Baby Holmes-Cruise



This explains everything...

watercolor said:
oh gracious... guess the antichrist will be born now. :lol:
Tom Cruise to tackle motherhood.

Written by Joe Wilson

LOS ANGELES ( – After being blasted by Brooke Shields in a New York Times op-ed column, Tom Cruise is responding to her criticism that he has “an utter lack of understanding about postpartum depression and childbirth in general."

Cruise announced that he will undergo a sex change operation and will give birth to quell any accusations by Brooke Shields or others who find his views about psychiatry and anti-depressants problematic.

“I care about Brooke and all the mothers of the world,” Cruise stated at a press conference held at the Church of Scientology Celebrity Center. “I’ve read books and studies about giving birth and postpartum depression and it’s obvious to me that women do not understand what is involved in the process of childbirth, Brooke certainly does not.”

One entertainment insider, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, chalked up the announcement to Cruise’s ongoing efforts to prove all doubters wrong. “Everyone mocked the thing with him and Katie Holmes, so he proposes marriage. We all thought she would be the one to have a baby to prove the media was wrong. I don’t think anyone saw this coming.”

The procedure will be done by the highly controversial clinic, Greffe Artificielle D'Utérus, based in Paris and run by Dr. Stefan Cinglé, who made a brief statement by telephone during the press conference. “The procedure is completely reversible and, although we have not yet been successful, we’ve never had a specimen like Mr. Cruise. Using nothing but science, vitamins and exercise, we will transform Mr. Cruise into a woman, artificially inseminate him and he will give birth in early 2006.”

Tom Cruise said that he would not discuss the matter further until after he has experienced motherhood because he was “feeling a little crampy.”


New Member
Scientology birth

The doctrine also states that newborns cannot be poked or prodded for medical tests or even spoken to for the first seven days of their lives, believing that babies go through so much pain during the birth, they shouldn't have to experience any further discomfort or sensory experience that could return later in life to haunt them.

now I have heard it all :duh:


curiouser and curiouser
morganj614 said:

The doctrine also states that newborns cannot be poked or prodded for medical tests or even spoken to for the first seven days of their lives, believing that babies go through so much pain during the birth, they shouldn't have to experience any further discomfort or sensory experience that could return later in life to haunt them.

now I have heard it all :duh:
All joking aside, could you imagine being Katie right now? I don't know if she's joined Scientology or not, but when that baby is born, you'd better believe she won't have a say in how it's raised. It's sad. :sad:


Nickel said:
All joking aside, could you imagine being Katie right now? I don't know if she's joined Scientology or not, but when that baby is born, you'd better believe she won't have a say in how it's raised. It's sad. :sad:

L. Ron Hubbard will raise the child. :killingme


curiouser and curiouser
gumby said:
L. Ron Hubbard will raise the child. :killingme
I read an article in some magazine a few months ago about a girl who was deep into Scientology. She was basically forced to marry some man, and when she found out she was pregnant, she fled, leaving her entire family behind. I can't remember what the deal was...maybe they were going to take her kid away to be raised in some mass child-raising place...I don't remember. :ohwell:


Go Braves!
My BFF almost got all wrapped up in the stuff, I had to wack her in the head.

Her inlaws used to be very involved in that stuff.


The Smart Hooker
I hope Katie grows a set of balls and puts her foot down about this Scientology crap. Can you imagine not talking or comforting your newborn for 7 days? I use to like Tom until he opened his big fat mouth about something he knows absolutely nothing about (giving birth, post-partum, etc.) The last I read was Katie was unsure about converting religions. If she's smart, she'd run like hell. Next he'll have her living in some compound while she has 20 kids and he has 50 wives.


morganj614 said:

The doctrine also states that newborns cannot be poked or prodded for medical tests or even spoken to for the first seven days of their lives, believing that babies go through so much pain during the birth, they shouldn't have to experience any further discomfort or sensory experience that could return later in life to haunt them.

now I have heard it all :duh:

I don't have kids, but don't you have to slap them on the back after birth so they'll cough all that crap out of their lungs?


Methodically disorganized
remaxrealtor said:
I don't have kids, but don't you have to slap them on the back after birth so they'll cough all that crap out of their lungs?
Well, the preferred method is to use a suction bulb to ensure the fluid's removal, and to avoid discomfort for the newborn... but this would likely still be frowned upon by Scientology guidelines.


New Member
remaxrealtor said:
I don't have kids, but don't you have to slap them on the back after birth so they'll cough all that crap out of their lungs?

I am thinking all the Scientologists need to be slapped up aside their heads. There is a certain amount of pain associated with child birth and Katie can't make a peep or have meds. I hope she screams her lungs out :lmao:
I wonder how long she will let Tom manipulate her?


Well-Known Member
it is possible to give birth without "screaming your head off" or needing pain meds. It's called natural childbirth and is practiced by many people who are not scientologists.

canuk woman

donbarzini said:
To borrow from Tommy Lee Jones:

"L. Ron isn't dead. He just went home."

Oh very funny and besides the fact about the adams/anderson collaboration everyone knew that the actual armaggedon was coming the proof well let's do a little math here: dead pope+Hurricane Katrina+Michael Jackson found not guilty= I don't wanna- just kidding.


canuk woman said:
Oh very funny and besides the fact about the adams/anderson collaboration everyone knew that the actual armaggedon was coming the proof well let's do a little math here: dead pope+Hurricane Katrina+Michael Jackson found not guilty= I don't wanna- just kidding.
wtf, did you get that off of your canada loves michael forum? :confused: :lol: