Are you an Atheist or Agnostic?


Well-Known Member
Marie said:
Understood, but do they have the same proofs and validity?
essentially yes, there isn't anyhting all the unique about christianity.

you just ignore theirs and claim they are flase, and they do the same about yours...


Infinite Impetus
Larry Gude said:
...Atheists and theists will tell you the same thing; they KNOW they're right. Agnostics, those who aren't sure, are the only ones who know what they're talking about; they don't KNOW. Faith either in a God or that there is not. By definition, we are ALL agnostics. We can't know. It's faith.

So, agnostics are the only ones willing to say so.

That is put the best way I could have ever thought of to describe it. :yay:
I consider myself Agnostic.


Infinite Impetus
Marie said:
Understood, but do they have the same proofs and validity?

It's people such as yourself that encourage me to be agnostic. I HATE anyone pushing or promoting their religion or trying to 'save'. I chose to be agnostic because I want to come to a conclusion on my own, by my own right and life experiences. Just like religion is a CHOICE, not a right or wrong.

Go away lady. :lalala:


Infinite Impetus
Nucklesack said:
The way i look at it, Atheists are as equal a believer in their "Faith" (of no God) as a believer (in a God).

Agnostics arent sure.

thats my definition, (and i'm sticking to it)

Yeah I can see that too.
Shrug* I am not here to argue one's definition of agnostic or atheist. I can see all points, probably why I am still agnostic.


aka Mrs. Giant
Marie said:
Only the one true God, has ever died come back to life and still lives today. The rest if they have taken a mans body are worm food today, nothing remains but their teachings!
How many of the others had prophecies come true word for word 600 years later and I think there was 350 different ones?
How many of these others raised anyone from the dead?
How many others never lied or were wrong?
How many others in their books taught medical and scientific principles before man had a clue?
Here’s the real kicker how many others dont require WORKS to earn your salvation but offer it as a free gift?
How many others provided a plan of redemption to a creation that he knew would turn from him before the creation of the world, solely to bring honor and glory to him?
I have looked at the rest and this by far is the best deal.
Last but not least how many others still today can answer specific prayer?
The way I see it there is only one true God.
And all it requires is humbling yourself and repentance and faith!
There a LOTS of other religions with very similar beliefs.

For example:
The ancient Egyptians worshipped gods who had the same things going on - LONG before Christianity was on the scene.

Let's see, Isis resurrected Osiris with the Ritual of Life, which was later given to the Egyptians so that they could give eternal life to all their dead. Sound familiar?

How familiar does this sound?
From the Story of Osiris:
And so it is that Horus watches over us while we live, and gives guidance to the Pharaoh while he lives, and his father Osiris watches over us in the next life. So it is that the gods are at peace. So it is that Set, wicked Set, eternally strives for revenge, battling Horus at every turn. When Horus wins, Maat is upheld and the world is at peace. When Set wins, the world is in turmoil. But we know that dark times do not last forever, and the bright rays of Horus will shine over us again. In the last days, Horus and Set will fight one last time for the world. Horus will defeat Set forever, and Osiris will be able to return to this world. On that day, the Day of Awakening, all the tombs shall open and the just dead shall live again as we do, and all sorrow shall pass away forever.

Hmm, sounds like the Christian version of good vs evil. :lol: Seems to me the Christians stole their story from other religions. So what makes Christianity the ONLY religion to follow? What makes you right and others wrong. After all, it's the same story - just the names have been changed.


migtig said:
There a LOTS of other religions with very similar beliefs.

For example:
The ancient Egyptians worshipped gods who had the same things going on - LONG before Christianity was on the scene.

Let's see, Isis resurrected Osiris with the Ritual of Life, which was later given to the Egyptians so that they could give eternal life to all their dead. Sound familiar?

How familiar does this sound?
From the Story of Osiris:
And so it is that Horus watches over us while we live, and gives guidance to the Pharaoh while he lives, and his father Osiris watches over us in the next life. So it is that the gods are at peace. So it is that Set, wicked Set, eternally strives for revenge, battling Horus at every turn. When Horus wins, Maat is upheld and the world is at peace. When Set wins, the world is in turmoil. But we know that dark times do not last forever, and the bright rays of Horus will shine over us again. In the last days, Horus and Set will fight one last time for the world. Horus will defeat Set forever, and Osiris will be able to return to this world. On that day, the Day of Awakening, all the tombs shall open and the just dead shall live again as we do, and all sorrow shall pass away forever.

Hmm, sounds like the Christian version of good vs evil. :lol: Seems to me the Christians stole their story from other religions. So what makes Christianity the ONLY religion to follow? What makes you right and others wrong. After all, it's the same story - just the names have been changed.

Short answer... numbers. How many people are following the religion of Egyptian gods? How many are following Christianity?


aka Mrs. Giant
PsyOps said:
Short answer... numbers. How many people are following the religion of Egyptian gods? How many are following Christianity?
I don't know nor do I care. :ohwell: My point is only that one should not display presumptuousness in passing judgment on others religions or beliefs. After all, regardless of religious belief or not, we mere mortals are not arrogant enough to call ourselves G-d and do not have the effrontery to proclaim that it should be our way or the highway...right? After all, it's by opening our minds and hearts, that we seek and reach true enlightenment. That includes reaching out to other mere mortals and embracing them, regardless of religion.


Well-Known Member
PsyOps said:
Short answer... numbers. How many people are following the religion of Egyptian gods? How many are following Christianity?
but the majority of people in the world DO NOT follow chrisitanity, so does that invalidate christianity?

And why would the numbers tell the story anyway. Our religion was forced on many many colonies and cultures without regard to the existing religions. now we are going to claim that because we forced a large number of people to join our group, that we are more right?


migtig said:
I don't know nor do I care. :ohwell: My point is only that one should not display presumptuousness in passing judgment on others religions or beliefs. After all, regardless of religious belief or not, we mere mortals are not arrogant enough to call ourselves G-d and do not have the effrontery to proclaim that it should be our way or the highway...right? After all, it's by opening our minds and hearts, that we seek and reach true enlightenment. That includes reaching out to other mere mortals and embracing them, regardless of religion.

Aren't you passing judgements right now? Don't we do this every day based on our beliefs? Is it fair for you to dismiss your own judgements while condemning others'?

You cannot tell Christians that there is any other way than their way. Not only is it their belief but it is their right to believe it. At the same time, any Christian that does not reach out to others brings doubt as to their real beliefs. But that reaching out does not entail accepting others' beliefs while dismissing their own. If you are a Christian, there is no ambiguity as to how you obtain salvation. This is not intolerance, this is our belief. Period.


aka Mrs. Giant
PsyOps said:
Aren't you passing judgements right now? Don't we do this every day based on our beliefs? Is it fair for you to dismiss your own judgements while condemning others'?

You cannot tell Christians that there is any other way than their way. Not only is it their belief but it is their right to believe it. At the same time, any Christian that does not reach out to others brings doubt as to their real beliefs. But that reaching out does not entail accepting others' beliefs while dismissing their own. If you are a Christian, there is no ambiguity as to how you obtain salvation. This is not intolerance, this is our belief. Period.
No, I'm not passing judgment. YOU are doing it for me. I never said ANY religion was wrong. I said they are all actually very similar. Thanks for showing your open mind. It's hard to embrace others if you are condemning them, and doesn't Christianity say to love your fellow man? Seems to me that you aren't doing a very good job of that. :shrug:


I bowl overhand
Novus Collectus said:
Atheist here, but I won't call. The last time I spoke on the radio by phone I stammered and lost my train of thought and so I don't think I come off too well on the air.
Did you keep saying.. "The Iraq"??


I bowl overhand
migtig said:
There a LOTS of other religions with very similar beliefs.

For example:
The ancient Egyptians worshipped gods who had the same things going on - LONG before Christianity was on the scene.

Let's see, Isis resurrected Osiris with the Ritual of Life, which was later given to the Egyptians so that they could give eternal life to all their dead. Sound familiar?

How familiar does this sound?
From the Story of Osiris:
And so it is that Horus watches over us while we live, and gives guidance to the Pharaoh while he lives, and his father Osiris watches over us in the next life. So it is that the gods are at peace. So it is that Set, wicked Set, eternally strives for revenge, battling Horus at every turn. When Horus wins, Maat is upheld and the world is at peace. When Set wins, the world is in turmoil. But we know that dark times do not last forever, and the bright rays of Horus will shine over us again. In the last days, Horus and Set will fight one last time for the world. Horus will defeat Set forever, and Osiris will be able to return to this world. On that day, the Day of Awakening, all the tombs shall open and the just dead shall live again as we do, and all sorrow shall pass away forever.

Hmm, sounds like the Christian version of good vs evil. :lol: Seems to me the Christians stole their story from other religions. So what makes Christianity the ONLY religion to follow? What makes you right and others wrong. After all, it's the same story - just the names have been changed.
christianity AND the bible are all just plagiarized versions of several religions that came before it. They've taken bits and pieces of other religions and folded them into one making it more palatable to the masses.

There are crucifictions and resurrections from many religions dating back BC..

most of the stories are directly transcribed from other religions having but names and places changed..

To not see the connection and see the bible for what it is.. A mix of factual stories intermingled with a LOT of fiction.. would be somewhat blinded. I can't say ignorant as there are many smart people that accept the bible as entirely true, and accept it without question.


Midnightrider said:
but the majority of people in the world DO NOT follow chrisitanity, so does that invalidate christianity?

And why would the numbers tell the story anyway. Our religion was forced on many many colonies and cultures without regard to the existing religions. now we are going to claim that because we forced a large number of people to join our group, that we are more right?

As far as religions go Christianity if the largest religion. I'm not sure what you're using for numbers but look here and here. Chrsitians are almost double that of Islam.

I have already stated my condemnation on atrocities committed by Christianity. I could claim that it was all God’s will for these things to happen or I could just say there are evil sects within the Christian religion. None of this changes my faith. I personally believe God allows these things to happen to show that Jesus did, indeed, come not to bring peace, but a sword.

In the end, for me, it’s not about proving I’m “more right”. It’s just what I believe. I believe in Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I wish for everyone to come to this belief. I don’t demand you believe the way I do, worship the way I do, commit acts of violence to demand others follow what I follow, etc, etc… I don’t believe we stole some story from another religion. You can’t convince me to change my belief just because you have some preconceived notion that there are other religions out there that require equal time and consideration.

So the long answer to migtig’s question: “So what makes Christianity the ONLY religion to follow? What makes you right and others wrong?” My belief… it’s right for me. I believe it’s the truth. The Christian God said he is the one and only God. There is only one Christ for your salvation. Do I believe you are going to hell if you don’t believe this? Yes. Do I want you to go to hell? No. Would I use lies, violence, or other deceiving or intimidating tactics to force you to believe? Absolutely not. But I still believe this IS the ONLY way.


Nucklesack said:
Not to pick on you, but for a second, take a look at it from my perspective, and you'll see the above is the same for ALL religions.

You are absolutely right. So why isn't the same question asked of Islam?

And I don't feel picked on at all. These are valid questions. I'm trying to give my best, honest answer. In the end it's either something for your or it's not.


Nucklesack said:
According to both of your sources 67% of people do not follow Christianity.

The sources do not say that at all. You are skewing the number by lumping ALL other religions into one belief system, making it look that way. I mean, given that logic 79% of people do not follow Islam. The vast majority of people that believe in a religion are Christians.


Nucklesack said:
i agree, your less ... militant about talking about your beliefs than others :lmao:

Less "militant". This implies that I have some militant traits to my discussion. I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with that. :tantrum


aka Mrs. Giant
PsyOps said:
So the long answer to migtig’s question: “So what makes Christianity the ONLY religion to follow? What makes you right and others wrong?” My belief… it’s right for me. I believe it’s the truth. The Christian God said he is the one and only God. There is only one Christ for your salvation. Do I believe you are going to hell if you don’t believe this? Yes. Do I want you to go to hell? No. Would I use lies, violence, or other deceiving or intimidating tactics to force you to believe? Absolutely not. But I still believe this IS the ONLY way.
Well, if it makes you feel any better, lots of other religions have no belief in Hell, so they can't go there. :lol:

BTW, using your own wiki link, did you scroll down and actually see how OLD some of those religions are? Did you click on any of the links and read about what those other religions believe? Is it so hard to think that Jews, Christians Islamics, and more, have the exact SAME God? :shrug: I'm not trying to negate your belief at all. I just think it's very important to care about others as you would care about yourself. Doesn't Christianity teach that? :shrug:


Nucklesack said:
I wasnt the one that said it, Midnight said a majority of people do not follow Christianity, technically he was correct. (Because only 33% follow Christianity, 67% have a different belief)

But if you were to use your Numbers argument, then Roman Catholics are the "Correct" Christians since they have the greater numbers :razz:

Splitting hairs is rampant in this forum. I should have never brought numbers into it.