Bad Words


Well-Known Member
Baby Jack is saying bad words :yikes:

The kid is like a sponge... if anyone says anything he soaks it into his brain to remember forever! Right now he is saying shut up, pee pee, & ass (he sometimes puts toghether pee pee and ass to say pee pee ass)

What do I do? My kids didnt really start saying those type of words til they were 4 or so and Jack is only 2. I have tried time out and that hasnt worked.... I did a drop of liquid soap on my finger and touched his tongue to it and that hasnt worked.


Well-Known Member
Baby Jack is saying bad words :yikes:

The kid is like a sponge... if anyone says anything he soaks it into his brain to remember forever! Right now he is saying shut up, pee pee, & ass (he sometimes puts toghether pee pee and ass to say pee pee ass)

What do I do? My kids didnt really start saying those type of words til they were 4 or so and Jack is only 2. I have tried time out and that hasnt worked.... I did a drop of liquid soap on my finger and touched his tongue to it and that hasnt worked.

best suggestion is to watch what you and the other adults say around him. Like I tell my oldest daughter, it's hard to teach a child not to do something when they see you saying/doing it.

Second suggestion, try to ignore it when he does say it. It doesn't take them long to realize those are trigger words that will get your attention QUICK. Divert his attention to something else when he says it.


Well-Known Member
:clap: Baby Jack!!!!
best suggestion is to watch what you and the other adults say around him. Like I tell my oldest daughter, it's hard to teach a child not to do something when they see you saying/doing it.

Second suggestion, try to ignore it when he does say it. It doesn't take them long to realize those are trigger words that will get your attention QUICK. Divert his attention to something else when he says it.

I have tried doing all of those things above especially trying to ignore it... the only thing is he is in daycare and the other kids will make a huge deal of it "Jack said pee pee" "Jack said shut up" so my provider really got on me yesterday about it and even said one of the other 2 year olds is starting to say pee pee now :banghead:


whats wrong with pee pee? Just tell everyone that he drinks alot and is a frequent pee-er. :shrug: And how clear does he say ass? Next time he says it say "Ask me what? did you have something to asK me?"...."ass" i don't know what that means, did you mean asK?".....


my retarded uncle says G**D*** alot, so we started saying "touchdown" right after, so now everyone thinks he is saying touchdown, and i think it sounds more like touchdown now :lol: i dont know what kind of word you could change "peepee" and "ass" into though :lol:


whats wrong with pee pee? Just tell everyone that he drinks alot and is a frequent pee-er. :shrug: And how clear does he say ass? Next time he says it say "Ask me what? did you have something to asK me?"...."ass" i don't know what that means, did you mean asK?".....


Throwing the deuces
My 4 yr old learned them from his 8 yr old brother who learned it from his dad. What's funny is that when you ask my youngest where he learned that word, he'll blame his brother. Then my oldest will look at me and say, "hey, don't blame me. I got them from Dad." :rolleyes:

The ignoring advice seems to work but sometimes it just makes them say it over and over again like they think you didn't hear them saying it the first time. I am just hoping that Dad learns to keep a lid on the bad words and the two boys grow out of mocking him and eachother.


Well-Known Member

I have tried doing all of those things above especially trying to ignore it... the only thing is he is in daycare and the other kids will make a huge deal of it "Jack said pee pee" "Jack said shut up" so my provider really got on me yesterday about it and even said one of the other 2 year olds is starting to say pee pee now :banghead:

Shut up is a tough one, and I'm sure he gets that from having 3 older brothers.

As far as pee pee, is he referring to when he has to go, or his privates? What does day care want him to say, I have to urinate? If he's referring to his privates, teach him the proper name. Baby Jack, it's a penis. Can you say penis? :popcorn:

A discussion is in order for the daycare provider. Consistency, consistency. Make sure you both are doing the same thing to correct the problem whether it's ignoring it, time out, etc.


Maybe work out some kind of reward system for the other kids when the potty mouth is around. Next time he says something bad, any other siblings around that were able to communicate without bad words -give them a handfull of M&Ms or something :shrug: Point out to Jack that they are getting rewarded because they were able to talk to Mommy without using bad words. :shrug:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I was never really a fan of adults tempering their behavior so the little ones don't pick it up. We always just told the kids, no no, those are grown up words and not how little boys and girls talk.


Well-Known Member
Maybe work out some kind of reward system for the other kids when the potty mouth is around. Next time he says something bad, any other siblings around that were able to communicate without bad words -give them a handfull of M&Ms or something :shrug: Point out to Jack that they are getting rewarded because they were able to talk to Mommy without using bad words. :shrug:

I'll try anything at this point. When the daycare provider and I were discussing it yesterday she said something along the lines of "I really dont want to terminate because of the bad words because he is such a good little guy other wise"... I think it is a little extreme to even consider that over words like ass, pee pee, etc... but then again it is her daycare and if other kids are learning to say that and their parents are giving her crap about it. :shrug:
My kids (the ones old enough to talk) are 6, 8 and 10. None of them use language like that. We don't use "rough" language around them. Whenever they use a word we don't approve of, we admonish them and they don't do it many more times before learning. Example is "stupid", child calls another child stupid, they get admonished. They don't do it again. They do and they get admonished and some appropriate punishment (sit on the couch for a few doing nothing, loss of toy for a bit, that kind of thing). I don't believe I have had to admonish more than 2 times to correct the issue.


I'll try anything at this point. When the daycare provider and I were discussing it yesterday she said something along the lines of "I really dont want to terminate because of the bad words because he is such a good little guy other wise"... I think it is a little extreme to even consider that over words like ass, pee pee, etc... but then again it is her daycare and if other kids are learning to say that and their parents are giving her crap about it. :shrug:

is 2 years old too young to start using the mommy guilt trips? Next time he says something bad just reinforce that you've told him not to talk like that anymore and that it hurts your heart when your little man says things like that. That you don't want to be around him util he can use nice words. and put him in an out of the way corner and don't aknowledge him at all except to make sure he stays sitting. :shrug: That or stop with the little piddly soap on a finger and ram a whole bar of life in that dirt trap. (red pepper works great too)
is 2 years old too young to start using the mommy guilt trips? Next time he says something bad just reinforce that you've told him not to talk like that anymore and that it hurts your heart when your little man says things like that. That you don't want to be around him util he can use nice words. and put him in an out of the way corner and don't aknowledge him at all except to make sure he stays sitting. :shrug: That or stop with the little piddly soap on a finger and ram a whole bar of life in that dirt trap. (red pepper works great too)

Your cookies are in.


Well-Known Member
is 2 years old too young to start using the mommy guilt trips? Next time he says something bad just reinforce that you've told him not to talk like that anymore and that it hurts your heart when your little man says things like that. That you don't want to be around him util he can use nice words. and put him in an out of the way corner and don't aknowledge him at all except to make sure he stays sitting. :shrug: That or stop with the little piddly soap on a finger and ram a whole bar of life in that dirt trap. (red pepper works great too)

:lol: my girlfriend suggested a dab of hot sauce so I figured I would come on here and ask for suggestions before I ran w/ that :lol:


Cleopatra Jones
I was never really a fan of adults tempering their behavior so the little ones don't pick it up. We always just told the kids, no no, those are grown up words and not how little boys and girls talk.

:yeahthat: I don't curb my tongue and neither one of my kids ever picked up any bad words with any regularity. I did have the now 7 year old tell me a couple years ago that "bad" words are bad and that I shouldn't say them because I don't want to be bad. They quickly changed to "grown up" words and I'm a grown up so I can say them, he is not so they better not escape his lips.

AN, I'd say that you know what works with your kid so go with what works. N usually takes a scolding pretty well and shapes up whatever bad behavior he's doing at the moment. Baby G could care less if you yelled at him all day long, took things away or beat his ass; his big deal is isolation. God forbid I put him in his room alone for a time out, the world has ended. So whatever is usually effective for baby Jack, use that.


Salt Life
What do I do? My kids didnt really start saying those type of words til they were 4 or so and Jack is only 2. I have tried time out and that hasnt worked.... I did a drop of liquid soap on my finger and touched his tongue to it and that hasnt worked.
He's going to repeat what he hears, so I'd suggest the adults (or older children) keep their mouths hush. :lol:

Then I'd ignore the words - don't draw attention to "Ooooh, bad word!!"


is 2 years old too young to start using the mommy guilt trips? Next time he says something bad just reinforce that you've told him not to talk like that anymore and that it hurts your heart when your little man says things like that. That you don't want to be around him util he can use nice words. and put him in an out of the way corner and don't aknowledge him at all except to make sure he stays sitting. :shrug: That or stop with the little piddly soap on a finger and ram a whole bar of life in that dirt trap. (red pepper works great too)

Guilt trips only reinforce passive aggression. We all know how annoying that is.