Are people just stupid?


New Member

Can they opt out of insurance completely if they choose?

If not (and, they can't), what happens if they disagree and choose to have no insurance?
An approx. 3% raise on taxes.[/quote]Even if that were true, and we go with the original lie of $250,000 (not the more recent $200,000, or 150,000, or even 120,000), let's see what that means.

X 3%
$7,500 additional fine for success.

Thanks for proving my point.I'm just telling what Obama is actually saying. Not what you are hearing from his eloquent tone.[/QUOTE]

I'm not proving your point.

I was telling you that your were false in your assumption. Healthcare is not being forced on anyone under Obama's plan.

But, that's okay. Continue your crusade against Obama and spread all the misinformation you want.

Afterall it's only to the people here...



New Member
I'm sorry you're incapable of handling anything more complex than an Obama infomercial.


Actually, incapable of reading your often times false information pertaining to Obama.

That's okay man.

It gets you off.

Everyone has their kinks...


New Member
On Obama as a dictator

Fines for not following the health care mandates (instead of just letting a person decide for themself what - if any - insurance they choose to carry).

Environmental codes specifically against electric companies that would, by his own estimation, bankrupt an industry with which he disagrees but has no ability to actually stop.

Taxation rates against individuals to effectively criminalize success through excessive "fines" (read: taxes) for being wealthy.

Taxation rates against oil companies for the crime of making "too much" profit.

Need I go on?

First dictators don't get elected they take power through force.
Second they use violence, not the rule of law to enforce ther will.
Idi Amin and Stalin were dictators. You are just name calling. If Obama wins the election he would not be a dictator just because you would not be pleased with his policies.

Environmental codes specifically against electric companies that would, by his own estimation, bankrupt an industry with which he disagrees but has no ability to actually stop.

If you are referring to the coal bankruptcy thing, it is a made up issue, the product of dirty politics. McCain has the exact same policy, but Sarah Palin didn't mention that. See the explanation below from an earlier post.

He was being interviewed by a radio station and the discussion was about cap and trade policies (which McCain also has promised to implement). During the course of discussion he said that a cap and trade policy would bankrupt coal-fired plants that are heavy polluters. Conservative blogs isolated the statement with "bankrupt" and "coal" and posted a short audio clip on the internet with misleading headlines like "Obama Promises to Bankrupt Coal Industry" to scare voters, especially from battleground coal producing states. Sarah Palin spread the misrepresentation at rallies with some really nasty, dishonest campaining on this issue.

The truth is that both candidates have basically the same plan with the same goals. They will install a cap and trade system to encourage the transition from dirty coal to clean coal plants. By design it will make dirty coal plants more expensive to operate and cleaner plants more profitable. There is no real difference between them on this issue.


Well-Known Member
First dictators don't get elected they take power through force.
First, how did Obama get the Democratic nomination? Was it through a valid election, or selection (hint, who got more votes, him or Hillary?).
Second they use violence, not the rule of law to enforce ther will. Idi Amin and Stalin were dictators. You are just name calling. If Obama wins the election he would not be a dictator just because you would not be pleased with his policies.
Note, I did not call him a dictator. I specifically said that was not what I was implying.

Merely that he has dictatorial tendencies. Abusive fines for failing to abide to his will is a form of dictatorial rule. Not every person ruled by a dictator is beat up physically.
If you are referring to the coal bankruptcy thing, it is a made up issue, the product of dirty politics. McCain has the exact same policy, but Sarah Palin didn't mention that. See the explanation below from an earlier post.
I listened to the tone and intent of the interview, not the "explaination" someone gave for why he said it.

Can you link me to the similarities in their two thoughts on the subject? Or, do you just believe someone else's explaination?


New Member
By saying I should lay off the soundbites? :killingme

He can't (nor can you) lay a finger on the substance, so you label it soundbites..........

the coal issue for one.
even hannity admitted last night that he (hannity) was busted for using a sound bite to make one thing "seem" true, when in fact Obama was talking about the furture of clean coal technology, and that he is planning on investing tons of money into helping that industry develop and adapt. the point that "if you build a NEW old style coal plant you will be penalized into bankruptcy" is reasonable, and not at all what you are trying to make it sound like using your little sound bite.
All of the words and context are important, not just the 10 second clip you say on youtube

like i said, sound bites are not your friends


Well-Known Member
the coal issue for one.
even hannity admitted last night that he (hannity) was busted for using a sound bite to make one thing "seem" true, when in fact Obama was talking about the furture of clean coal technology, and that he is planning on investing tons of money into helping that industry develop and adapt. the point that "if you build a NEW old style coal plant you will be penalized into bankruptcy" is reasonable, and not at all what you are trying to make it sound like using your little sound bite.
All of the words and context are important, not just the 10 second clip you say on youtube

like i said, sound bites are not your friends
His plans on helping that industry were clearly defined in that interview, and mistakenly put on tape by his running mate.

You can listen to his spin of it afterward all you like..... :roflmao:


New Member
His plans on helping that industry were clearly defined in that interview, and mistakenly put on tape by his running mate.

You can listen to his spin of it afterward all you like..... :roflmao:

seriously, lay off the sound bites and read or at least watch entire speeches and LISTEN


New Member


Environmental codes specifically against electric companies that would, by his own estimation, bankrupt an industry with which he disagrees but has no ability to actually stop.

This is based on a lie shoved down your throat by right wing bloggers and Sarah Palin and you didn't even regurgitate it correctly.

The campaign lie is explained in my post above.

Do you really believe that Barrack Obama wants to shut down electric companies?


Well-Known Member

This is based on a lie shoved down your throat by right wing bloggers and Sarah Palin and you didn't even regurgitate it correctly.
I haven't read a blog in weeks (no time, I'm on here too much :lol:). I just listened to the interview, and came to a conclusion.
The campaign lie is explained in my post above.
And, proven false in mine
Do you really believe that Barrack Obama wants to shut down electric companies?
No, that he wants to:
Effectively eliminate new coal plants. Okay, not really, but he'll tax the living hell out of them for doing their job. Taxes you and I will pay for in our electric bill, but not see directly, and therefore not see as a tax (even though it is).

Effectivley eliminate new nuclear plants. Per his own website, he's against Yucca Mountain as a repository (one that the law demanded about 18 years ago, and Democrats have fought against anyway). And, he's for nuclear power - once there's a repository for the spent fuel and waste. Which, he's against all plans for any repository. So, you can think he wants nukes, but he doesn't.

He says and acts in these manners, yet has no plan for the immediate new need. He doesn't want to drill for oil because it will take up to ten years to get a huge amount of oil from new wells drilled now - but he's also against everything else, with no alternative plan that is possible to take up the new slack.

In other words, he's an unrealistic, idealistic idiot.