Are flowers "out"?


New Member
elaine said:
I find it amazing that women get steamed over such a trivial event as valentine's day. Hell, I can't even remember my anniversary unless someone reminds me.

It’s just a reason to act like a biatch.

Most flower arrangements start at $50.00. Nothing like wasting $50.00 on something you are going to be picking the flaky pieces up off your tables in a few days. :boo:

If somebody wants to spend $50.00 or more on flowers for me, take the easy route and stick the cash in the card.


LexiGirl75 said:
I think women want to be seen as special to their co-workers. This morning one of the guys bought every woman a bag of V-Day kisses and a single rose. He is sweet like that.

I heard that last year he made and arrangement of candy and a bottle of water and put rose pedals inside each womans door and then asked if they knew what it represent. He is a cool guy.

What do you all think about men or women who get gifts from other men or women on V-Day. Sorry if this was a discussion in another thread.

I see that as "VD SPAM".

It's sweet, but really means nothing when EVERYONE is getting the same thing.

If my man get's "SPAMMED" that's fine, if it's just for him, not fine.


100% Goapele Head!
Wenchy said:
I see that as "VD SPAM".

It's sweet, but really means nothing when EVERYONE is getting the same thing.

If my man get's "SPAMMED" that's fine, if it's just for him, not fine.

Well put young Wenchy :yay:


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
K_Jo said:
So in the middle of my "thank you" voicemail, I started crying like a stupid girl. :rolleyes: I'll never get flowers again. :ohwell:
OK, now Garth Brooks is making me :bawl: !! Stupid VD!!! :banghead:


In My Opinion
K_Jo said:
OK, now Garth Brooks is making me :bawl: !! Stupid VD!!! :banghead:
Having already been given the evil eye from K_Jo for an earlier remark (that was meant to help....Honest)
I find it in the best interest of my physical well being not to comment in anyway what so ever on the above quoted statement.

so, I wont.

but, I could.

still, I wont.


In My Opinion
Ewwwwwww I know its V day and all,, but who the hell would want their grammy in their pants? thats just nasty.

And whats grampy going to say about it when he finds out?


curiouser and curiouser
bcp said:
Ewwwwwww I know its V day and all,, but who the hell would want their grammy in their pants? thats just nasty.

And whats grampy going to say about it when he finds out?
My grampys are dead.