Larry Gude said:(wouldn't that make)...them agnostics?
No, it wouldn't.
I am a Christian. My faith is based around the evidence that I have observed through various things. To this day I question what I believe, and I will continue to do so until my death or the Apocolypse. Whichever comes first.
I lack the strong unwavering faith that most Christians exhibit. I have never had a religous experience. I've never 'felt' the presence of God, I'm simply basing my belief on what I've seen that leads me to the conclusion that He's there.
And yet, I would never think to consider myself agnostic. In fact, I'd be offended if someone referred to me as such.
I spent the first half of my life as a devout atheist. If I were to renounce my belief in God and Jesus, I would simply do so and become an atheist again.
Larry Gude said:Agnostics claim either that it is not possible to have absolute or certain knowledge of the existence or nonexistence of God or gods; or, alternatively, that while individual certainty may be possible, they personally have no knowledge. Agnosticism in both cases involves some form of skepticism.
Sounds like touch-feely pedandic gobbledygook to me. I'm not an agnostic, however, as a scientist, I am also forced to cede that it is not possible to have absolute and certain knowledge about the existence of God until I look upon His face.
I also cannot be sure that China exists until I visit it.
I also cannot be sure that Man has actually landed on the moon until I sink my foot into its regolith.
However, I feel pretty confident that God, China and the Moon Landing are not elaborate hoaxes.