Bad economy


professional daydreamer
Why is that? And how does it work that prices have grown so far over income?

We want more. We could easily be a one income family if all I wanted was a back yard bbq twice a month. As you know, that's not all I want. I have a bimmer, spend a fortune on garb and RF, upgrades to my home, RV, like to spend money with and on friends, etc.


New Member
That's something I don't understand. Back in the day, most women were homemakers and the husband brought home the bacon. They owned homes and a vehicle, and managed to feed and clothe their families.

Nowadays it's rare that a family can get by on one income. The wife will at least have a second-income job. Why is that? And how does it work that prices have grown so far over income?

I think part of it has to do with how many luxuries are considered necessities today.

Today, people think they need two cars. Yes, it makes life easier but it is not necessary if one parent doesn't work.

Today, people assume they need cable and the internet. It does amuse people but so do games, reading, doing things outside, etc.

Clothes used to be hand-me downs. My mom was the fourth of six kids. Almost every article of clothing she wore as a child was a hand-me down from her sisters before her. Today, people feel the need to buy the latest styles from trendy stores. It's seemingly a big fau paux today to buy clothes that someone else has bought and worn before you. The clothes are cheaper but it is looked down upon in today's society.

Another need for today's society-you knew I was getting to it-cell phones. They were invented in 1973 and today, if you don't own one, you get looked at like you have two heads. One of my cousins has a cell phone. He's 10. What does a 10 year old need with a cell phone?

This one is hard for me to mention but it is one that really saves on the electric bill. Air conditioning. Again, a device that has wormed its way so deep into the fabric of our society that people forget you can live with out it. My electric bill is very low during the summer because of this-roughly $90. I don't use my AC unless we are having company over. I open windows, turn fans on, and drink plenty of fluids. I figure, my grandparents survived with out it so it is doable.

Please note, I am not trying to bash anyone in this post. I am just saying that if you sit back and look at how many things you own that are luxuries and how much you could save with out them, it can put a new spin on how to manage your money when you start to feel the financial pinch.


New Member
That's something I don't understand. Back in the day, most women were homemakers and the husband brought home the bacon. They owned homes and a vehicle, and managed to feed and clothe their families.

Nowadays it's rare that a family can get by on one income. The wife will at least have a second-income job. Why is that? And how does it work that prices have grown so far over income?
Labor pool is a lot wider for one. Many more people chasing the jobs that exist, undercutting each other's salaries.


Obama destroyed America
I think part of it has to do with how many luxuries are considered necessities today.

Today, people think they need two cars. Yes, it makes life easier but it is not necessary if one parent doesn't work.

Today, people assume they need cable and the internet. It does amuse people but so do games, reading, doing things outside, etc.

Clothes used to be hand-me downs. My mom was the fourth of six kids. Almost every article of clothing she wore as a child was a hand-me down from her sisters before her. Today, people feel the need to buy the latest styles from trendy stores. It's seemingly a big fau paux today to buy clothes that someone else has bought and worn before you. The clothes are cheaper but it is looked down upon in today's society.

Another need for today's society-you knew I was getting to it-cell phones. They were invented in 1973 and today, if you don't own one, you get looked at like you have two heads. One of my cousins has a cell phone. He's 10. What does a 10 year old need with a cell phone?

This one is hard for me to mention but it is one that really saves on the electric bill. Air conditioning. Again, a device that has wormed its way so deep into the fabric of our society that people forget you can live with out it. My electric bill is very low during the summer because of this-roughly $90. I don't use my AC unless we are having company over. I open windows, turn fans on, and drink plenty of fluids. I figure, my grandparents survived with out it so it is doable.

Please note, I am not trying to bash anyone in this post. I am just saying that if you sit back and look at how many things you own that are luxuries and how much you could save with out them, it can put a new spin on how to manage your money when you start to feel the financial pinch.
Excellent post! :clap:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I think part of it has to do with how many luxuries are considered necessities today.

That's probably the case. Wally and the Beave shared a bedroom, as did the Brady children. That was the norm back then, not 4 BR 3 BA. My Mom grew up with 4 siblings in a 3 BR house - boys in one room, girls in the other, sharing one bathroom with the parents.
Society doesn't make it easy on one income families these days. Remember a time when most families were one income? Prices have gone up but incomes have not.

I don't know about anyone else's family, but my dad was working 3 jobs to keep us fed. When we all started going to school, my mom got a job in the school we attended. Most of the kids I know growing up had nearly the same situation.


Obama destroyed America
That's probably the case. Wally and the Beave shared a bedroom, as did the Brady children. That was the norm back then, not 4 BR 3 BA. My Mom grew up with 4 siblings in a 3 BR house - boys in one room, girls in the other, sharing one bathroom with the parents.
Me, Duponster & Gumby shared a room while Fancybelle and my 2 other sisters shared the other. Oldest bro was in Vietnam. Mom & Dad had the 3rd room. This is a 1500 sq. ft. rambler, no AC (a window shaker came later).

Ever had your lil brother pee on ya while he's sleepwalking?? :mad: Damn you Gumby! :smack:


Me, Duponster & Gumby shared a room while Fancybelle and my 2 other sisters shared the other. Oldest bro was in Vietnam. Mom & Dad had the 3rd room. This is a 1500 sq. ft. rambler, no AC (a window shaker came later).

Ever had your lil brother pee on ya while he's sleepwalking?? :mad: Damn you Gumby! :smack:

Well, I'll be......


Me, Duponster & Gumby shared a room while Fancybelle and my 2 other sisters shared the other. Oldest bro was in Vietnam. Mom & Dad had the 3rd room. This is a 1500 sq. ft. rambler, no AC (a window shaker came later).

Ever had your lil brother pee on ya while he's sleepwalking?? :mad: Damn you Gumby! :smack:


My dad tell a story about his family in Michigan. The 5 boys had one room upstairs, the 3 girls had the other upstairs, the bathroom was downstairs. In the winter it was cold and my uncle hated getting out of the warm bed and going down the stairs in the cold to pee so he peed out the window. After a few weeks there was a yellow icicle down the side of the house from the window.


Obama destroyed America

My dad tell a story about his family in Michigan. The 5 boys had one room upstairs, the 3 girls had the other upstairs, the bathroom was downstairs. In the winter it was cold and my uncle hated getting out of the warm bed and going down the stairs in the cold to pee so he peed out the window. After a few weeks there was a yellow icicle down the side of the house from the window.
OMG!! :killingme

We lived in an old house before they built the rambler in '69. We used to have winters back then (B4 global warming :duh:) and the snow would melt during the day and form huge icicles. Duponster would break one off and stick it thru the door so we kids could suck the end. I never noticed if it was yellow. :jet:


Stubborn and opinionated
Henry Ford paid his people well way back in the day because he knew, at the end of the day, they were his customers as well.

He'd have a cardiac arrest to see what the factory trained people that fix those cars are paid nowadays. He would not be impressed with decisions made by the upper levels of his company.
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New Member
Labor pool is a lot wider for one. Many more people chasing the jobs that exist, undercutting each other's salaries.

Remove the 10million+ illegal immigrants and stop corporations from outsourcing jobs would be a start.

Feeding my family of five is definitely cheaper at home vs going out. We don't go with name brands when we find a good alternative and BJS and Targets cheaper prices (than Food Lion) help. Is Nicks of Clintons meats cheaper than BJS?

I also want to know now that the housing market is imploding when is the tax accessor going to bring his slimy ass back out to my house and re access it. He didn't waste anytime when the housing market was booming. I'm sick and tired of paying $2200 a year to live on a postage stamp. Who do I talk to or vote out to get this resolved.

Blame career politicians for the economy. They are more worried about themselves than the people they represent or the country. Government political service should have never been a lifetime career opportunity and I don't think it was originally meant to be.
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New Member
I think part of it has to do with how many luxuries are considered necessities today.

Today, people think they need two cars. Yes, it makes life easier but it is not necessary if one parent doesn't work.

Today, people assume they need cable and the internet. It does amuse people but so do games, reading, doing things outside, etc.

Clothes used to be hand-me downs. My mom was the fourth of six kids. Almost every article of clothing she wore as a child was a hand-me down from her sisters before her. Today, people feel the need to buy the latest styles from trendy stores. It's seemingly a big fau paux today to buy clothes that someone else has bought and worn before you. The clothes are cheaper but it is looked down upon in today's society.

Another need for today's society-you knew I was getting to it-cell phones. They were invented in 1973 and today, if you don't own one, you get looked at like you have two heads. One of my cousins has a cell phone. He's 10. What does a 10 year old need with a cell phone?

This one is hard for me to mention but it is one that really saves on the electric bill. Air conditioning. Again, a device that has wormed its way so deep into the fabric of our society that people forget you can live with out it. My electric bill is very low during the summer because of this-roughly $90. I don't use my AC unless we are having company over. I open windows, turn fans on, and drink plenty of fluids. I figure, my grandparents survived with out it so it is doable.

Please note, I am not trying to bash anyone in this post. I am just saying that if you sit back and look at how many things you own that are luxuries and how much you could save with out them, it can put a new spin on how to manage your money when you start to feel the financial pinch.

Your post sounds like my family today. We are guilty of having two cars but one is a '98 and having cable and internet and cell phones. My children share rooms and the girls get hand-me downs. Thankfully they are still at the age they don't care. My husband just suggested this week that we buy fans for the bedrooms so we can cut down on the AC. I think alot of people would rather have the toys and the vacations but even without all that stuff it still is hard.
I had cable tv, but when I moved in Dec. I decided not to have it installed, notso much because of the cost. mianly because I only used it as background noise. so it was basically a waste of money. I did join netflicks @ 15.00 per month. I really don't have time during the week to watch tv.

It does seem less expensive for a single person to eat out, by the time you purchase all the ingredients to make an entire meal. unless you are going to freeze the extras for another meal. If I make pancakes or waffles I usually make a big batch and cook all of them and them freeze them for another day.

Iv'e also stopped buying sodas from the machine at work at 1.50 each, now I just carry my half-gallon thermos bottle along with my water bottle and take the single packs of crystal light.... and I usually make my own salad for lunch and limit buying lunch to once per week.

I also planted a small garden, more as a hobby but all the things I planted are things I would have purchased from the grocery store.

onions, carrots, zuchini, yellow squash, radishes, cantaloupes, tomatoes, cherry tomatoes and lettuce.. need to add some eggplant! its kinda fun watching them grow each day...can't wait to be able to eat a really good tomato!!

Oh here's a tip my dad gave me .. if you have a small family and your stove is propane... you can save a lot of money by getting yourself a nice toaster oven, anything you can make in the "regular" oven you can make in the toaster oven... such as cakes and baked items and you are not heating up an entire huge oven ...


Personally, I'm not feeling it. But the scuttlebutt is that the economy is so poor that people are desperate, and high gas prices are causing people to lose their homes.

So tell us your tale of woe. How has the economic downturn caused you to suffer?


Seriously, all of you who insist that times are terrible and poverty is rampant because of Bush's policies, please share with us just how exactly you have been affected.

I had to switch to 12oz beer tankers:jameo: cause I cannot afford to drive to southern maryland to get 10ozers more than once a month:nomoney:


Luvin Life !!!
I had cable tv, but when I moved in Dec. I decided not to have it installed, notso much because of the cost. mianly because I only used it as background noise. so it was basically a waste of money. I did join netflicks @ 15.00 per month. I really don't have time during the week to watch tv.

It does seem less expensive for a single person to eat out, by the time you purchase all the ingredients to make an entire meal. unless you are going to freeze the extras for another meal. If I make pancakes or waffles I usually make a big batch and cook all of them and them freeze them for another day.

Iv'e also stopped buying sodas from the machine at work at 1.50 each, now I just carry my half-gallon thermos bottle along with my water bottle and take the single packs of crystal light.... and I usually make my own salad for lunch and limit buying lunch to once per week.

I also planted a small garden, more as a hobby but all the things I planted are things I would have purchased from the grocery store.

onions, carrots, zuchini, yellow squash, radishes, cantaloupes, tomatoes, cherry tomatoes and lettuce.. need to add some eggplant! its kinda fun watching them grow each day...can't wait to be able to eat a really good tomato!!

Oh here's a tip my dad gave me .. if you have a small family and your stove is propane... you can save a lot of money by getting yourself a nice toaster oven, anything you can make in the "regular" oven you can make in the toaster oven... such as cakes and baked items and you are not heating up an entire huge oven ...

That is what I did in my last place. I had a small propane tank and would turn it on then shut it off when done when I used the stove. I had a toaster oven, microwave, crockpot and electric skillet. I can assure you my oldest is quite a decent cook and has used all of those appliances in one way or the other to get the job done. To this day she still swears that toaster oven cookies taste better than the ones out of the big oven.:lmao:


Well-Known Member
That is what I did in my last place. I had a small propane tank and would turn it on then shut it off when done when I used the stove. I had a toaster oven, microwave, crockpot and electric skillet. I can assure you my oldest is quite a decent cook and has used all of those appliances in one way or the other to get the job done. To this day she still swears that toaster oven cookies taste better than the ones out of the big oven.:lmao:

Ok, but how long does it take to bake a batch of cookies in the toaster oven (small tray) vs. the regular oven (large cookie sheets)? :confused: That can't save any money.


Luvin Life !!!
Ok, but how long does it take to bake a batch of cookies in the toaster oven (small tray) vs. the regular oven (large cookie sheets)? :confused: That can't save any money.

I am not talking about homeade cookies. The tollhouse ones though that you just break off and bake is what I am referring to. I would think one would eat 2-3 cookies at a time so the 9 cookies I was able to bake in the toaster was just fine for us. Also time was the same just 3-6 cookies less depending on your tray size. Also did mention I hate cooking with a gas stove.I have electric now and I can assure you I use the big oven now.


I am not talking about homeade cookies. The tollhouse ones though that you just break off and bake is what I am referring to. I would think one would eat 2-3 cookies at a time so the 9 cookies I was able to bake in the toaster was just fine for us.

BTW did you take my propane bottle with you:shrug:


Well-Known Member
I am not talking about homeade cookies. The tollhouse ones though that you just break off and bake is what I am referring to. I would think one would eat 2-3 cookies at a time so the 9 cookies I was able to bake in the toaster was just fine for us. Also time was the same just 3-6 cookies less depending on your tray size. Also did mention I hate cooking with a gas stove.I have electric now and I can assure you I use the big oven now.

Oh, that makes sense! :lol: I can't stand electric...I love gas. :jet: I don't mind an electric oven so much, but electric stoves drive me batty!! :lmao: