Backstabbing and Girl Drama



May I interject some true: Mid Life girl drama? The itches that I work with have decided they hate my boss and are effectively trying to take him out via the Board of Directors. It's a major mess.

Skipped corporate and went straight to the top! I hate to think what is going to happen to my wonderful world of bliss.:lmao:


Has confinement issues..
I got rid of my slutty "friend", my criminally insane "friend", my unhygenic friend/thief "friend" and 200 pounds of :loser:

I don't know what it is....But I feel much happier:whistle:


I joined up here before I left Minnesota as a way to get a sense of what I was moving to.

I did use this board as part of an assignment for a communications class, but that was well after I had already joined.

was that class at csm? who was the instructor?



Why is it that we resort to backstabbing and deception when it comes to men?

Take this weekend, for example. I met a guy, we hit it off, and then my "friend" #### blocked me simply because she was in to him too. Turns out she had to get him trashed so he'd sleep with her (I left the after party because I still had to be mom in the morning) and even then in the morning he asked her for my number.

So what was it that she really gained in the whole thing? And why is it that women resort to this sort of thing?

Don't get me wrong, not all women do it... I have two very close friends whom this whole "competition" thing doesn't exist with, even if we do have the same taste in guys... if we both think a guy's good looking and one of us gets him, the other is genuinely happy for her... but it's so rare to find that anymore.

I can totally see the red karma comin' down the line whilst I'm venting...

Am I the only one who has had this problem?

i would not pursue this any further - he is obviously not worth it since he slept with your friend. I would write him off as a man-whore. You so called friend, biatch smak her. that was so wrong on her part -I would not call her a friend.


New Member
You know Kris, most of us are very picky about our clothes, our house, our cars, and so many other things. We should be just as picky about our friends. True friends! Not just any type of friend. Friends come from all walks of life. It sounds as if your friend has betrayed you. To me, that is a big NO NO! How can we trust a friend that back stabs us? If there is no trust, there is no foundation for a friendship. If she was truly your friend, she would have backed off, and let you see where this could take you, if you wanted to take a chance on this guy. You're right! Not all women are like that. Choose your friends wisely, because sometimes when a man is involved, we see just how good of a friend we have.
