Are you an oops

Are you an oops

  • I'm an oops

    Votes: 28 47.5%
  • I was pre planed

    Votes: 23 39.0%
  • I'm not sure

    Votes: 5 8.5%
  • not sure, but glad abortion wasn't an option

    Votes: 3 5.1%

  • Total voters


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I chalk abortion up to pure laziness on the part of our overindulged society. There are a LOT of oopses on here but our Moms obviously didn't abort us.

And not only are a lot of us oopses, but many of us have oops children as well that we wouldn't trade for anything in the world.

Nowadays people just get rid of whatever inconveniences them or disturbs their groove. They don't stop and really think, "Hey, I wonder what would happen if I go ahead and have the baby?" Instead, they take the easy way out and the one that won't disrupt their current life.

And the Beethovan story is dumb. I doubt our world would be any different had Beethovan never been born.


My Sweetest Boy
No oops here. I was the first, 4 years 2 months later -- my brother and 4 years 3 months later -- my sisiter. :lol: And what I find even funnier is that the only form of birth control they practiced was using condoms.


loved & never 4gotten JBE
I was the product of a toothache, by two people who should have never had kids, my daughter was a complete OOPS but wouldn't change having that OPPS for anything, my son was the product of 10 months of trying and he started going the day after my husband and I got married, someone must have been trying to tell me something :)


New Member
:drama: I was not pre-planed but I was pre-planned. My sister is 4 yrs. and 9 months younger and my bro is 4 yrs. and 1 month younger than her. There was a miscarriage in there somewhere.
Neither of my children were planned and I had 3 pregnancies conceived using birth control. The middle one was a miscarriage.
B.C. today is readily available, not like back in the day :lol:


Routinely Derailed
My parents didn't plan specifically to have any of the three of us, but baby brudda was definitely an Oops. Mom was a bit older than she would have preferred, when he came along. He's kinda weird, too, and for a long time we all figured he had a little dain bramage.


I am so very blessed
I was a definite "Ooooops". My youngest sister is nine years older than I am, and my oldest sister is 17 years older than me.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I was an oops... was my 11 month older sister.

The folks say #3 they were getting a clue and our little sister was pure planning. They divorced after 14 years.

My ex and I planned both our kids divorced after 9 years.

There's some raw data for the thesis.


New Member
angel_lex21 said:
I was the product of a toothache, by two people who should have never had kids, my daughter was a complete OOPS but wouldn't change having that OPPS for anything, my son was the product of 10 months of trying and he started going the day after my husband and I got married, someone must have been trying to tell me something :)
Is your daddy a dentist up by Pinemore who lives in a trailer with alot of chickens in the yard?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That's because...

And the Beethovan story is dumb're not Beethoven. If you were, you might feel different. Of course, if you were and you were aborted, well, that's a whole other symphony...


New Member
angel_lex21 said:
Oh what are we long lost siblings??? :love:
Nawwwww, but I posted once a while back about how he fixed my tooth once without novacaine, just clothes pins. He is a great dentist.
:diva: I was absolutely not an oops! :diva:

My mom went through hell and high water to have me. She always said if she could get pregnant it would be a gem. Hence my name. (if you know it) :biggrin:

I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth and not ashamed to admit it.


loved & never 4gotten JBE
StanleyRugg said:
Nawwwww, but I posted once a while back about how he fixed my tooth once without novacaine, just clothes pins. He is a great dentist.
Damn thought I found a relative :sad:


loved & never 4gotten JBE
CableChick said:
:diva: I was absolutely not an oops! :diva:

My mom went through hell and high water to have me. She always said if she could get pregnant it would be a gem. Hence my name. (if you know it) :biggrin:

I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth and not ashamed to admit it.
Nothing wrong with that it is better then being born with a wooden one across your a%%


New Member
angel_lex21 said:
Damn thought I found a relative :sad:
I kinda doubt it, we Ruggs are kinda a God fearin bunch and my daddy died in a accident when I was realy little. He had an experiment went bad and there was a explosion. I am a scientist and a inventor like he was. Makes Momma kinda nervous but she knows bein a inventor and a scientist is my true callin and aint much can stop that.


loved & never 4gotten JBE
StanleyRugg said:
I kinda doubt it, we Ruggs are kinda a God fearin bunch and my daddy died in a accident when I was realy little. He had an experiment went bad and there was a explosion. I am a scientist and a inventor like he was. Makes Momma kinda nervous but she knows bein a inventor and a scientist is my true callin and aint much can stop that.
Sorry 'bout your father