Backstabbing and Girl Drama


Has confinement issues..

A few of the posters in this thread really surprised me:rolleyes:

Some people have all the advice and no good sense to follow it:ohwell:


That's fine every once in a while that happens and if it worked for you that's great but if you have read all of her posts that's all she talks about is parties, bars and bands.
That's because:

A: Music is one of the most important things in my life and I love to watch live bands play. My best friend in Minnesota has a band that I was the manager of. I'm interested in promoting music as well as listening to it. This is why I talk about bands.

B: I have only mentioned one party and that was just this past weekend. That was the first party I had been to since I moved here.

C: I like to have a weekly night to myself. I never go out before my son is in bed and sleeping, in fact I never even start getting ready until he's in bed and sleeping. I have a sitter, usually a family member who is compensated for their time and is ok with my going out, who stays in the house and watches TV and eats whatever the heck they want out of my fridge to simply BE there if anything were to go wrong for any reason whatsoever. No matter what hour I come home at, by 7:30 am I am up and interacting with my son... making him breakfast, getting him dressed, playing with him...

So the insuations you've made on multiple occasions that I'm a poor mother because I go out to the bar to have fun with my friends once a week are uncalled for. I don't post about all the things I do with my family and my child on the board because really, it's no one's business. I ask about and respond to topics that I have a genuine vested interest in.


New Member
Backstabbing and Girl... 11-21-2007 03:06 PM It means C##k

Thanks Karma giver....I wasn't sure of the exact meaning....:pete:


Bookseller Lady
That's because::blahblah:

Hon, take my advice, and don't post the minutae of your life online. You are just begging to be picked apart. I'm not saying don't share experiences, but to exercise caution about spilling your guts to total strangers. And whatever you post online is there for the whole world to see, and going back and deleting does nothing in the era of incessant webcrawlers and archival companies. Think "do I really want this recorded in some server somewhere for a future employer, spouse, etc to dig up?"


Backstabbing and Girl... 11-21-2007 02:40 PM you mean your parents' house and your parents' fridge?

Dear Karma Giver:
I appreciate the green, however in regards to your clarification:

No, I do not mean my parents' house and my parents' fridge. I mean my house as in the basement level I rent out which has it's own kitchen, bathroom, two bedrooms, and living area. I also mean my own fridge as there kitchen down here has its own fridge.



Luvin Life !!!
Backstabbing and Girl... 11-21-2007 02:40 PM you mean your parents' house and your parents' fridge?

Dear Karma Giver:
I appreciate the green, however in regards to your clarification:

No, I do not mean my parents' house and my parents' fridge. I mean my house as in the basement level I rent out which has it's own kitchen, bathroom, two bedrooms, and living area. I also mean my own fridge as there kitchen down here has its own fridge.


So how's your research project going now? :popcorn:


Luvin Life !!!
Which one? I've got like three I'm currently working on... one due Tuesday, one due a week from next Friday, and one due in 3 weeks.

I meant it in jest. Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought you joined up here as a social experiment for one of your classes. I have a point here & I can tell you from personal experience for each hug you get here you are likely to get three jabs. I have learned (not that I always follow through) to really think hard before I hit the submit button. It's not so much caring what strangers think as it is that since most here don't really know me many would tend to not provide what I would consider to be sound advice.
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I meant it in jest. Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought you joined up here as a social experiment for one of your classes. I have a point here & I can tell you from personal experience for each hug you get here you are likely to get three jabs. I have learned (not that I always follow through) to really think hard before I hit the submit button. It's not so much caring what strangers think as it is that since most here don't really know me many would tend to not provide what I would consider to be sound advice.
I joined up here before I left Minnesota as a way to get a sense of what I was moving to.

I did use this board as part of an assignment for a communications class, but that was well after I had already joined.


Infinite Impetus
Hon, take my advice, and don't post the minutae of your life online. You are just begging to be picked apart. I'm not saying don't share experiences, but to exercise caution about spilling your guts to total strangers. And whatever you post online is there for the whole world to see, and going back and deleting does nothing in the era of incessant webcrawlers and archival companies. Think "do I really want this recorded in some server somewhere for a future employer, spouse, etc to dig up?"



Summing it up, the boy was just young, dumb, and full of cu#. It would'nt of matter who he met, he had only one thing on his mind.


New Member

Why is it that we resort to backstabbing and deception when it comes to men?

Take this weekend, for example. I met a guy, we hit it off, and then my "friend" #### blocked me simply because she was in to him too. Turns out she had to get him trashed so he'd sleep with her (I left the after party because I still had to be mom in the morning) and even then in the morning he asked her for my number.

So what was it that she really gained in the whole thing? And why is it that women resort to this sort of thing?

Don't get me wrong, not all women do it... I have two very close friends whom this whole "competition" thing doesn't exist with, even if we do have the same taste in guys... if we both think a guy's good looking and one of us gets him, the other is genuinely happy for her... but it's so rare to find that anymore.

I can totally see the red karma comin' down the line whilst I'm venting...

Am I the only one who has had this problem?

How old are you? This sounds so high school. Some people :rolleyes: