Attention Bush-Haters

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Trim Bush 2004
sorry, try again. had gore been allowed to assume the office he was elected to, 911 would not have happened.

And I guess the previous administration was up to speed when the Cole was hit. Not to mention that from everything known so far the planning for 9/11 was on going for at least 18 months before the attack. This was admitted by the Democrats when the big discussion was "When did Bush know".

Also one dosen't assume the office of President unless under the provisions of the 25th Amendment. Gore was defeated by the Constitutional process, like it or not, that is how it works.


The Original Lilly
Originally posted by Trim Bush 2004

maybe you should try thinking and maybe you'll see the light.

Oooh. It hurts!!

Bush showed action after 9/11 - he went after the country that was providing safe harbor to Osama. Clinton did nothing after the Cole - except start a criminal investigation in Pakistan. The terrorists were taught that they could get away with attacking the U.S. and NOTHING would happen to them!

You act as though your precious Dems (Gore included) haven't had thier own run ins with financial inconsistencies . . . Gore hasn't exactly been the champion of campaign finance reform. I am tired of hearing people spout out about criminal behavior because they are pissed that Bush was a major fund-raiser - while Gore lacked the charisma to draw the major bucks! Gore has his faults too . . . a man named HOWARD GLICKEN comes to mind . . .


The Original Lilly
Originally posted by BchBns

did you see/read about the "meeting" at the ranch today ... (rubbing my hands together) ... sumthin's cookin!

Haven't heard anything here in my little hole . . . . fill me in . . .


New Member
I can't speak for anybody else but all this talk about trim bush is making me rrrrrraaaannnnnnnddddyyyyyyyy babyyy :spank: :twitch:


New Member
Originally posted by BchBns

did you see/read about the "meeting" at the ranch today ... (rubbing my hands together) ... sumthin's cookin!

Wooo Hoooo... hey Kyle!! Might need to break out the ole mushroom cloud pic again. I just love the thought of Nuking scum........... (but I will settle for conventional weapons) :rolleyes: :frown:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member


Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by BchBns
but them Iraqis are in need of "a boot in their ass" courtesy of the Red White & Blue!

All of them or just those doing the bad deeds?


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
A little Kingston Trio comes to mind here!

But we can be thankful and tranquil and proud...
For man's been endowed with the mushroom shaped cloud!

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member

If we are looking at the same picture there are some trucks in it and what looks like an airfield to the upper right. Pretty big hole.


New Member
Originally posted by BchBns

okay babe ... if you can swing picking up a belt for my sucker ... I'll be "ret to go" when you get up tonight ... k? :really:

Geez .............somebody sure had a big bowl of power kicks this morning :scowl:


endangered species
Vraiblonde- What Bush can do is get rid of Paul O’Neil (current Treasury Secretary), who was a lobbyist for deregulation before taking this job; stop telling the SEC that Cheney will be found innocent and let them at least TRY to conduct an impartial inquiry without their boss telling them how it is supposed to come out; DON’T go to the California fundraiser for Bill Simon, who was fined $78MIL for fraud last week; renounce the conservative “free market is the answer to everything” agenda and admit that oversight and regulation is necessary; and finally, smoke a doobie and get right with the planet!

There’s nothing wrong with Democracy except the influence that capitalism has on it. Capitalism is not the answer to everything. Just fine to a degree, but there must be limits and regulation.

Chuckster- Just because the polls say it doesn’t make it right.



New Member
So, Gore's major failing was that he attempted to block the votes of servicemen? Well to correct this false assertion, let me say that his campaign did not actively pursue that case, a Democratic activist did. But what about all the blacks and elderly people who were disenfranchised when they entered the polls? Accusations of Republican plots to drive blacks from the polls were prevalet during the recount debacle. Some majority black precients had road blocks in front of them in order to mislead voters to believe that the polls were closed. How come were several ballots missing from heavily Democratic areas? So while Gore was attempting to block the votes of servicement, Bush was blocking the votes of minorites and core Democratic voters.
What makes the vote of a serviceman any more important than the vote of a black, or a Cuban, or a senior? Each person has one vote and no person's vote has a higher value.


A message from our fearless leader (Bush)

That al Qaeda puppy video dug up by CNN was nothing compared to what I found on the Internet last night...

There's no doubt about it: American Intelligence sucks. When CNN beat the CIA to that cache of al Qaeda training videos, I realized this intelligence game is really just a free-for-all. So I got on the Internet and started poking around on my own. People seemed to be even more horrified at the puppy video than at 9-11 itself, so I was on the lookout for terrorism involving puppies. What I found is disgusting, terrifying, EVIL...

<b>A network of organizations WITHIN THE USA has been killing over 12 MILLION dogs and cats EVERY YEAR. Yes, right here in America! I've ordered that all 9-11 Intelligence inquiries be re-targeted to this massive puppy slaughter. We need to know how this could have been taking place for so long without the CIA, FBI, NSA or CNN taking any notice.</b>

If I had been given any intelligence reports regarding this matter, I would have acted immediately. There was no...I repeat, NO...Clinton report about anything like this laying on my desk when I came to office.

<i>All intelligence agencies have been ordered to investigate links between al Qaeda puppy killing outside the U.S. and this mass puppy slaughter inside the U.S.. The preliminary evidence that I've uncovered on the Internet suggests a link may exist: the American puppy killers also use poison gas. Although sometimes they inject the animals with anti-freeze--as brutal as that sounds.

If there is found to be a connection between al Qaeda and puppy killing in the U.S. then I promise you, I will take swift and decisive action to destroy another poor and vulnerable country containing a few dozen or so al Qaeda operatives (like France, for example, or maybe Canada).</i>

As for shutting down this domestic puppy killing operation -- I'm afraid there's as little chance of us doing that as there was of finding Osama Bin Laden and Mullah Omar. Sorry but those are the breaks. Don't worry though: once you're tired of watching us bomb another country to bits, I'm sure I'll have found a new horrifying threat and the cycle can begin a new.

<h4>Don't forget:
Vote Republican in 2004 for more recession, bloodshed! </h4>


Re: Turk

Originally posted by cariblue
Now here's a person who has nothing better to with himself in the wee hours of the morning than spam a bulletin board. Kind of makes me think that no one will talk to him. Poor thing, no wonder he can't sleep.

I couldn't sleep. Bush has me worried that if Saddam does have nukes and the US attacks him and corners him, Saddam will use those nukes on our 250,000 troops who will be there or will Fed Ex a nuke to NY or DC. But if Saddam uses his nukes on Israel, I don't really care.


Re: Adam West

Originally posted by jetmonkey
You BETTER care! No Jew blood money = no Hillary in the Senate!


I don't live in NY. Hillary is not up for re-election until 2006.

Not everyone who lives in Israel is a Jew.

Why are you here? This is a social forum and you hate politics.