Ball Road Accident/Family Tie Info


New Member
I was reading the forum about the Ball Road car accident and the forums here and think I can shed a little light on the comparison to the accident in 1999 involving Mike Vito. I was very good friends with him and the passengers in his car. I even saw him seconds before his accident occured. I also knew a passenger in the car that was allegedly racing him very well. Yes, it is true that Mike Vito and this other person who wrecked on Ball Road were related, they were first cousins. Its a shame that both accidents happened especially when they could have been prevented.

Yes, Mike had a 1998 Mustang GT at the age of 17. He actually had a older Mustang LX prior to that. Was Vito racing someone back in January of 1999 when he wrecked and hit the U-Haul? Absolutely not!!!

At the entrance to the Chesapeake Ranch Estates, the other driver went around traffic making a left turn on the right side of the road and continued driving south on Rousby Hall Road. I observed Vito sitting behind 2 cars waiting to turn and then getting into his Mustang full throttle at a high rate of speed. I lost the other guy going around the turn and Vito also several seconds later. I made my left turn and heard about the accident as soon as I got home from a friend.

The other guy was accused of drag racing, passing on the right, negligent driving, wreckless driving, and the 4 vehicular homicide charges, and failure to slow down when being overtaken.

1- Rousby Hall Rd is a 2 laned road, how could it be a drag race if the cars were not side by side when the Mustang wrecked?

2- One of my family members knew people in the sheriff's department. It was estimated the Mustang made impact with the truck going 90mph. It was not a head on impact, it was actually a T-Bone impact and when I saw the skidmarks it was obvious the car was going sideways before impact for quite a distance which means the car was actually slowing down when impact occured. Why did Mustang return to the lane so abruptly and slide for such a distance before making impact? Vito did not return to the lane abruptly to avoid hitting the truck.

3- The other car was a early 80's Cutlass with a 3.8 V6. that weighed 2000 lbs more than a Mustang. An actual drag race between the two would not have been a close race. In fact, theres no comparison between the two.

4- I had a 1992 Mercury at the time which had the same engine as the Cutlass. I went pedal to the floor many times at the front gate to the Ranch Estates and the fastest I could get up to where impact occured was between 55-60mph. The two cars were not even close to each other when the Mustang lost control.

The charge of passing on the right was interesting. Saying the only way the other teen would have been in the situation was because he passed a few cars waiting in line and got back on the road. I drive by that accident site and the front gate every morning and 6 months after the accident occured it was made LEGAL to pass there and the road lines were modified.

When most fatal accidents occur with teens, its evident there needs to be justification as to why something so tragic could happen. In this most recent case, it was alcohol. But to myself and anyone that knew what happened that day it seemed like there was pressure to assign blame on someone. I felt like blame was assigned the only place it could. My friend that was in the other teen's car told me that she kept telling authorities the two weren't racing and was called a liar. Her parents were even accused of being bad parents for letting her ride in the car with a teen at the age of 15 and for not supervising her. The only person driving negligent that day was Vito. Its distressing to say that of an old friend and even harder to go to three funerals in 2 days.

The other teen lost his license for a year as part of a plea agreement, pleading guilty only to reckless driving. My understanding was he did so because of passing on the right and if found guilty on reckless driving could lose his license for 4 years til the age of 21. Last I heard he moved on with his life.

**If he had been 100% at fault, why would a plea offer be given? If the 2 were drag racing and doing all of the things they said he did (having witnesses in the car, and those who saw it happen) why would you even offer a plea????

Its a shame there are so many accidents involving teens. Being 25 now, I can say ive lost more friends to car accidents than overseas fighting in Iraq for 2 tours.


24/7 Single Dad
One of my family members knew people in the sheriff's department. It was estimated the Mustang made impact with the truck going 90mph. It was not a head on impact, it was actually a T-Bone impact and when I saw the skidmarks it was obvious the car was going sideways before impact for quite a distance which means the car was actually slowing down when impact occured. Why did Mustang return to the lane so abruptly and slide for such a distance before making impact? Vito did not return to the lane abruptly to avoid hitting the truck.
So this kid was going down the road sideways and was still doing 90 when he killed the other guy?

I believe the police use a generic "contest of speed" term to cover any type of event with 2 cars exceeding the speed limt.


New Member
Yeah thats what I was told. The rumor mill was saying he was doing over 100mph but I just stick with the reliable information I was given. Judging by the appearance of the Mustang its not out of the question.

Based on what ive experienced and also know about cars, I doubt the Cutlass was even up to 50mph. Like I said, my Mercury that was 10 years newer could only get up to the speed limit where the wreck occured, and thats assuming the 2 would have been parallel where impact happened.

My friend that was in the Cutlass said they weren't racing and that he didn't even know Vito was there until he flew by him. She said she though the Mustang was close to 10 car lengths away from the Cutlass when it lost control.

I was mainly offended at the way my friend was treated and talked to. It wasn't hard to notice that somebody was looking to put blame for the accident.


New Member
CombatVet13 said:
Yeah thats what I was told. The rumor mill was saying he was doing over 100mph but I just stick with the reliable information I was given. Judging by the appearance of the Mustang its not out of the question.

Based on what ive experienced and also know about cars, I doubt the Cutlass was even up to 50mph. Like I said, my Mercury that was 10 years newer could only get up to the speed limit where the wreck occured, and thats assuming the 2 would have been parallel where impact happened.

My friend that was in the Cutlass said they weren't racing and that he didn't even know Vito was there until he flew by him. She said she though the Mustang was close to 10 car lengths away from the Cutlass when it lost control.

I was mainly offended at the way my friend was treated and talked to. It wasn't hard to notice that somebody was looking to put blame for the accident.

I went to PHS with Mike, Jacki, and Rachel and was very good friends with Rachel infact. She was supposed to graduate with my class, instead there was just a picture of her.

I think it is terrible what happened, 4 lives were lost....And for what?


New Member
The Truth

Combatvet13 has it pretty accurate, but allow me to fill in the nooks & crannies. I happen to be friends with the cutlass kids dad. He is a retired detective from dc, and he even said the state police were worse then the keystone kops. The reason there was a plea agreement is because this guy paid almost 10K to have a company run by three professors at the university of Maryland ( all three are PHDs in engineering, and two of them have double PHD”S) reconstruct the accident (which by the way is SCIENCE just like DNA) they said they have never, ever, seen a case so screwed up by ANY police agency in their history. For example, they waited nearly 3 weeks after the accident, to impound the cutlass, to look for trace evidence (known found). Instead of doing a impartial investigation, no, they listened to rumor and teen trash talk about how the accident happened, and proceeded to investigate backwards, to make the pieces all fit, which, in the end they did not. First off, there were only 3 eyewitness to the accident, the cutlass driver, and two occupants of a pickup heading toward CRE. One of the girls in the cutlass, was on her knees, talking to two other girls in the back seat, and saw nothing. That’s all there were THREE, anyone else, unfortunately, can not speak. The father always brought up some interesting questions, like gee, how slow was his son driving, that the mustang had to pass him ?…..and you remember the uhaul, it had a car carrier with a vehicle on the back, being towed, after accident, it broke loose, and continued across rousby hall road, if his son was speeding, how come he did not hit this car, or at least leave skid marks to avoid hitting it ? ( the only marks to the road that day, came from the mustang) Heres what the truth looks like, after you spend 10K to have it.

1) The cutlass speed: 32-33 mph
2) The speed of mustang, when it pass the cutlass: 94-95 mph
3) The speed of the mustang at time of impact: 101
4) Distance of cutlass at time of impact: 103 meters

Yes, the mustang was still accelerating at the time of the accident. The professors believe that DRIVER INEXPERIENCE came into play, as they feel, when he lost control of the car, he confused the gas & brake peddle in his panic.
His son took the plea of reckless driving, (passing on the right) when there were cars making a left turn to go into CRE. to basically put it all behind him. His lawyer had a car with a camera sitting on rousby hall road to capture others making the same passing maneuver same day of week, same time of day, and caught among others, two marked sheriffs car, one marked state police car, and one unknown unmarked law enforcement vehicle (believed to be the trooper that is assigned to the schools.)
When the states attorney was presented with the accident reconstruction done by the professors, he saw how the state police did their investigation, and decided not embarrass himself, or the county, and cut a deal.
Combatvet13 is correct, a race between those two would have been the turtle and the hare…no contest. The plain and simple truth is, it is what it is, and it was and shall always be, a accident, plain and simple…..the father always had this to say about the accident, “ I always wondered what the state police would have done, if instead of a teen in a old cutlass, you had a station wagon full of nuns “? He makes a good question , don’t ‘ya think ?
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New Member
That sounds about right to's just another case where you cannot depend on law enforcement authorities to do their job.

Kinda makes you wonder how many unjustly accused people are in jail.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
CombatVet13 said:
That sounds about right to's just another case where you cannot depend on law enforcement authorities to do their job.

Kinda makes you wonder how many unjustly accused people are in jail.

:smack: No cop bashing, now go to your room.
CombatVet13 said:
I had a 1992 Mercury at the time which had the same engine as the Cutlass.
You had a Mercury (Ford) with a Olds (GM) motor in it? No way in hell unless you dropped it in yourself, and that would just have been stupid due to the modifications to the car that would have been required.