Are you a victim of "Date & Run"?


100% Goapele Head!
The case of the vanishing date...

After several seemingly perfect outings with a new date, you’re still giddy—not to mention a little relieved at the thought of taking down your online profile. But when the time comes for you to make more plans, the unthinkable happens: He vanishes. You don’t hear from him (or her, though our experts say this disappearing act is mainly a guy’s crime). And when you call or email, it’s radio silence. Half of you wants to file a missing person report, but your sensible side knows that you’ve been the victim of a Date & Run.

Unfortunately, being blown off by a date is completely common, and it usually has nothing to do with anything you did “wrong”—though that may not relieve the hurt and betrayal you feel. Here, to help Date & Run victims get a fresh perspective, we share the most common reasons guys pull disappearing acts.

full article here


Nothing to see here
LexiGirl75 said:
The case of the vanishing date...

After several seemingly perfect outings with a new date, you’re still giddy—not to mention a little relieved at the thought of taking down your online profile. But when the time comes for you to make more plans, the unthinkable happens: He vanishes. You don’t hear from him (or her, though our experts say this disappearing act is mainly a guy’s crime). And when you call or email, it’s radio silence. Half of you wants to file a missing person report, but your sensible side knows that you’ve been the victim of a Date & Run.

Unfortunately, being blown off by a date is completely common, and it usually has nothing to do with anything you did “wrong”—though that may not relieve the hurt and betrayal you feel. Here, to help Date & Run victims get a fresh perspective, we share the most common reasons guys pull disappearing acts.

full article here

If I remember correctly, everyone warned you about Mikey.


Super Genius
elaine said:
Experience? So, you've dated men, too?
:buttkick: No. The claim was that this is something that the "disappearing act is mainly a guy’s crime" which means that women infrequently do it...which is :bs:

Pandora's explanation seems plausible.


100% Goapele Head!
ylexot said:
:buttkick: No. The claim was that this is something that the "disappearing act is mainly a guy’s crime" which means that women infrequently do it...which is :bs:

Pandora's explanation seems plausible.

:poorbaby: I think morgan still has some cheese left. j/k

In order for that to happen to you (and more than once) you must be going after the wrong women. What's on your checklist?


off the shelf
LexiGirl75 said:
What's on your checklist?

1. Younger than 60 (social security doesn't pay much)

2. Employed (NO....McDonald's, Burger King, Lowe's, etc. does not count as employment)

3. Breathing(that's always a good thing)

4. A bike(a Harley is prefered but, not manditory)

5. Taller than me

6. Does not out weigh me by more than double my weight

That hook me up women :lmao:
onebdzee said:
1. Younger than 60 (social security doesn't pay much)

2. Employed (NO....McDonald's, Burger King, Lowe's, etc. does not count as employment)

3. Breathing(that's always a good thing)

4. A bike(a Harley is prefered but, not manditory)

5. Taller than me

6. Does not out weigh me by more than double my weight

That hook me up women :lmao:
Go to Pete.


100% Goapele Head!
onebdzee said:
1. Younger than 60 (social security doesn't pay much)

2. Employed (NO....McDonald's, Burger King, Lowe's, etc. does not count as employment)

3. Breathing(that's always a good thing)

4. A bike(a Harley is prefered but, not manditory)

5. Taller than me

6. Does not out weigh me by more than double my weight

That hook me up women :lmao:

You're in the wrong part of town. Don't you all of those men are already taken. :smack: Now go find Pete and be happy with what you get.


New Member
LexiGirl75 said:
:poorbaby: I think morgan still has some cheese left. j/k

In order for that to happen to you (and more than once) you must be going after the wrong women. What's on your checklist?

I also have some wine for that cheese :lmao:

One time I didn't want to be mean, so I started a big fight and let him break it off. there are times when that is necessary. :elaine:


Witchy Woman
onebdzee said:
5. Taller than me

6. Does not out weigh me by more than double my weight

That hook me up women :lmao:

Well these two shouldn't be hard anyway. You are what... 4'9", 90 lbs soaking wet? :shrug:

Your problem has been they run before they even get the date. (Kim) :lmao:

I'm telling ya...I see wedding bells for you and T. :razz:


off the shelf
MysticalMom said:
Well these two shouldn't be hard anyway. You are what... 4'9", 90 lbs soaking wet? :shrug:

Your problem has been they run before they even get the date. (Kim) :lmao:

I'm telling ya...I see wedding bells for you and T. :razz:

I have you know that I am 5'4" and 120lbs!!!!! :smack:

Wedding bells????? :lmao:

What drugs are you on now?