Attention Bush-Haters

Trim Bush 2004

New Member
i didn't miss anything ... your boy lost Florida ... go count the ballots yourself if you disagree ... or, are you from Florida and unable to understand them

just because you keep saying it doesn't make it true.

Why was Camp Gore attempting to block the votes from our absentee ballot voters?

why was camp chimp trying to block a fair count of the votes?

He served vs. playing "dodge"

again, you're misinformed. gore served. bush dodged. get it right.

... and didn't deny his negative past activities.

you're delusional.

Because, unlike you and your croonies, I am not a sore loser

you're just a loser period, apparently.

... I support the president, whoever he may be,

oh really? did you support clinton?


Football season!
Re: Re: Re: I love the contradictions.

Gonna start something here, but oh well. I didn't read through this entire thread because it is rather long, but I do have one comment about the florida fiasco during this last election.. With people coming forth and saying they did not understand the ballot so they chose the wrong person... This just add fuel to the fire as to why I feel that not all people should be allowed to vote. if you can't handle a simple thing as a ballot, you shouldn't be near it. They have a say in the future of this county and your future as well. Would you want an airline pilot flying you around who doesn't have the first clue how to fly a plane? Would you want a Doctor perfoming open heart surgery on you if he had never been educated past high school and has no medical background? Would you want a person choosing the leader of America who doesn't understand how a ballot works? I think not.

I'll stop now. Just sit back and watch the civil liberties people start foaming at the mouth.

Trim Bush 2004

New Member
Re: Re: Re: I love the contradictions.

Originally posted by SxyPrincess

Yo, Trim--did you happen to watch t.v. on election day? No wait, I make that election month. :lol: Please tell me what crime was committed other than not being able to count a friggin ballot.:rolleyes: (well, that's actually not a crime)

Quit your candy-a$$ complaining and get back to work.

the whole purpose of a democracy is for the government to be chosen by the voters. when that right is taken away from the people, then democracy no longer exists. what part of that don't you understand? you have no problem with the supreme court selecting your president?

quit your candy-a$$ corporate-socialist a$$ kissing and wake up.

Trim Bush 2004

New Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: I love the contradictions.

Originally posted by SmallTown
Gonna start something here, but oh well. I didn't read through this entire thread because it is rather long, but I do have one comment about the florida fiasco during this last election.. With people coming forth and saying they did not understand the ballot so they chose the wrong person... This just add fuel to the fire as to why I feel that not all people should be allowed to vote. if you can't handle a simple thing as a ballot, you shouldn't be near it. They have a say in the future of this county and your future as well. Would you want an airline pilot flying you around who doesn't have the first clue how to fly a plane? Would you want a Doctor perfoming open heart surgery on you if he had never been educated past high school and has no medical background? Would you want a person choosing the leader of America who doesn't understand how a ballot works? I think not.

I'll stop now. Just sit back and watch the civil liberties people start foaming at the mouth.

i like your post, actually. you forgot one question though:
would you want a president that doesn't understand anything?

Trim Bush 2004

New Member
Re: Re: Re: I love the contradictions.

Originally posted by bknarw

I know, I know, I'm convinced now.
I'm also convinced that the CIA was behind the fact that the Buffalo Bills never won a Super Bowl, Area 51 is an alien landing base, and Bozo the Clown was actually the unknown shooter on the grassy knoll.

luckily for the rest of the country, unpatriotic people like you are in the minority. why do you hate democracy? why do you hate america?

hate is not a family value, dude.

my advice, smash your radio so you don't subject yourself to rush limbaugh anymore and wake up and learn the truth. you'll feel much better and you'll stop hating everything so much.



New Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: I love the contradictions.

Originally posted by Trim Bush 2004

the whole purpose of a democracy is for the government to be chosen by the voters. when that right is taken away from the people, then democracy no longer exists. what part of that don't you understand? you have no problem with the supreme court selecting your president?

quit your candy-a$$ corporate-socialist a$$ kissing and wake up.

I don't know bout you, but when I was growing up, my household was run by a dictatorship; my dad told me when and how to do things. :biggrin:

Yes, I may think and act like a dem at times on certain issues however, I also believe in the Republican party and what they can do for me, AND the U.S.

...and NO, I do not have a problem with the supreme court selecting my president. :cheers:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Trim Bush 2004
...they've uncovered evidence of election fraud there....
They uncover evidence of election fraud whereever there are Democrats in the process. Daly gave classes in the technique... Fitting that Al Gore would use on of his demon offspring in his bid to throw the election. Unfortunately Al picked the one that slept through much of the class! :biggrin:

Trim Bush 2004

New Member
3) I was speaking of Clinton

hmmmm....that's funny. as i remember it, bush was running against gore in 2000. sorry, my bad. i didn't know they lifted the two-term maximum on presidents.

Funny, Bush was in the Guard ... regardless of what you think of the Guard, they do support missions state-side and overseas.

hmmm, funny....i don't remember dumping on the national guard. go back and read my post. i said bush got into the guard by using his name and connections to displace someone more deserving of getting into the guard. he dodged nam, plain and simple. then he went awol for a year from the guard. if you're gonna have an argument with me, at least have the courtesy to address my statements....don't put words in my mouth and then attack me for something i never said.

4) I'm not dilusional; Bush admitted his past wrong-doings.

bush never admits anything until he's smacked in the face with evidence and proof. why is he hiding his sec records regarding harken? why is he hiding reagan's and poppy's files from the FOIA? why are he and cheney hiding documents from their secret energy meetings? bush was not honest about his illegal substance abuse, his illegal business dealings, etc. he's a bush. he lies. get a clue.

5) yea, that's it, I'm a loser. How old are you? Grow up already. or think of something better to say.

again, read the earlier posts. my calling you a "loser period" was in response to you calling me "and my croonies" losers. and, you reply by calling me a name caller.....geez, talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

Does it surprise you that military members overwhelmingly voted republican in the last election?

yes, actually, it does. i'm surprised the military would support a desserter. i'm also surprised the military would support an administration full of chickenhawks, that all dodged nam, but have no problem sending our brave men and women overseas to fight for oil interests.

Just out of curiousity, what branch of service were you in? When did you serve? What did you think of YOUR commander in chief?

i didn't serve. but, i have the utmost respect for those that do now and did before my time. i'm sickened by a president that would use our military as a tool to secure oil interests for his rich buddies. sorry if that offends you, but i believe we shouldn't take advantage of our brave men and women like that. nor should we bomb innocent civillians in other countries because we don't like their unelected leaders. especially since ours wasn't elected.

by the way, thank you for your service. your country owes you more than they could ever repay you just for putting yourself in a position where you would give your life for your nation. for that very reason, i am sickened by a man that would use our service men and women as pawns, to secure oil interests or political gain. hey, i may not like your politics, and i might think you are sadly misinformed, but i respect you and value you a million times more than i could ever respect that draft dodging, corporate whore bush.

Are you capable of a conversation without name-calling?

absolutely. sorry for calling you a was just a response to you starting the name calling. i make mistakes like anyone else. i'll try not to stoop down to that level in the future. i hope you will do the same.

Can you actually answer a question?

i think so. i've tried to address your questions where i could. and, i don't think i fabricated any statements and attributed them to you, and then used the made up statements to attack you.

Or, do you also have an MBA and work as a project manager for a Fortune 100 company?

nope. i'm just a regular guy trying to make it in the world of recession, war, and unemployment. how about yourself?

Trim Bush 2004

New Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I love the contradictions.

But, if the supreme court did make the final say, why should we have a problem with it? Our elected officials appointed these fine folks ... :bubble: [/B]

fine folks? scalia? clarence thomas? geez.

you may think it's ok to circumvent democracy and allow crusty conservative criminals appointed by nixon, reagan and bush to choose your leader for you, but most of us here in the good ol' usa don't feel that way.

will you be so generous as to let the appointed john ashcroft choose what should be taken out of the constitution as well?

Trim Bush 2004

New Member
Originally posted by Kyle
They uncover evidence of election fraud whereever there are Democrats in the process. Daly gave classes in the technique... Fitting that Al Gore would use on of his demon offspring in his bid to throw the election. Unfortunately Al picked the one that slept through much of the class! :biggrin:

now you're dumping on gore because he didn't cheat. wow, i've seen everything. clinton was a bastard because he had an affair with monica. but bush is an all-american patriot even though he dodged the draft, went awol from the guard, stole money through illegal trades at harken, didn't pay taxes on a forgiven loan from harken, was a cocaine addict who turned into a proponent of the war on drugs, had peoples' property condemned so he could use taxpayers money to acquire it for a parking lot for the rangers new stadium, was involved in funeralgate, etc, etc, etc. amazing.

Trim Bush 2004

New Member
Originally posted by BchBns

As a matter of fact, I have yet to disagree with anything Mr. Ashcroft has said/done. I'm growing quite tired of the whining, crying, wussies in the country thinking everything can/should be one way or another ... Things sure seemed to be just fine before all the lawyers defending MBA holding employees of fortune-100 companies and similar types started crying, "ahh, i'm offended, I'm offended ... take that "under God" away!"

I hate to say this, b/c I know it lowers me to the standards of your fellow croonies, but I don't think I'd offer you a hand if you were teetering off a bridge ... I might actually give you a little nudge.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Clarence Thomas was appointed by George the Elder after one of the ugliest, most racist nomination procedures in history. It was a defining moment for me - until that point, I never realized just how much Democrats hate black people and absolutely foam at the mouth when a black person becomes successful.

Ashcroft didn't lose to a dead guy and you know it, Dewars. Or do you only selectively read the newspapers and missed the part about the voter fraud. The boob thing was another bit of immaturity on the part of your media whores. The little kids who work for the papers and TV stations always thought it was funny to show Ashcroft in front of the statue, with her boob right over his head. THAT'S why the statue was covered - because Ashcroft didn't care to be embarrassed by the likes of low-IQ reporters. But you knew that, too, didn't you?


Cleopatra Jones
I don't know about the rest of you guys but these buttheads are really starting to bore me. This board has never been all about politics and these a$$clowns are monopolizing all the threads with their nonsense. Let's talk about something else.

All you new buttheads,
I'm not an extremely political person though I have my preferences. I think it's pretty sad that you guys don't have anything better to do then come onto our board from yours and give us a rash of $hit. Most of us are pretty good friends and a lot of times we disagree with each other. We manage to do it in an adult manner. Instead of coming here and trying to make friends you just start giving us all hell. Why is that because we're not like you? Seems to me the conservatives aren't the bigots here.

Trim Bush 2004

New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Clarence Thomas was appointed by George the Elder after one of the ugliest, most racist nomination procedures in history. It was a defining moment for me - until that point, I never realized just how much Democrats hate black people and absolutely foam at the mouth when a black person becomes successful.

Ashcroft didn't lose to a dead guy and you know it, Dewars. Or do you only selectively read the newspapers and missed the part about the voter fraud. The boob thing was another bit of immaturity on the part of your media whores. The little kids who work for the papers and TV stations always thought it was funny to show Ashcroft in front of the statue, with her boob right over his head. THAT'S why the statue was covered - because Ashcroft didn't care to be embarrassed by the likes of low-IQ reporters. But you knew that, too, didn't you?

another ashkkkroft apologist. damn, this forum is scary.

Trim Bush 2004

New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Clarence Thomas was appointed by George the Elder after one of the ugliest, most racist nomination procedures in history. It was a defining moment for me - until that point, I never realized just how much Democrats hate black people and absolutely foam at the mouth when a black person becomes successful.

Ashcroft didn't lose to a dead guy and you know it, Dewars. Or do you only selectively read the newspapers and missed the part about the voter fraud. The boob thing was another bit of immaturity on the part of your media whores. The little kids who work for the papers and TV stations always thought it was funny to show Ashcroft in front of the statue, with her boob right over his head. THAT'S why the statue was covered - because Ashcroft didn't care to be embarrassed by the likes of low-IQ reporters. But you knew that, too, didn't you?

you are delusional. seek help now.

Trim Bush 2004

New Member
Originally posted by pixiegirl

Very mature and well spoken response.

it was a quite fitting response to your childish, name-calling rant in which you claimed you acted like an adult. :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

my favorite part of your post, though, was where you were complaining that we were talking about politics and wanted to change the subject. i thought this was a political forum. :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

you GOPigs are hilarious. thank god you are in the minority in this country.

Trim Bush 2004

New Member
Re: Dittoheads...

Originally posted by Evil Dewars
"Ashcroft didn't lose to a dead guy and you know it, Dewars. Or do you only selectively read the newspapers and missed the part about the voter fraud."

it's a waste of time trying to talk sense into repukes. they can't handle the truth. they lie and distort. they have two sets of rules, for them, and one for everyone else. they are racists, bigots, xenophobes, homophobes and they despise america and democracy. they support corporate whores that wipe their feet on them. they aren't very bright.