Attention Bush-Haters


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by Trim Bush 2004

it was a quite fitting response to your childish, name-calling rant in which you claimed you acted like an adult. :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

my favorite part of your post, though, was where you were complaining that we were talking about politics and wanted to change the subject. i thought this was a political forum. :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

you GOPigs are hilarious. thank god you are in the minority in this country.

Well if you had taken time to get to know any of us on a personal level you would have known that I call everyone names. Unlike you I don't do it to belittle people. It's all in good fun to me. I have not gotten nasty with you, yet you chose to do so with me. Why is this? And by the way, I don't know what you're reading but my posts are hardly rants.

While this particular board might be political the rest of the forum is not. I was suggesting to my friends that we go elsewhere on the forum and talk about other things just like we use to before you and your little friends came along.

By the way, I am so glad we are so entertaining to you. I surely don't know what I'd do without your approval.

Trim Bush 2004

New Member
Originally posted by BchBns

Mr. Democracy ... quit harking on this Bush-AWOL bit ... I am unaware of any trials for which he was found guilty of any of your accusations above ... thought you were a man for democracy ... what's the old saying ... "innocent till proven guilty." It would appear your glass house has a crack.

oh please. it's no longer secret info. bush tried to cover it up. his own officers at the time have stepped forward and said he was awol. there are documents that prove it. just because you deny it, the truth isn't going to go away.

And please don't patronize me with your "I'm so appreciative of your service" crap ... and don't pretend to understand why anyone who wears a uniform makes a decision that you fail to see the reasoning behind.

actually, my appreciation is sincere. the fact is that most people that have been to a war understand how bad it is and i know many that despise bush and his chickenhawk mentality.

My coworkers are back now, so we're heading to lunch. When I come back, I'd like to think things here may be back to normal ... but I think that's wishful thinking.

god forbid people should express differing opinions in a thing called a forum!

and by the way....gore won the election. bush won the courtcase (but then, that's not surprising seeing as the 5 GOPigs on the bench are owned by the bushes).

Trim Bush 2004

New Member
Originally posted by pixiegirl

Unlike you I don't do it to belittle people. It's all in good fun to me. I have not gotten nasty with you, yet you chose to do so with me. Why is this? And by the way, I don't know what you're reading but my posts are hardly rants.

are you suffering from alzheimer's? go back and read your rant-filled, name-calling post.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Evil Dewars
Innocent until proven guilty didn't stop you people from going after Bill Clinton for 6 years.

Yeah, I cried that too until Bill admitted he had a sexual relationship with Monica and by doing so verified that he had lied before the court. That my demented friend is perjury even if the majority of our party's Senators didn't think it was of the level necessary to remove the man from office. Which I still believe was the wrong decision.


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by Trim Bush 2004

are you suffering from alzheimer's? go back and read your rant-filled, name-calling post.

Do you have a comprehension problem? Name calling is second nature to me love bug. Coming from me it's not belittling at all. Ok sweetie?

I did as you asked and read it again. I still don't see any rant. :confused: Call me crazy but all I saw was a short note to my friends suggesting we go elsewhere on the forum and talk about other things.

Does this clarify things for you a little bit baby doll?


The Original Lilly
Trim - did you miss the recount or something?? After the court decision all the hanging chads were recounted proving the Bush did win the election after all (duh!). Yes, yes, Gore got the popular vote - but unfortunately there is still a little process in play called the electoral college . . . . you can raise a stink about Florida all you want - but the argument can commence from both sides and the overall fact is that Bush won. Deal with it. Focus on finding yourself an acceptable candidate for '04 - cause Gore ain't it. He is just as dishonest as the rest of them!

Bush isn't the greatest president ever to have taken office - but I have a lot of respect for him and know a lot of people (Dems included) who woke up on September 12th and thanked god that Gore lost in '00.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
I am a Democrat that was thankful we had Bush and his team in office on 9/12. I am still thankful.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Re: Lies...

Originally posted by Evil Dewars

Really? Name one, because otherwise that is a big Republican lie.
Chris Matthews, Alan Colmes, Dick Morris. :biggrin: And she's accusing us of being "religious"... :lmao:

Trim Bush 2004

New Member
Originally posted by Ken King

Yeah, I cried that too until Bill admitted he had a sexual relationship with Monica and by doing so verified that he had lied before the court. That my demented friend is perjury even if the majority of our party's Senators didn't think it was of the level necessary to remove the man from office. Which I still believe was the wrong decision.

i'd say we now have the right to drag chimpy's lying ass up on the stand and ask him about:

his affair during his marriage to laura (allegedly with bo derek)
his pre-roe v wade abortion for a 15 year old girl he got pregnant
his cocaine use
his entire sexual past

if he lies about any of it we are allowed to impeach him....the repukes set the precedent. granted, we have real impeachable offenses on both chimpy and cheney, but the scummy GOPigs set the precedent.....sexual mcCarthyism is the way to attack your opponents. if the dems get the majority in the senate and the congress this november, it will be their right, will be their DUTY, to drag every bit of garbage from chimpy's life, including his sexual history, to the forefront. it will be their DUTY, once they have a majority, to impeach the chimp. the repukes set the precedent, the dems should be compliant. god, i hope we get the house and the senate in november.....then we can clean the filth out of the whitehouse and restore honor and dignity to it!

Trim Bush 2004

New Member
Originally posted by Ken King
I am a Democrat that was thankful we had Bush and his team in office on 9/12. I am still thankful.

what a joke. 911 happened because bush called the FBI off of the saudi investigations and off of the bin ladens. chimpy and cheney didn't take terrorism threats seriously and never met on the issue.

sorry, try again. had gore been allowed to assume the office he was elected to, 911 would not have happened.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Evil Dewars

You are a liar.

You are not a Dem.

I've read your posts.

You sir have now overstepped the bounds by slandering me and by rule you should be banned. You say I am not a Democrat and that I have lied. Check with the Supervisors of Elections for St. Mary's County, my registration number is 25099074. Not all Democrats are as shallow as you and whether you believe it or not the "light" does reach us here in the sticks.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Trim Bush 2004

i'd say we now have the right to drag chimpy's lying ass up on the stand and ask him about:

his affair during his marriage to laura (allegedly with bo derek)
his pre-roe v wade abortion for a 15 year old girl he got pregnant
his cocaine use
his entire sexual past

But none of these happened while he was PRESIDENT. Clinton was never on trial for all of the things he did BEFORE he became president, was he? Nope, he was on trial for all the lying, thieving, whoring things he did while in the highest office.

Just a little technicality there that the DEMOCRAPS are sure to overlook.


The Original Lilly
Re: Lies...

Originally posted by Evil Dewars

Really? Name one, because otherwise that is a big Republican lie.

By this I meant many friends of mine that are Democrats. Yes, us Repubs do associate with people outside of our political party . . .

Anyway, I thought you nutzo crazy right wing religiously insane Repukes said God had lifted His protection from the US on 9-11.

Wasn't that Pat Robertson that said that?!?! I am sorry if you think of Pat as the leading voice of the Republican party - no wonder you hate us!! That is the problem. You take one thing said by one person and believe that it goes for all of us. The whole party cannot be defined by one man on the 700 Club!

Just because you are a dem - doesn't mean I think that you think you can hypnotize chickens after all!


The Original Lilly
Originally posted by Trim Bush 2004
what a joke. 911 happened because bush called the FBI off of the saudi investigations and off of the bin ladens. chimpy and cheney didn't take terrorism threats seriously and never met on the issue.

sorry, try again. had gore been allowed to assume the office he was elected to, 911 would not have happened.

You are something! Don't you think a little blame should go to Clinton for doing ummmm . . . absolutely nothing about the Cole?? At least Bush had the idea that maybe retribution was in order for the countries harboring terrorists rather than just trying to "arrest" the terrorists themselves.

Guess what? Regardless of what Clintion did, Gore would have done, or what Bush could have done . . . 9/11 still would have happened.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Evil Dewars

Hmm...Yeah, he sounds like a Democrat:

Ken King, American Patriot

Interests Law, mostly labor law but it all fascinates me.Military hardware, I work in the RDT&E field.Music, camping, hunting. Occupation Department of the Navy, Atlantic Test Range, Team Lead, Military Radar Unit


I thought you were changing your registration to independent.

Let's investigate Bush the same way Clinton was investigated. Are you in favor of that, my fellow Dem?

And what or even who are you? By your profile you have listed nothing, so therefore you must be nothing other then a little chicken hiding out in the forums and under an alias.

I've contemplated changing to Independent but it is much more fun to vote against some of the many idiots that the Democrats put forward as candidates.

Investigate Bush over what? Everything you have talked about has been looked at and it didn't get anyone interested other then small minds like yours.

Trim Bush 2004

New Member
Originally posted by BchBns
If all you want out of the next election is a bunch of investigators, I will place a call to Ashcroft to have your voter registration revoked.

see what i mean? the GOPigs have 2 sets of rules. it was ok that all your white trash GOPig congressmen attacked clinton for his infidelity, despite the fact that they had done much worse. wouldn't you call them hypocrites? i guess not.....because only dems can be accused of that, eh? 8 years of investigations and $70 million and all they could prove was an affair with monica. fair is fair.....let's spend $70 million on bush and see what they dig up.....i guarantee it will be a lot more than a stain on a blue dress.

and, like the criminals you deify, you want to take my right to vote away because i don't agree with your outdated politics.

btw, the reason there hasn't been much attention paid to the bush family crime spree is that, in case you haven't noticed, the media is corporate owned and they would rather lie than tell the truth about their puppet. get real. stop insulting people that don't share your politics and open your eyes.

Trim Bush 2004

New Member
Originally posted by Lilly
At least Bush had the idea that maybe retribution was in order for the countries harboring terrorists rather than just trying to "arrest" the terrorists themselves.

yeah....let's see....he killed over 3000 innocent afganis, yet not a single hijacker was from afganistan. hmmmm....they were all trained in saudi arabia, that wonderful bastion of democracy and those great champions of human rights. i didn't see bush go after the saudis......oh, wait a minute, they are all bush's friends and business partners. oooops, never mind.

maybe you should try thinking and maybe you'll see the light.

Guess what? Regardless of what Clintion did, Gore would have done, or what Bush could have done . . . 9/11 still would have happened.

dream on.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Trim Bush 2004
...stop insulting people that don't share your politics and open your eyes.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Trim Bush 2004

yeah....let's see....he killed over 3000 innocent afganis, yet not a single hijacker was from afganistan. hmmmm....they were all trained in saudi arabia, that wonderful bastion of democracy and those great champions of human rights. i didn't see bush go after the saudis......oh, wait a minute, they are all bush's friends and business partners. oooops, never mind.

Hmmmm! Gee, was Al-Queda central hub based in Saudi Arabia or was it...Hmmmmm Afghanistan? Don't worry SaudLand is on the radar scope.

maybe you should try thinking and maybe you'll see the light.

dream on.

Now since I know you use a computer you must have a can of that compressed air around somewhere.
Place the tip against the opening in your ear and pull the plastic trigger.... 30 seconds or so should fill you back up! :biggrin: