Atkins Thread



Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Atkins Thread

Originally posted by czygvtwkr
Kay it was probably more like eating a loaf at a time, eating a can of cake frosting, sucking down some doughnuts. No offense but if you go back to eating like a hog your going to be a hog no matter what diet you were on. If she had been on weight watchers and then ate like that she would have gained the weight back./B]

I completely agree with you. I think it is all a matter of will power. My cousin did Atkins and when she got to her goal she lost the will power. I did WW and got to my goal, and maintain because I have the willpower to watch my portion size, and I work out 3 days a week. If I wasn't doing that, I would probably gain it all back, too.:smile:


My reasoning for going on the diet was my aunt dying of a heart attack in her 50's and my dad coming down with cancer in his 50's. Neigher one of them ever were on the Atkins diet and quite truethfully probably were pretty close to a representation of a "normal average american".

Just curious, Buddy, Kay what do you eat in an average day?

I've found that people that are so quick to condemn Atkins are people who eat alot of fast food and sugar.


Football addict
Originally posted by czygvtwkr
My reasoning for going on the diet was my aunt dying of a heart attack in her 50's and my dad coming down with cancer in his 50's. Neigher one of them ever were on the Atkins diet and quite truethfully probably were pretty close to a representation of a "normal average american".

Just curious, Buddy, Kay what do you eat in an average day?

I've found that people that are so quick to condemn Atkins are people who eat alot of fast food and sugar.

Most times no breakfast.

For lunch a steak and cheese sub, sandwich, or pizza mostly.

For dinner a large variety. Mostly italian dishes I suppose.

Few snacks here and there and a stop to the fast food joint every other day.


curiouser and curiouser
Originally posted by BuddyLee
Me either. We've got that special high metabolism gene.:cool:
Good breeding I guess. :diva: I know posting this in the Atkins thread will open me up for bashing, but I eat a lot, and have a hard time actually keeping weight on. My mom was like me when she was younger, and started gaining weight after her 3rd child, which she had in her 30s. I wouldn't be surprised if she hadn't had my brother and was still tiny. My dad has always been thin, too. I'll probably be like my mom, and eventually gain weight, but it's beginning to be an issue for me now, I'm looking into ways to gain weight (just eating a lot isn't working). A lot of people don't realize that being skinny is almost as bad as being fat. :shrug:


Originally posted by czygvtwkr
Just curious, Buddy, Kay what do you eat in an average day?

I've found that people that are so quick to condemn Atkins are people who eat alot of fast food and sugar.

Breakfast: Apples/Cinnamon Oatmeal (2 pts on WW)
Lunch: Lean cuisine or Smart One frozen lunch (anywhere from 4 to 8 pts on WW)

Dinner: anything I want, only watch the portion size....I don't eat out very often and when I do it is something like Applebee's and their WW menu. I don't like cakes, donuts, cookies and that crap. I don't drink much soda because I am a water-holic (always have been).

Snacks during the day are fruits or cut up veggies.

This is what works for me to maintain. I am 5'4" and went from a size 10/12 to a size 4/6.

I doubt Buddy Lee has ever had a weight problem, so I'm not sure why he is badmouthing everything in this thread.
(Sorry Buddy--not trying to make an enemy of you!) :smile:


Football addict
Originally posted by Nickel
Good breeding I guess. :diva: I know posting this in the Atkins thread will open me up for bashing, but I eat a lot, and have a hard time actually keeping weight on. My mom was like me when she was younger, and started gaining weight after her 3rd child, which she had in her 30s. I wouldn't be surprised if she hadn't had my brother and was still tiny. My dad has always been thin, too. I'll probably be like my mom, and eventually gain weight, but it's beginning to be an issue for me now, I'm looking into ways to gain weight (just eating a lot isn't working). A lot of people don't realize that being skinny is almost as bad as being fat. :shrug:

I totally understand. I've haven't been over more than 140. I really haven't gained much than a pound or two since I was 16. I eat a lot but I just can't gain an ounce.


Originally posted by BuddyLee
Most times no breakfast.

For lunch a steak and cheese sub, sandwich, or pizza mostly.

For dinner a large variety. Mostly italian dishes I suppose.

Few snacks here and there and a stop to the fast food joint every other day.

And how is this healthier than a low carb diet?


Originally posted by kayellesee
Breakfast: Apples/Cinnamon Oatmeal (2 pts on WW)
Lunch: Lean cuisine or Smart One frozen lunch (anywhere from 4 to 8 pts on WW)

Dinner: anything I want, only watch the portion size....I don't eat out very often and when I do it is something like Applebee's and their WW menu. I don't like cakes, donuts, cookies and that crap. I don't drink much soda because I am a water-holic (always have been).

Snacks during the day are fruits or cut up veggies.

This is what works for me to maintain. I am 5'4" and went from a size 10/12 to a size 4/6.

I doubt Buddy Lee has ever had a weight problem, so I'm not sure why he is badmouthing everything in this thread.
(Sorry Buddy--not trying to make an enemy of you!) :smile:



Originally posted by czygvtwkr
And how is this healthier than a low carb diet?

:lol: :killingme :clap:

It will all catch up to Buddy some day...he is still young.


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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Atkins Thread

Originally posted by kayellesee
My cousin did Atkins and lost 150 pounds, only to gain 75 back once she ate a slice of bread.

:bs: She ate more than a slice of bread... probably a few thousand slices. :roflmao:


curiouser and curiouser
Originally posted by BuddyLee
I totally understand. I've haven't been over more than 140. I really haven't gained much than a pound or two since I was 16. I eat a lot but I just can't gain an ounce.
I was a stringbean in middleschool and most of high school, then at about 18 I filled out a tad, my hips got bigger, etc. I gained about 30 pounds when I was pregnant, but after all that weight was gone, I feel smaller than I was to begin with. I'm up to 120 now, but that's only because of the bc I'm on, which I chose specifically b/c it makes people gain weight. :ohwell:


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Atkins Thread

Originally posted by Sharon
:bs: She ate more than a slice of bread... probably a few thousand slices. :roflmao:

See my previous response to that comment.


Be about it
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Atkins Thread

Originally posted by PFgal

If the people that are doing Weight Watchers stop what they're doing and eat like hogs they'll balloon up too.

Originally posted by kayellesee
Not to make any enemies here, but I did weight watchers and lost weight and have maintained it for over 6 months. I eat what I want, when I's all a matter of portion size. I don't have to cut out an entire food group. My doctor even agrees that Atkins can be bad.

Not sure what point you were trying to make, but you must have missed my point. Each diet works while you're on it, but to maintain, you need to continue the trends you initially started w/the diet. WW is well rounded and portion size based, and to maintain after a loss you need to continue to eat smaller portions and not eat like a hog. Same with can introduce carbs into the program after a few weeks, but you'd never want to go back to eating a ton of them...just like on WW you don't eat a gallon of ice cream at a time.

Your doctor has a right to his opinion, as does everyone. I say pick what diet works for you and what you can live with and maintain on for the long haul.


Be about it
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Atkins Thread

Originally posted by kayellesee
I just like WW because I could still eat bread. I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't eat that! :biggrin:

There are some very tasty low-carb breads out there. Actually, there are zillions of LC products that have come out in the past year. :smile:


Be about it
Originally posted by BuddyLee
How's about the ole fashioned way. Eat healthy and exercise your lazy a$$es or they will continue to stay fat. :cheesy:

You really should stay completely out of this topic of discussion. You've never had to be on a diet in your life, and have no idea the struggles and different diets/exercise plans that many people have to deal with. It sounds easy to say "Eat healthy and exercise," but in reality it's not. I'm hungry as crap on WW, which is why the way of eating that works best for me is Atkins. To each his own.


Be about it
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Atkins Thread

Originally posted by czygvtwkr
No offense but if you go back to eating like a hog your going to be a hog no matter what diet you were on.
