an asinine statement, wasn't it? But, apparently, it's okay when applying it to god as long as people believe in the god you want them to.
Yes. It was ass N 9 on both counts. The reality is that we can fully trust God with our lives but not our government.


Harley Rider
Wait a second; so you're saying one can look things up WRT to the Bible in another source and there are rules one can reference in order to determine whether a passage is literal or allegorical? So you're saying that I can read and understand the Bible? I thought you said I couldn't, that only true believers could do that. I thought I - as a non-Christian - couldn't fully understand the Bible...:confused: So now that you've contradicted yourself; is one of your contradictory statement actually allegorical? :lol:
You are out of control lady. :evil:
Yes, there are books that you can read that will help you learn how to read the Bible and understand if a passage is literal or not.
And yes, I said you can read and understand SOME of the Bible, even as an unbeliever but I also said that true believers can read and understand much more of it than an unbeliever can. See? No contradictions :buddies:


Every Christian understands some of the Bible. Some, more than others, but no one understands it all. God does not want anyone to get too prideful so He makes it so that no one can understand it all. Plus, He is spiritual and infinite and we are human and finite so we cannot fully understand Him anyhow, yet. I used to wonder why he didn't make the Bible smaller and much clearer but I guess it all goes back to this one verse:

So IS, by your own words, you cannot EVER learn and understand the entire Bible - yet you spout every passage and teach/preach as if you are the ONLY person that does understand it.

Wouldn't that make you a FALSE PROPHET? Teaching and inspiring others when you truly don't have all the answers? I mean if you don't have the answers, you can't teach the others the right way...meaning you teach the FALSE WAY!!!


New Member
You are out of control lady. :evil:

Yup, that's me...just an out of control little lady who should be seen and not heard in the church and pretty much in general in accordance with the loving God...:rolleyes:

ItalianScallion said:
Yes, there are books that you can read that will help you learn how to read the Bible and understand if a passage is literal or not.
And yes, I said you can read and understand SOME of the Bible, even as an unbeliever but I also said that true believers can read and understand much more of it than an unbeliever can. See? No contradictions :buddies:

You said:

I've said that a number of times. You don't want to follow Him, then don't expect to understand His Word.

Then you went on about how I can read other books and follow your rules in order to understand the Bible.

...those statements seem to stand in contradiction to me...but then again, I'm just an out of control lady, what could I ever know about what a "man" says...?


Soul Probe
Maybe thats because we read your church documents, and you dont take the time to do like wise?

As to converting any here, you maybe correct, but outside of here, I find RC's grossly ignorant of what the RC church teaches and what Gods word says.

Then I read coments that say the RC church never kept anyone from reading the Bible. Sort makes you wonder if its just repeating the party line. I mean if you did your homework like you say, than you have to know better. Wanna talk about the inquisition, or that never happened either?

I'd love to know how a Christain can be a RC when scripture says he who loves me keeps my commands and Roman Catholics say, no thanks, just the ones we feel like.

Many will say Lord Lord didnt we...... Didnt we host gambling, to intice men to sin on church proberty via covetness and greed? I wonder which draws the bigger crowd mass or bingo?

That stone you threw missed everyone by miles. Try to keep up. I'd call you retarded if it weren't an insult to retarded people everywhere.


Soul Probe
...those statements seem to stand in contradiction to me...but then again, I'm just an out of control lady, what could I ever know about what a "man" says...?

Personally, I think the out of control little lady is a breath of fresh air. :huggy:


New Member
Wirelessly posted

Radiant1 said:
...those statements seem to stand in contradiction to me...but then again, I'm just an out of control lady, what could I ever know about what a "man" says...?

Personally, I think the out of control little lady is a breath of fresh air. :huggy:

:huggy: back at ya!

Bird Dog

Bird Dog
PREMO Member
That stone you threw missed everyone by miles. Try to keep up. I'd call you retarded if it weren't an insult to retarded people everywhere.

Please, you are one of the ones with style and grace. Let me hit them with a 2x4 and you trash them with logic, intellect, and grace.


Harley Rider
So IS, by your own words, you cannot EVER learn and understand the entire Bible - yet you spout every passage and teach/preach as if you are the ONLY person that does understand it.
Wouldn't that make you a FALSE PROPHET? Teaching and inspiring others when you truly don't have all the answers? I mean if you don't have the answers, you can't teach the others the right way...meaning you teach the FALSE WAY!!!
Apparently you don't realize how much information is in the Bible. I know a heck of a lot about it but no where near all of it. It just so happens that I normally only speak about what I know. A false prohpet is one who makes predictions that do NOT come true. You know, like the weatherman rarely getting the weather forecast right but they keep trying to predict it anyway? :howdy:
Then you went on about how I can read other books and follow your rules in order to understand the Bible....those statements seem to stand in contradiction to me...but then again, I'm just an out of control lady, what could I ever know about what a "man" says...?
Exactly! So what's the problem? I never said you couldn't understand ANY of it. Again:

...there are books that you can read that will help you learn how to read the Bible and understand if a passage is literal or not. And yes, I said you can read and understand SOME of the Bible, even as an unbeliever but I also said that true believers can read and understand much more of it than an unbeliever can.


Apparently you don't realize how much information is in the Bible. I know a heck of a lot about it but no where near all of it. It just so happens that I normally only speak about what I know. A false prohpet is one who makes predictions that do NOT come true. You know, like the weatherman rarely getting the weather forecast right but they keep trying to predict it anyway? :howdy:

Nice try at the dig IS - but like the batters in Camden Yards, you swung and missed...

In religion, a false prophet is one who falsely claims the gift of prophecy, or who uses that gift for evil ends. Often, someone who is considered a "true prophet" by some people is simultaneously considered a "false prophet" by others.

The term is sometimes applied outside religion to describe someone who fervently promotes a theory that the speaker thinks is false.

False prophet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


New Member
I see you have come out of the gutter again. Did you find a new Jesus?

Or are you just bashing the Catholic Church from your old gutter.

No, the one in the Bible is exciting enough, I need no other, the one I serve his penal substitutionary atonement was enough to pay for my sins, past, present and future, I dont need works to contribute to my justification. I don’t need have to have last rights, baptism, or confess my sin to anyone else but Him, and yes I decided to take a few pot shots.

I found Radiant1's comments to be disingenuous or spoken out of ignorance, and I think it was the first more so than the latter.

She’s made some dumb comments that deserve to be challenged.


New Member
That stone you threw missed everyone by miles. Try to keep up. I'd call you retarded if it weren't an insult to retarded people everywhere.

Wow, that would be like grade school all over again, but its ok, when you understand the Gospel, your sin is nothing compared to what Christ has all ready forgivin of mine and I have no reason to expect anything more from you. Love ya, and I hope and pray you will come to a saving knoweledge of Him!