awesome dressage video


New Member
Pasofever said:
Hello McFly.........the world is not much drugs are in these horses that show or race????? How many have "just buted" knowing that is illegal..come on get a grip...

I know, and to each there own, my friend probably needed the herbal calming paste more than the horse. I think it's legal to compete on 1 gram of bute a day.

The US Eventing board had some big rule gruillas on there and I couldn't help but read some of the stuff. I also went back and read the rule book when I got called by a judge in stadium for not following one of the rules. He threatened to eliminate me because I had restarted the course after my horse had torn it down before he had blown the whistle for me to restart. I thought the clock was still running so I wanted to get going ASAP and he was taking his sweet old time.


Does my butt look big?
VERY high percentage of QH, Paints and App WP horses have tail jobs...yes they are illegal..yes they check now you do not get them deadened and drooping like you used to you get them "knocked down" a little..tail can still swish some just not the extent as before. When that kind of job is checked it passes as it is not dead and they can not prove it..

and yes I have had several tail jobs done...not lately..and Roger was shown top 10 in the nation as a 3 and 4 yr old with his tail NOT done...he did have a tail job though as a 2 yr old before the nationals and he was top 10 there..and he lost hair from the job and it was recognizable but still was not pulled for it...

The thing is ...a bad tail job is really BAD.....and an abscessed or infected job is have to go with a vet and antibiotics not some Joe smo that injects alcohol into your horses tail without knowing what he/she is doing.


New Member
Pasofever said:
VERY high percentage of QH, Paints and App WP horses have tail jobs...yes they are illegal..yes they check now you do not get them deadened and drooping like you used to you get them "knocked down" a little..tail can still swish some just not the extent as before. When that kind of job is checked it passes as it is not dead and they can not prove it..

and yes I have had several tail jobs done...not lately..and Roger was shown top 10 in the nation as a 3 and 4 yr old with his tail NOT done...he did have a tail job though as a 2 yr old before the nationals and he was top 10 there..and he lost hair from the job and it was recognizable but still was not pulled for it...

The thing is ...a bad tail job is really BAD.....and an abscessed or infected job is have to go with a vet and antibiotics not some Joe smo that injects alcohol into your horses tail without knowing what he/she is doing.

See, I learn something new everyday, I had no idea other breeds had the tail job done. I don't even know what goes into a tail job and if it's permanent.


New Member
barncat said:
Madhi man has lovely leg yields, shoulder-in and haunches-in at walk/trot/canter. He might need a reminder with a spur to move his butt over, but he knows. He's medium and lengthening work I'm sure have gone...he only had a few days in all the years that I rode him that they were actually great, all the other days they were just so-and-so.

He's probably loving being a hunter, just wait till the jumper in him comes out at a competition, you'll be wondering what the heck happened to your lovely hunter.

:lmao: I can't wait to horse show him. I am sure he's going to be fun. He's so old, I am sure he's going to say....ahhhhhh, I love this hunter stuff!!

We were just doing flat work in a dressage frame and doing some leg yeilding. I was showing him off to the girls. They love it!! :smile:

He is great...most days. He just wants to do hunter stuff now...he really seems to like it. He goes nice and long and low. So pretty. :smile:


New Member
And for my karma giver, I have no desire to ever compete at that level in dressage so I'm not jealous. I just couldn't stand watching the horse's tail swishing, it irrated the crap out of me and I have ridden enough horses that swish their tails like that to know there's some attitude behind the swish.

I give major props to the rider, that horse had a wonderful performance, minus the tail :razz:


Active Member
I don't know what sort of testing, if any, is normaly done for other disciplines at recognized shows but a tail job at a dressage show would be pretty obvious and I can't imagine any technical delegate turning his/her head away from it.

No, I didn't just fall off the turnip truck yesterday and I know some people will push the limits of what is allowed at recognized shows but it would be highly unlikely for someone to get away with that at a dressage show. Regular testing and checks happen and it would be foolish to take the chance given the cost to show.

My own personal opinion is that if I have to resort to cheating to win a class then why bother? The win means nothing and even more important what would that say about my desire to do what is best for my horse?
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New Member
barncat said:
I know, and to each there own, my friend probably needed the herbal calming paste more than the horse. I think it's legal to compete on 1 gram of bute a day.

The US Eventing board had some big rule gruillas on there and I couldn't help but read some of the stuff. I also went back and read the rule book when I got called by a judge in stadium for not following one of the rules. He threatened to eliminate me because I had restarted the course after my horse had torn it down before he had blown the whistle for me to restart. I thought the clock was still running so I wanted to get going ASAP and he was taking his sweet old time.

It is stated in most show rules that no drugs are allowed. But I don't know very many people who don't use at least 1 gram of bute for most of their show horses on the morning before shows.

I know one lady who butes every horse she owns the night before the show and the morning of the show. She owns a riding school, so her horses "need" it, according to what she has told people.

But it's no secret, that most people that show use bute! JMO


New Member
SerenitStables said:
It is stated in most show rules that no drugs are allowed. But I don't know very many people who don't use at least 1 gram of bute for most of their show horses on the morning before shows.

I know one lady who butes every horse she owns the night before the show and the morning of the show. She owns a riding school, so her horses "need" it, according to what she has told people.

But it's no secret, that most people that show use bute! JMO

I think 1 gram a day is legal. I think I remember a vet at a competition actually telling me I could give my horse 1 gram and he could still compete the next day.


Persimmon Creek Farm
DQ2B said:
I don't know what sort of testing, if any, is normaly done for other disciplines at recognized shows but a tail job at a dressage show would be pretty obvious and I can't imagine any technical delegate turning his/her head away from it.

No, I didn't just fall off the turnip truck yesterday and I know some people will push the limits of what is allowed at recognized shows but it would be highly unlikely for someone to get away with that at a dressage show. Regular testing and checks happen and it would be foolish to take the chance given the cost to show.

My own personal opinion is that if I have to resort to cheating to win a class then why bother? The win means nothing and even more important what would that say about my desire to do what is best for my horse?

I completely agree with DQ...and I dont think that it is bute that she is refering to. Thats nothing more than an IBprophin for pete sake. I would never risk my horse health for a unnessesary invasive injection for the show ring. :lmao: And I would never risk my horse pride with one of those fake-ass barbie tails.


Does my butt look big?
persimmoncf said:
And I would never risk my horse pride with one of those fake-ass barbie tails.

Is that a hit toward me?? Let me tell you a fake ass Barbie tail will make a TON of difference in the overall balance and look of the show horse...need some before and after pics?


New Member
SerenitStables said:
It is stated in most show rules that no drugs are allowed. But I don't know very many people who don't use at least 1 gram of bute for most of their show horses on the morning before shows.

I know one lady who butes every horse she owns the night before the show and the morning of the show. She owns a riding school, so her horses "need" it, according to what she has told people.

But it's no secret, that most people that show use bute! JMO

I never have- I hate using Bute to begin with, the long term damage isn't worth the short term relief.
If I thought my horse needed bute before a show, I'd re think it's career.


New Member
Carm said:
I'd do a fake tail if my horse needed it.

Me too- I actually tried to make a "weave" for my horse who has no forelock out of the mane hair I pulled and his bridle path clippings-- it didn't work.


Well-Known Member
I don't agree at all with drugging horses to compete. I show sheep, and I know that cheating goes on with ALL types of showing animals. I don't agree with it. If you can't breed/train an animal to show and win, then you're not the best...don't resort to drugs to fool judges. People inject air and oil under the skin of livestock animals to make them look or feel a certain way...they tie animals for hours on end to make them stand a certain way...give them electric shocks to stand a certain way. I don't agree with any of it.

I don't agree with western pleasure people tying horses heads down to get that headset...that's cruel. If you're going to show, then show naturally and win because you're the best...not because you're the trickiest.


Persimmon Creek Farm
Pasofever said:
Is that a hit toward me?? Let me tell you a fake ass Barbie tail will make a TON of difference in the overall balance and look of the show horse...need some before and after pics?

Honestly, why would you think that what I said was a "hit toward you"...its my opinion, thats all. :bigwhoop:


Does my butt look big?
persimmoncf said:
Honestly, why would you think that what I said was a "hit toward you"...its my opinion, thats all. :bigwhoop:

Honestly for the level you show (and classes) you would not ever need I said the biggest demand are National quality competiters...Most people on the local level do not need or use one..but honestly they do make "the complete picture" alot nicer to look at local or nationals.


New Member
Pasofever said:
Honestly for the level you show (and classes) you would not ever need I said the biggest demand are National quality competiters...Most people on the local level do not need or use one..but honestly they do make "the complete picture" alot nicer to look at local or nationals.

A lot of hunters use fake tails. When they're done well it does create a more pleasing look. Makes the picture balanced. I've seen them at local competitive levels. Barbie-tail.....I like that! :lmao:


Does my butt look big?
fredsaid2 said:
A lot of hunters use fake tails. When they're done well it does create a more pleasing look. Makes the picture balanced. I've seen them at local competitive levels. Barbie-tail.....I like that! :lmao:

:diva: thank you...:bow: