awesome dressage video


Persimmon Creek Farm
i just opened your linkie. I didnt know that you sold extentions. Now I understand your comment earlier. Of course, I didnt mean barbie tail to be taken personally by you cause I wasnt directing it at anybody. I meant it as a funny :huggy: You so silly :razz:


New Member
Cowgirl said:
I don't agree at all with drugging horses to compete. I show sheep, and I know that cheating goes on with ALL types of showing animals. I don't agree with it. If you can't breed/train an animal to show and win, then you're not the best...don't resort to drugs to fool judges. People inject air and oil under the skin of livestock animals to make them look or feel a certain way...they tie animals for hours on end to make them stand a certain way...give them electric shocks to stand a certain way. I don't agree with any of it.

I don't agree with western pleasure people tying horses heads down to get that headset...that's cruel. If you're going to show, then show naturally and win because you're the best...not because you're the trickiest.

Tying the head is not limited to western folks, I've seen a dressage trainer do this also.


New Member
Pasofever said:
Honestly for the level you show (and classes) you would not ever need I said the biggest demand are National quality competiters...Most people on the local level do not need or use one..but honestly they do make "the complete picture" alot nicer to look at local or nationals.

I agree 100% that the level you compete has a large impact on how you present your horse. When I did local level shows I didn't braid b/c no one else did. Once I started recognized events I started braiding and once I hit prelim the boy got the top of his tail pulled so we could look like everyone else.


Well-Known Member
barncat said:
Tying the head is not limited to western folks, I've seen a dressage trainer do this also.

I never said it was prohibited...I just think it's cruel to tie a horse's head low for hours on end just so they have that headset.


New Member
GallopNTec said:
I never have- I hate using Bute to begin with, the long term damage isn't worth the short term relief.
If I thought my horse needed bute before a show, I'd re think it's career.

I agree with you.

They do make alternatives to bute, such as B-Less solution and I think that comes in a powder too.

I don't bute my horses unless they absolutely have to have it. I do however have most of them, except the youngin, on a joint supplement. They seem to perform better with a joint supplement in their system.



New Member
Cowgirl said:
I never said it was prohibited...I just think it's cruel to tie a horse's head low for hours on end just so they have that headset.

I agree that it is cruel. The first time I saw it done I was very young and I didn't say anything. When I saw a trainer do this to my friend's horse when she was not present to get the horse to give to the bit I said something to the trainer and informed my friend. It must not have bothered her because she stayed with the trainer. To each their own, it's not something I practice.


Does my butt look big?
Cowgirl said:
I never said it was prohibited...I just think it's cruel to tie a horse's head low for hours on end just so they have that headset.

I have shown WP for years...we tie around...up ...and lunge bitted but never tie down for hours...expain this to me ...teaching a horse to give works with all disciplines and if a horse does not give..tieing around works great....again for around here you will be fine but when you play with the big boys you have to up your level of horse..and a supple giving horse is a better horse..

You dont think this gray mare in this video has not been tied around some do you? Or hung from the wall for hours teaching patients...

I customary tie my yearling's and 2 yr olds in the stall for several hours at a time...


Well-Known Member
Pasofever said:
I have shown WP for years...we tie around...up ...and lunge bitted but never tie down for hours...expain this to me ...teaching a horse to give works with all disciplines and if a horse does not give..tieing around works great....again for around here you will be fine but when you play with the big boys you have to up your level of horse..and a supple giving horse is a better horse..

You dont think this gray mare in this video has not been tied around some do you? Or hung from the wall for hours teaching patients...

I customary tie my yearling's and 2 yr olds in the stall for several hours at a time...

I have heard of so called "trainers" who tie their horses heads low so they get that WP headset. I understand that you should teach your horse, but I think tying at such an unnatural position for hours is cruel. If you're tying young'ins to learn to stand, that's once long as you're tying at a natural head level. I also agree when you say about playing with the big boys...but some people try to get certain horses to do things that that horse probably can't ever do well. (that was confusing, could you understand what I meant?)

I guess my problem is with showing in general. I think we sometimes go overboard in asking animals (or making animals) be so unnatural so we get the "look" we want. I mean, it's not natural for horses to jump vertically....Please don't attack me, I'm not trying to bash hunters/jumpers...just saying it's not natural for horses. Also, look at ranch many do you see holding their head so darn low? I mean, I think WP horses look pretty sometimes, but I also think they look dead! :lmao:

I'm really not trying to be extreme here...but I think we sometimes don't treat our animals the best...drugging them to compete. Sorry, but if you have to drug your horse, you might not want to compete in the first place. Would you give your child a cortisone shot in the knee if it was injured just so he/she could play a school sport?


New Member
Pasofever said:
I have shown WP for years...we tie around...up ...and lunge bitted but never tie down for hours...expain this to me ...teaching a horse to give works with all disciplines and if a horse does not give..tieing around works great....again for around here you will be fine but when you play with the big boys you have to up your level of horse..and a supple giving horse is a better horse..

You dont think this gray mare in this video has not been tied around some do you? Or hung from the wall for hours teaching patients...

I customary tie my yearling's and 2 yr olds in the stall for several hours at a time...

I disagree with the tying to teach the horse to give. It does not make sense to me to tie a horse's head to teach them to give when the actions of the riders hands are not the same as the tying. I worked with an instructor who was of the mind set that you hold the reins till the horse gives but with my guy it never, and I mean never worked. I then worked with an instructor that had the complete opposite approach, you ask as lightly as possible for as long as it takes and he will eventually give, and it worked. I lunge with a bit but I haven't used side reins in years and will never use them again.

When you get up the levels the caliber of horse changes. My $800 horse does not have the athletic ability to be an international event horse or perform one-tempis as required at the Grand Prix level. Just like not every TB can run the Kentucky Derby the same.

And I don't tie the young ones for hours on end. I keep the same routine till they adapt, and they have all come around, some just take longer then normal.


New Member
Pasofever said:
I have shown WP for years...we tie around...up ...and lunge bitted but never tie down for hours...expain this to me ...teaching a horse to give works with all disciplines and if a horse does not give..tieing around works great....again for around here you will be fine but when you play with the big boys you have to up your level of horse..and a supple giving horse is a better horse..

You dont think this gray mare in this video has not been tied around some do you? Or hung from the wall for hours teaching patients...

I customary tie my yearling's and 2 yr olds in the stall for several hours at a time...

Oh and as far as tying the head up, I was explained that the reasoning behind this was to tire the horses neck so they would prefer to hang it low. I remember seeing horses in their stalls with bridles and long lines running between their front legs and tied on top of their backs for hours. I know this happens in all disciplines and all levels, I just personally don't agree with it and do not practice it.


New Member
SerenitStables said:
I agree with you.

They do make alternatives to bute, such as B-Less solution and I think that comes in a powder too.

I don't bute my horses unless they absolutely have to have it. I do however have most of them, except the youngin, on a joint supplement. They seem to perform better with a joint supplement in their system.

What joint supplement(s) do you use? I've never really noticed a difference with ones I've tried.
However the one my dog is on is great...
Might have answered my own question :lmao:


New Member
GallopNTec said:
What joint supplement(s) do you use? I've never really noticed a difference with ones I've tried.
However the one my dog is on is great...
Might have answered my own question :lmao:

For a few of them I use MSM and Glucosamine 500. For others I use Super-Flx.

I have used Corta-Flx in the past and it's worked too!!! :smile:

I know people who swear by Platfrom Joint Formula.

Legends shots help a lot too!! JMO.


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
SerenitStables said:
For a few of them I use MSM and Glucosamine 500. For others I use Super-Flx.

I have used Corta-Flx in the past and it's worked too!!! :smile:

I know people who swear by Platfrom Joint Formula.

Legends shots help a lot too!! JMO.

And what are your thoughts on Cosiquin,sp??


New Member
SouthernMdRocks said:
And what are your thoughts on Cosiquin,sp??

That's another goodie!!!! I have a student with a 17 year old TB from the race track and a hard A cicuit show career and she uses it. Worked wonders on him!! :smile:

We quit giving legends shots when we started using it. No need for them anymore, which is great.


Pasofever said:
...I customary tie my yearling's and 2 yr olds in the stall for several hours at a time...

My youngsters learned to tie next to their moms but never left for hours tied.
I don't understand what this would accomplish??? :shrug:


Does my butt look big?
SlowTwist said:
My youngsters learned to tie next to their moms but never left for hours tied.
I don't understand what this would accomplish??? :shrug:

It is not the lesson of learning to tie but to learn patience.


New Member
SerenitStables said:
That's another goodie!!!! I have a student with a 17 year old TB from the race track and a hard A cicuit show career and she uses it. Worked wonders on him!! :smile:

We quit giving legends shots when we started using it. No need for them anymore, which is great.

I forgot about Cosequin- it pretty much set the standard in small animal stuff.
I looked on some web sites and the same co. that makes the supplement my dog gets, has the exact same one for horses.
Hopefully not beef flavored.

I am ordering it today


New Member
Pasofever said:
It is not the lesson of learning to tie but to learn patience.

I learned patience when working with youngsters much quicker then they did. Everyone has there one way, the other trainer at the farm had her horses to work and I had mine. She did the stand in stall thing for about an hour and I didn't, mine were better behaved then her's much quicker. It probably didn't help that she didn't leave them and let them deal with their issue, she would yell and holler and bang on the stall door to get them to settle and I think that upset them more.

She also did the round pen stuff and I totally disagreed with a yearling cantering and galloping for extended periods on less than a 15 meter circle, I feel it is too hard on their legs.


New Member
GallopNTec said:
I forgot about Cosequin- it pretty much set the standard in small animal stuff.
I looked on some web sites and the same co. that makes the supplement my dog gets, has the exact same one for horses.
Hopefully not beef flavored.

I am ordering it today

When I was competing my old man and he was a grade 3 lameness on one hock and I went ahead and had both hocks injected and did maintenance each month of Legends and Adequan. He would not eat the supplement - he's a super picky eater - so it was my only option. He did wonderful with this regimine, it was $$$, but well worth it to me.


New Member
GallopNTec said:
I forgot about Cosequin- it pretty much set the standard in small animal stuff.
I looked on some web sites and the same co. that makes the supplement my dog gets, has the exact same one for horses.
Hopefully not beef flavored.

I am ordering it today

What do you get? If you don't mind me asking!

Let us know how it works! :smile: