dems4me said:
I was an oops twice... once at conception, then again when mother tried to abort me via pill. She swears out to me to never believe it when I get pregnant to take a pill thinking it'll get rid of the baby...because it never worked for her in her case (which was me)
Dems WTH are you trying to say here!?!
I don't think I was an oops. Mom wanted 6, Dad wanted 0, so there are 3 of us. I was breach and expected to be DOA, but as you can see...
My chillins:
Girl was planned, born ~3 years after the wedding. Boy came along unexpectedly 9 years later, but abortion would never have been an option. I don't consider him an oops at all. He was meant to be, so I can see the world through his eyes every day.