Barack, from his own website

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...this side show nonsense. What are the larger issues that the next president gets to deal with?

The job;

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

1. OBL. Until the fatwa's against the US are ended, we still face attack.

2. Iraq. Is it on the way to becoming a pro western, successful nation? Is leaving ASAP going to make them take care of their own business and be an ally or cause them to be a mess?

2b. Afghanistan. Same questions.

3. Energy. Nuke? Domestic drilling? Wind up cars?

4. Social Security. It's still sitting there as the baby boomers start accelerating to retirement.

5. Home mortgage problem. Government intervention or not? Somewhere in between?

6. The environment.

7. Illegal immigration.

The Department of Veterans affairs can deal with their responsibilities. The ADA can probably be amended to include whatever a president wishes. Small potatoes. What about the big potatoes?


Where have you seen this? Employers generally don't just fire and re-hire since it's expensive to do it. Plus, if workers gain more experience, then it seems like they could go on to bigger & better jobs elsewhere.

Just because a person will do a job for less than American workers, doesn't mean we should raise up the minimum wage so they can raise a family or send money out of the country.

Not true. Restaurants are famous for it. It doesn't take long to train someone (they usually already know anyhow) to was dishes or do prep work. They have a chance in a small "mom and pop" place, but the big chains get an endless number of applicants. There are a few they keep and promote to supervisor, but believe me, they are still paid way less than they should be and worked like dogs. It's sad to see. Even sadder when they come to work and you hear how they got jumped riding their bike to work by a bunch of thugs. That happens very frequently and never gets reported.


Not true. Restaurants are famous for it. It doesn't take long to train someone (they usually already know anyhow) to was dishes or do prep work. They have a chance in a small "mom and pop" place, but the big chains get an endless number of applicants. There are a few they keep and promote to supervisor, but believe me, they are still paid way less than they should be and worked like dogs. It's sad to see. Even sadder when they come to work and you hear how they got jumped riding their bike to work by a bunch of thugs. That happens very frequently and never gets reported.

What is the salary range for a dishwasher?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

My point is, that is as far as they let them go. Kitchen worker. Not high pay.

Who came all the way here, often illegally, for that job, that pay? Who stays here and keeps doing those jobs? Is that any of your, or my, business, past proper immigration law? As far as street crime, what does that have to do with the topic at hand?

What about you or me? Does your job suck? Are you being 'properly' paid? 'Properly' promoted?


Who came all the way here, often illegally, for that job, that pay? Who stays here and keeps doing those jobs? Is that any of your, or my, business, past proper immigration law? As far as street crime, what does that have to do with the topic at hand?

What about you or me? Does your job suck? Are you being 'properly' paid? 'Properly' promoted?

I'm a SAHM. No, I am not paid accordingly, yet I stay here too. :lol:
Our worst job is still better than the best in their home country.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Because I worked with them and they would talk about it. :shrug:

Great. So they were a crime victim and never reported it so the cops could catch the thugs and keep them from going after other victims.

Nice people. Glad they got their asses kicked.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
This is...

Great. So they were a crime victim and never reported it so the cops could catch the thugs and keep them from going after other victims.

Nice people. Glad they got their asses kicked.

...a huge part of the amnesty argument; Illegals shouldn't be illegal because that keeps them from reporting illegality because that brings into play the potential for more illegality being detected than just the illegality that was perpetrated on them, ie, their own illegality.


Great. So they were a crime victim and never reported it so the cops could catch the thugs and keep them from going after other victims.

Nice people. Glad they got their asses kicked.

Yeah, because cops are going to be able to catch someone on the description. "It was dark and 4 black guys pulled over, kisked my ass, stole my money and drove away."
Are you new?
Nice of you to say you're glad they got their ass kicked. Very compassionate.
Most are scared to cause and waves here anyway. Even if they are here legally, they just take it and move on. They don't want to get involved with the law. Do you think everycrime that is committed against Americans are reported? :lmao: :lol:
Does that mean you are glad a woman gets raped if she doesn't report it?


Well-Known Member
Very judgemental.
No judgement made, just a statement of truth.
What makes them criminals? Being here legally from another country?
Well, the primary ones being discussed were not here legally. If you're here legally, you have the ability to get at least minimum wage, and to use the court systems in your protection, etc., etc. If you're not here legally, you will choose to not risk your own skin.

As far as the woman goes, that's apples and oranges, unless she's illegally a woman. However, if she is an adult, and doesn't report the rape, she's basically an accessory to the crime, for covering it up.