Atkins Thread


Be about it
Originally posted by kayellesee

I doubt Buddy Lee has ever had a weight problem, so I'm not sure why he is badmouthing everything in this thread.
(Sorry Buddy--not trying to make an enemy of you!) :smile:


Now get out, Buddy! :neener:



Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Atkins Thread

Originally posted by kayellesee
Not to make any enemies here, but I did weight watchers and lost weight and have maintained it for over 6 months. I eat what I want, when I's all a matter of portion size.

I am throwing in my 2 cents worth here about weight watchers also. I have been doing it for eons, and last weekend remember PF, I had ice cream. Well guess what I still lost 2 pounds this week, and I got to have my ice cream. I just counted my points.

Once I hit my goal weight I will have to find a point number that I need to maintain my weight, but I can do it. I am not doing a diet, I am doing a total lifestyle change. I am NOT going to knock atkins because each person is allowed to do waht they want to do to lose weight. It is a person's choice.

I also get hungry to but I fill up on nice healthy vegatables. I don't eat the frozen dinners because of the sodium.

And no one can say that I never had a weight problem...


Football addict
Originally posted by kayellesee
I doubt Buddy Lee has ever had a weight problem, so I'm not sure why he is badmouthing everything in this thread.
(Sorry Buddy--not trying to make an enemy of you!) :smile:

My personal information has nothing to do with the information presented in this debate.:wink:


Football addict
Originally posted by czygvtwkr
And how is this healthier than a low carb diet?

It's not. Again my personal information and preferences are not a factor in this debate over the ATKINS diet. I don't have the problem.:bubble:


Football addict
Originally posted by PFgal
You really should stay completely out of this topic of discussion. You've never had to be on a diet in your life, and have no idea the struggles and different diets/exercise plans that many people have to deal with. It sounds easy to say "Eat healthy and exercise," but in reality it's not. I'm hungry as crap on WW, which is why the way of eating that works best for me is Atkins. To each his own.

Whatever works for you. Choose your own misfortune. However, it does make sense that if one were to eat healthier and exercise a bit they would eventually lose weight. Nope everything has to be fast and efficient nowadays even if it means sacrificing one's health.


Be about it
Originally posted by BuddyLee
Whatever works for you. Choose your own misfortune. However, it does make sense that if one were to eat healthier and exercise a bit they would eventually lose weight. Nope everything has to be fast and efficient nowadays even if it means sacrificing one's health.

Atkins IS eating healthier, and I do exercise regularly. :rolleyes:


Originally posted by BuddyLee
It's not. Again my personal information and preferences are not a factor in this debate over the ATKINS diet. I don't have the problem.:bubble:

Nobody was debating it until you stuck your nose in where it apparently doesn't belong then.


Football addict
Originally posted by czygvtwkr
Nobody was debating it until you stuck your nose in where it apparently doesn't belong then.

Somebody merely needed to bring out the harsh reality. You can believe whatever you want to believe just don't say I didn't tell you so.:wink:


I can see the headlines now, "Atkins debunked by 20 year old grocery bagger from Southern Maryland."


The Smart Hooker
Has the Atkins diet actually worked for anyone on here? If so, how well did/does it work? I was SERIOUSLY thinking about going on it after my little one comes.

Any suggestions or pointers starting the Atkins diet?

Thanks for any input!!!


Be about it
Originally posted by meme
Has the Atkins diet actually worked for anyone on here? If so, how well did/does it work? I was SERIOUSLY thinking about going on it after my little one comes.

Any suggestions or pointers starting the Atkins diet?

Thanks for any input!!!

Worked awesome for me and I find the way of eating very easy to stick with. I highly recommend getting a copy of, "Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution" and reading it cover to cover before starting. It goes into great detail about how and why the plan works, and can give you all the background and information that you need. The website,, is a wealth of information also.


Be about it
Originally posted by Nickel
And ya look darn good for it :yay:

:love: Have I told you how much I love you?!?! :love:

:lmao: :lmao:

I still have about 15 pounds to lose, but we start back on induction tomorrow so hopefully the weight will come off relatively easily. :cool: I miss all of my clothes!


Be about it
Originally posted by meme
I will definitely buy and actually read the book!


It's hard to put it down once you start will certainly motivate you and get you excited about beginning the plan! Good luck!


Originally posted by meme
Has the Atkins diet actually worked for anyone on here? If so, how well did/does it work? I was SERIOUSLY thinking about going on it after my little one comes.

Any suggestions or pointers starting the Atkins diet?

Thanks for any input!!!

Yes, I was built alot like John Goodman, tall and large. I have lost 70 lbs.

Tips, its not an all meat diet, dont listen to that crap infact you can even eat vegetarian and be on Atkins. Load up on the veggies, drink alot of water, take a multivitamin, and walk about a mile a day and you can't fail.

Read and understand the book before moving on.